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Spreadsheets. Google Loader. Google API loader allows you to easily import one or more APIs, and specify additional settings (such as language, location, API version, etc.) applicable to your needs. In addition to the basic loader functionality, savvy developers can also use dynamic loading or auto-loading to enhance the performance of your application. To load the APIs, include the following script in the header of your web page. After you call google.load, you can use all of the loaded modules in your web page. For specific examples of each API, visit the code playground or the documentation specific to the desired API(s) (see links in the left navigation). The loader is cached in the user's browser for up to one hour. google.load(moduleName, moduleVersion, optionalSettings), allows you to call individual APIs by version, where: moduleName is the name of the API (e.g., "visualization" or "search").version specifies the version of the API module, as described below.

Versioning The usage model Google encourages is:


Querry. Query Language Reference (Version 0.7) - Google Chart Tools - Google Code. The Google Visualization API Query Language lets you perform various data manipulations with the query to the data source. Typically, visualizations expect data in some specific form. For example, a pie chart may expect data as two columns: a text label and a numeric value. The data within the data source may not exactly match this structure. For example the data source may have more than two columns, or the order of the columns may not match the order expected by the pie chart. The query language provides the ability to send data manipulation and formatting requests to the data source, and ensure that the returned data structure and contents match the expected structure. The syntax of the query language is similar to SQL. Note that data sources are not required to implement the query language, or if they do, to implement all features of the language. Setting the Query from JavaScript Get started quickly with an Interactive Code Sample you can edit and save.

Example: Overview Data Tables Where. Code Playground. Apps Script.