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Embedding and running Node.js within a Firefox XUL extension. I'm currently working on a little extension for Firefox that discovers and hosts local Node.js game servers across LAN.

Embedding and running Node.js within a Firefox XUL extension

This entry shows the code behind running a bundled Node.js executable from within the extension. I'll be assuming some experience with Firefox extension development, or at least the ability to follow this tutorial. Being able to run Node.js within a Firefox extension is integral to my concept working. The idea is that anyone with this extension installed will have the ability to run a local Rawkets game server. So how do you run Node.js within an extension then?

Discovering nsIProcess I didn't know where to start. NsIProcess has three methods in particular that you'll need; init(), runAsync() and kill(). Intro to CSS 3D transforms · Intro to CSS 3D transforms. Fly-To-Basket Effect With jQuery. Krups Coffee Maker Keurig Cup Coffee Pro. jQuery Circulate. Prereqs Requires the jQuery Library as well as the Easing plugin.

jQuery Circulate

Usage / Options / Defaults Stopping a loop $("#anything").circulate("Stop"); Download VERY BETA: Full package (what you are looking at) Three Dee Example. Airport - An Information Board Jquery Plugin. jQuery Scroll Path. RSS avec NodeJS Socket.IO et Express. Keep Walking!: Power of ExtJS. Recently, I had a requirement wherein the client wanted to edit data from a table using a grid that would be editable, sortable, paginated, with column resizing and column locking.

Keep Walking!: Power of ExtJS

Anyone with a .NET background would say, quite easy. But, what if you had to implement all these features in Java? This was a real challenge, for I had never in my life came across such a thing in Java. I had heard of a few libraries out there in OS (Open-source) but nothing could come even close to it. So what was the solution? Google - was the starting point. Now what? Somehow to my luck I came across the Yahoo User Interface library (YUI) and ExtJS, its extensions. Coding the grid was a bit uneasy at first as not much documentation is available at the beginners level.

For those who would like to fiddle out with ExtJS right away, check these resources, jQuery Form Plugin. The following code controls the HTML form beneath it.

jQuery Form Plugin

It uses ajaxForm to bind the form and demonstrates how to use pre- and post-submit callbacks. AJAX response will replace this content. The following code controls the HTML form beneath it. It uses ajaxSubmit to submit the form. This page gives several examples of how form data can be validated before it is sent to the server. Building a jQuery/PHP Powered Chat Room. The Plan In this tutorial we are going to build a little chat program that is really easy to get up and running on any server running PHP.

Building a jQuery/PHP Powered Chat Room

No database is required - as the chat will store itself in a simple text file. The technologies used: PHP - Will handle all the server side stuff Writing new messages to the text fileReading out new messages from the text fileRetrieving the "state" of the text fileBasic securityjQuery/JavaScript - Will handle the client side stuff. This is an AJAX-y application, meaning that messages pop onto the screen (both yours and others) without needing any page refresh. NOT The Plan This tutorial covers all kinds of interesting things and interesting technology and the end result is definitely a chat room.

Basic HTML Structure. Ajax. Description: Perform an asynchronous HTTP (Ajax) request.


The $.ajax() function underlies all Ajax requests sent by jQuery. It is often unnecessary to directly call this function, as several higher-level alternatives like $.get() and .load() are available and are easier to use. If less common options are required, though, $.ajax() can be used more flexibly. At its simplest, the $.ajax() function can be called with no arguments: Note: Default settings can be set globally by using the $.ajaxSetup() function. This example, using no options, loads the contents of the current page, but does nothing with the result. The jqXHR Object. 360° MP3 player UI demo (SoundManager 2): Javascript + Canvas Visualization.

JSON, un format pour échange de données avec JavaScript. JSON ( jison ou jayson, jason en anglais) est reconnu par JavaScript, après que l'ECMA ait définit la fonction eval qui parse le format, dans le standard ECMAScript, en 1999.

JSON, un format pour échange de données avec JavaScript

Graphr - The JavaScript Graphing Calculator. Le modèle objet de Javascript ou comment vivre sans classes. Avant d'expliquer le fonctionnement de l'héritage dans ExtJS, il faut d'abord rappeler un certain nombre de particularités de Javascript qui n'est pas un langage orienté objet classique comme PHP par exemple.

Le modèle objet de Javascript ou comment vivre sans classes

Dans le langage Javascript, le concept de classe n'existe pas. En fait, au lieu de déclarer une classe, on déclare une fonction qui servira de constructeur pour nos objets. L'opérateur new. Tutoriels.


ExtJS. 37+ Great Ajax, CSS Tab-Based Interfaces. Feb 21 2008 Over the last few years web-developers have developed many AJAX and CSS Tab-based interfaces which became one of the most interesting techniques giving us an easy way to get information without the need to open and close multiple windows at the same time.

37+ Great Ajax, CSS Tab-Based Interfaces

We’ve spent hours searching for the best Tab-based interfaces using CSS only, CSS/Ajax and tutorials which would help you create your own Ajax or CSS Tab-based interfaces. You might be interested to take a look at the links below: We’d like to present the results of our search: The Autochanging Tabs 1) Easy Tabs 1.2 with autochange- You can now set the autochange mode to one of your tab menus. 2) Rotating jQuery tabs 3) Slideshow Tab Content Script-"- Supports "slideshow" mode, in which script automatically cycles through and selects each tab periodically until a tab is explicitly selected. Sliding Tabs. - web 2.0 javascript. JavaScript Reference.