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Sarah Palin / Tea Party

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A Time for TEAHAD. Colbert on Sarah Palin | Colbert and Mika | Video. Its been said a lot, but every now and again it bears repeating. Stephen Colbert is a genius. Yes, his consistent amplification of absurd news items to a level of hilarious observation is a consistent part of his routine, but the fake dimwittedness very often results in a much smarter meta-commentary than a straight report could ever provide. Take for example last night’s “pep talk” to Morning Joe‘s Mika Brzezinski , who yesterday expressed frustration in having to discuss Sarah Palin‘s interview with Sean Hannity.

Some background: Yesterday Ms. Brzezinski seemed to take the position that, just because Sarah Palin made some comments somewhere, it wasn’t necessarily worth reporting. In advance to his pep talk, Colbert runs a clip of the clearly frustrated and disinterested Morning Joe co-host, before turning to camera to encourage Mika: I know you think this story has no purpose other than keeping Sarah Palin’s name in the headlines for another news cycle. John Cleese (part 2): Obama, Biden & Fox News.

n2JaH.jpg (JPEG Image, 654x502 pixels) - Scaled (88. Mitchell Bard: Why Sarah Palin's North Korea Flub Matters. Sarah Palin provided prime material for news outlets and comedy programs when she said on Glenn Beck's radio show Wednesday: "But obviously, we've got to stand with our North Korean allies. " If she hasn't already, I'm sure Palin will say that the "elitist," "lamestream" media is doing her wrong, and that she is once again a victim of "gotcha journalism. " And Palin's small but passionate group of supporters will undoubtedly argue that Palin made an honest slip of the tongue, something that could happen to any of us.

Her supporters are right. Saying "North" instead of "South" is something that any of us could easily do. But here's the thing: Any of us did not stand up two years ago and claim we were qualified to fill a job that is a heartbeat away from the American presidency. We haven't written books, made speeches, endorsed candidates and spoken to the (mostly right-wing) media as if we were policy experts. The real story, though, isn't that Palin said "North" instead of "South. " Hunter becomes the hunted as Palin critics say she can't shoot - Americas, World.

That, however, is exactly what has come to pass after the self-styled "Mamma Grizzly" allowed her weekend-long trip to the Arctic tundra to be beamed into the nation's living rooms. Not only did this week's show portray field-sports in an ugly light, say critics; it also fuelled scepticism about whether she actually knows one end of a rifle from another. Ms Palin took no fewer than five shots to hit the beast which wandered on to the hillside where she was eating blueberries with her 72-year-old father, Chuck Snr. However it was her lousy field-craft, rather than wonky shooting, which raised the most questions about whether she really ought to call herself a "lifelong hunter". The Conservative blogosphere, usually a forum for cheerleading on behalf the Palin cause, was awash yesterday with suggestions that her outdoorsy image is an elaborate charade.

"What a joke," wrote one viewer on Palin's Facebook page. "What kind of a question is that? " Z2cvO. Matt Damon Rips Sarah Palin. Sarah Palin brings poor parenting skills to Pennsylvania, will encourage students to defy proposed nutrition guidelines. From the Twit's Twitter page: 2 PA school speech; I'll intro kids 2 beauty of laissez-faire via serving them cookies amidst school cookie ban debate;Nanny state run amok! 3 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® Palin's completely asinine tweet is in response to Pennsylvania's plan to implement a new nutrition policy in their public schools. The cake, cookies and candy at the school parties you might remember will become a no-no if the state approves new nutrition guidelines.

Parent organizers would have to pick just one sweet treat per party and will be encouraged to order anything else from a menu of healthy snacks from their district's food services department.... The Pennsylvania State Board of Education expects to vote this spring on new nutrition guidelines for food served at school, said Adam Schott, the board's executive director. The rules would limit the number of parties to one classroom birthday celebration a month, and no more than three holiday parties a year.