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Google glasses. Freezer to Refrigerator Conversion - Arduino. WIKISPEED - WIKISPEED. KondensKompressor. Destiladora solar-Goteo solar. Kondenskompressor es una técnica que produce agua destilada con radiación solar.

KondensKompressor. Destiladora solar-Goteo solar

Es un sistema muy simple y eficaz que produce un “goteo solar” mediante el cual se puede reducir el agua de riego 10 veces respecto a sistemas tradicionales. Solo deberemos reutilizar unas cuantas garrafas de plástico. ¿Qué es el goteo solar? El goteo solar conocido también como KondensKompressor, es un sistema que atrapa el agua evaporada de la tierra y del depósito que hay en el interior gracias a la energía solar. La humedad condensa por las paredes interiores y cae en forma de goteo solar dirigido por las paredes otra vez a la tierra. El sistema permite ahorrar enormes cantidades de agua para el riego como cultivar plantas que necesitan para su crecimiento la mejor calidad de agua, se calcula que el riego solar puede reducir las necesidades de agua de riego hasta 10 veces comparado con otros sistemas tradicionales de riego. ¿Cómo se fabrica un Kondenskompressor para aplicar la técnica de goteo solar? Cómo construir un Rayo de la Muerte con un trozo de plástico, unas maderas y algo de agua.

Energy. Power from the people. 17 October 2011Last updated at 03:41 By David Cohen Technology Reporter The biofuel cell, uses glucose and oxygen at concentrations found in the body to generate electricity.

Power from the people

Plugging gadgets into a socket in the wall, or loading them with batteries - or maybe even unfurling a solar panel - is how most of us think of getting electricity. But what about plugging them into your body? It may sound far fetched, but under the shadow of the Alps, Dr Serge Cosnier and his team at the Joseph Fourier University of Grenoble have built a device to do just that. Their gadget, called a biofuel cell, uses glucose and oxygen at concentrations found in the body to generate electricity. They are the first group in the world to demonstrate their device working while implanted in a living animal.

Biofuel cells could kick-start a revolution in artificial organs and prosthetics that would transform tens of thousands of lives every year. They usually need their power packs replaced 5 years after implantation. MIT stacks solar panels like pancakes, increases their power output by up to 20x. What’s better than one pancake?

MIT stacks solar panels like pancakes, increases their power output by up to 20x

A whole stack of pancakes! Using the same logic, a team of MIT researchers have stacked a bunch of photovoltaic solar cells together to produce up to 20 times the power output of conventional solar power installations. Normally I’m the first to drop my jaw in awe at MIT’s latest and greatest innovations, but this one really is a bit of a no-brainer. Basically, photovoltaic cells themselves aren’t all that expensive — according to MIT, they’re only around 35% of the total cost of a solar power installation. The main issue with solar power (and its main cost) is its low energy density, and thus the sheer surface area required to generate a sizable amount of electricity. To combat this issue, MIT has built 3D stacks of photovoltaic cells. Squeezing more power out of low-light periods is a huge, huge deal.