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False Doctrines of the Catholic Church - Message by The His Sheep. World’s Greatest Creation Scientists from Y1K to Y2K. On numerous websites and several video productions and books pertaining to the real Mt.

Sinai being in Saudi Arabia, pictures as well as video can be seen of the Rock at Horeb, or the Split Rock, as it has been so named by the Caldwell’s. These pictures, video, and in some instances still shots from video, are the result of their personal discovery of this rock in 1992. (Prior to that no one knew that a rock with a clean split down the middle existed there in Midian).

Their names have never appeared in connection with this discovery before because of the fact that they were still in Saudi Arabia conducting research. Now, for the first time on their website, they share the story of that discovery. The MOST Important Video About Israel You'll Ever See! Yeshua Jesus the Christ: Seven Seals of Revelation.

(This is an opinion article with regard to recent news associated with Biblical Archaeology ONLY)(New Post on reputed first portrait of Jesus HERE) UPDATED: April 2: 1PM - It appears that examples of these plates were made public, although low key, in 2007.

Yeshua Jesus the Christ: Seven Seals of Revelation

There seems to be a lot of suspicion surrounding this find. One thing we must remember is if ancient Biblical texts are found they could be worth a pretty penny, if these same texts are found with illustrations pertaining to the Jewish community, i.e menorahs ect.., then they are worth 10, 20 times more. Plus the illustrations shown on these plates from the 2007 release are of objects located in the Holy of Holies in the Temple, that was forbidden.