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Pure CSS speech bubbles. The basic bubble variants This only needs one HTML element. For example, <p>[text]</p>. But it could be any element you want. The entire appearance is created only with CSS. Simple examples Design is directed toward human beings. To design is to solve human problems by identifying them and executing the best solution. Ivan Chermayeff It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see. Henry David Thoreau Takes me longer to write up blog posts on experiments or projects than to create them in the first place.

@necolas at 4:05 PM March 2nd 2010 More complex CSS3 examples Some more experimental speech bubbles that try to limit the damage in browsers lacking the necessary CSS3 support. It doesn’t matter what the first child element of this div is...but it does need a child element. This is a blockquote that is styled to look like a speech bubble This is a blockquote that is styled to look like a thought bubble No, Donny, these men are nihilists, there’s nothing to be afraid of. Walter Sobchak. | Online IDE & Debugging Tool. [Design] Interface Elements - Knobs (Part 1) 14 Mind-Blowing Mind Map applications and web services | Web Developer Juice. On 01.15.10, In Miscellaneous A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged around a central key word or idea. Mind maps are used to generate, visualize, structure, and classify ideas, and as an aid in study, organization, problem solving, decision making, and writing.

Today i have collected 14 major resources for mind map applications and web services for better organisation. Thats all! Cheers! Using MB2-632 study resources, you will pass real test on first try. Airport - Jquery plugin demo. Labs - WebCam to Canvas Capture API from JavaScript. Update from 2012, November — you may want to read about newer approach to use camera from JS — webrtc and getUserMedia. Get the list of available Cameras.Initialize the camera with the resolution width and height.Capture Webcam Images via JavaScript.Access the webcam image using the canvas tag.Manipulate, encode, upload as you wish.____ and what else?

This is a demonstration of the CamCanvas JS API. The following box has a flash widget ( SWF ) object which requests permission to access your camera. In this sample, there are no server-side capture or requests going on after the page is loaded. If you allow the cam access and click the button capture, the captured image should appear in the second box bellow the live camera image. For code information please visit the github repository. Demostrations Samples The following box has a canvas tag. Drop a Note Drop your notes at my blog labs page. or write to me at mgalli at taboca dot com References Check my collection of canvas demos. Crafting an Animated Postcard With jQuery. Image Cross Fade Transition. In particular, Nathan Wrigley of, needed a method one image into another mouse rolls over, and the slowly fade back once the mouse has left. Image rollovers were the staple JavaScript nugget of the 90s, and for a lot of JavaScript developers I know, one of the starting places their passion for JavaScript.

Today, rollovers are a no-brainer – either in CSS or with the simplest of JavaScript: $(function () { $('img.swap').hover(function () { this.src = 'images/sad.jpg'; }, function () { this.src = 'images/happy.jpg'; }); }); Today’s challenge is the rollover transition! Watch the complete screencast (alternative flash version) (QuickTime version is approx. 20Mb, flash version is streaming) How to Approach the Problem There are a few different ways which problem can be solved (and I’d love to hear alternative methods via the comments).

Here are the ways I’m going to go through: Two ImageSingle ImagePure CSS Two Image Technique View the working example and the source jQuery. jQuery youtube playlist plugin - youtubeplaylist | Gecko New Media Blog. For a recent client project, we wanted to be able to turn a list of YouTube links into a playlist.

This would allow the client to manage their videos on YouTube and simply insert links to the videos on their site. With javascript enabled a nice playlist is created, whilst without javasript the user gets a regular list of links to youtube pages. Demo showing the plugin with default options. Demo showing the plugin set up to act like a gallery of YouTube videos. Using the plugin The plugin acts on a simple unordered list containing links to YouTube videos, e.g.

$(function() { $("ul.demo1").ytplaylist(); }); Plugin options Option - (default) holderId - (ytvideo)The ID of the element (usually a div) into which the YouTube video will be inserted playerHeight - (300)The height of the embdedded youtube video playerWidth - (450)The width of the embdedded youtube video addThumbs - (false)Use true to add video thumbnails to each list item thumbSize - (small)Size of added thumbnails. Download.