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How to design a website layout in Photoshop. Part 2 on How to Make a Web site with Photoshop and DreamweaverThis tutorial will teach you how to design the web site layout seen below in Photoshop. Click here to view the finished layout. You will also learn how to convert this to an optimized html site in the next few tutorials. This tutorial is part of a 4 page tutorial on how to create a simple web site using Photoshop and Dreamweaver. Tutorial 1 : Creating a unique website header Tutorial 2 : Designing your website layout in Photoshop Tutorial 3 : Slicing your layout in Photoshop Tutorial 4 : Creating your web site in Dreamweaver We have designed a layout with a black background with an area for the logo, an eye-catching graphical header, navigation links, content and images.

Remember while designing your layout, you need to define spaces for the following : Header - This could be a graphic banner Logo Buttons - Links for home, about us, contact us etc. Follow the following steps to design your website layout in Photoshop:


Web development. 101 Techniques for a Powerful CMS using WordPress. May 05 2009 This is the first article in the three-part series, “The Comprehensive Guide for a Powerful CMS using WordPress”. Throughout this article, we’ll be focus on many WordPress Theme hacks, ideas, tips and useful tutorials you need to have ready in hand when developing WordPress websites. The Comprehensive Guide for a Powerful CMS using WordPress – Part 2 The Comprehensive Guide for a Powerful CMS using WordPress – Part 3 There are some technical stuff we have to get out of the way first.

Let’s take a look at useful, yet rather unknown techniques for a powerful CMS using WordPress. WordPress CMS Hacks and Tricks 1. By default, a WordPress home page shows chronological blog post entries — with the most recent post at the top. How To » In your admin area, just go to Setting » Reading. Points to take care » First problem you may run into when you make a static page your home page is that the link to that page now appears in the main site navigation. 2. <ul id="pagenav"><li class="<? 3. <? PHP CMS Demos. Account Manager. CGI Programming 101 - Learn CGI Today!