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Services - - AI Avatar Services - conversational AI - business education entertainment. CMU Sphinx - Speech Recognition Toolkit. Face detection using HTML5, javascript, webrtc, websockets, Jetty and OpenCV. Through HTML5 and the corresponding standards, modern browsers get more standarized features with every release.

Face detection using HTML5, javascript, webrtc, websockets, Jetty and OpenCV

Most people have heard of websockets that allows you to easily setup a two way communication channel with a server, but one of the specifications that hasn't been getting much coverage is the webrtc specificiation. With the webrtc specification it will become easier to create pure HTML/Javascript real-time video/audio related applications where you can access a user's microphone or webcam and share this data with other peers on the internet.

For instance you can create video conferencing software that doesn't require a plugin, create a baby monitor using your mobile phone or more easily facilitate webcasts. All using cross-browser features without the use of a single plugin.