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Common LISP Hints. Common LISP Hints Geoffrey J. Gordon <> Modified by Bruno Haible <> and Peter Van Eynde <> Friday, February 5, 1993 1. Note for other lisp's. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. View topic - How to connect LISP with Mysql database? Practical Common Lisp. Common Lisp - Wikibooks, collection of open-content textbooks. The Common Lisp Wiki-book cover. Common Lisp (CL) is a modern, multi-paradigm, high-performance, compiled, ANSI-standardized, prominent descendant of the long-running family of Lisp programming languages. The CL Hello World program reads as follows: (print "Hello World! ") Hello World! First steps — installation and introductory tutorials Basic topics — lists, functions and macros Advanced topics Beyond ANSI Common Lisp — Non-official standards External libraries — A sampling of the multitude of Common Lisp libraries Implementation Issues — Using Common Lisp programs in your every day work Case Studies in CL — A collection of involved examples Reference - The language's reference.

Limp - Lisp IDE. Limp's goal is to provide a compelling alternative to Slime for Vim. It will let you send s-expressions to a running Lisp. It will do this for you: * booting/attaching/detaching a Lisp (SBCL) from Vim or a command-line script, optionally specifying a core; * send code to the attached Lisp (and limited introspection, see Help Describe); * automatically close brackets; * ease s-exp navigation and (some) transposing; * highlight current form under the cursor; * lookup documentation from the HyperSpec; * complete (some) names.

Quickstart (better version with screenshots in the documentation): In a file with "filetype=lisp" set, hit <F12> to invoke Limp and start a Lisp or connect to an existing. (defun hello-world (who) (format t "Hello, ~A! Place the cursor at any location inside the code and type <Leader>et (Evaluate Top) to send your code to the running Lisp. Hit <F12> again to see the results! (Full list of key bindings at ) Parallel Programming in Common Lisp. To kick off a series of posts about parallel programming in Common Lisp, let's first review what's available. Two models for parallel programming First, there are basically two models for parallel programming:Parallelism based on threads (a.k.a. shared-memory model). Multiple threads are spawned by a single process.

This is the most common approach in a multi-core machine. Threads in Common Lisp When discussing threads, we first have to distinguish between native threads and non-native threads. Some languages such as Java provide a standardized threading library. Here's a table of threading support for most of the current Common Lisp implementations. So, native thread support is not universal. Message-Passing in Common Lisp Message passing is less commonly used than threading in most languages (with the notable exception of Erlang). Coming up: A New, Portable Message-Passing Library for Common Lisp. Common Lisp: A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation. This book, with minor revisions, is back in print from Dover Publications and can be purchased in paperback form at, Barnes & Noble, etc. An e-book version will be released in late February, 2013. Free software accompanying the book is also available.

This 1990 edition may be distributed in hardcopy form, for non-profit educational purposes, provided that no fee is charged to the recipient beyond photocopying costs. All other rights reserved. You may not redistribute the Postscript file, e.g., you may not put a copy on another web page, or include it on a CD-ROM. Entire book -- Postscript (1.75 MB file) Entire book -- PDF (1 MB file) Figures missing from the book (780K PDF) Free software accompanying this book is also available.

Materials provided by David S. Turn off the highlight feature in the Limp.