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Hinterveld. Luxurious timeless Mohair blankets, scarves and throws, meticulously crafted mohair products in South Africa. Home. Folding Geodesic Dome. Updated May 7 '012: The prototype is great for backyard use but not wind-proof enough for open desert. To make it more weatherproof, I have just taped all the tab hinges to cover the flutes and keep water out. The tape covers much of the face of each tab to give it extra friction along with spray tack adhesive on all tabs, but in testing this setup still blows apart in strong gusts/dust devils.

Using clips to secure the tabs still allows too much slippage and the panels come apart from each other. Next method to test: heavy-duty staples to secure tabs to each other, which of course would need a staple-puller to minimize damage to tabs. This seems like a fast way to erect the dome, but it would slow the deconstruction process. Once deployed I add short strips of tape across all joints on the outside of the dome to bolster it against slippage, and around the door joints. Putting this up in windy conditions would be problematic; morning while it’s cool and calm is the ideal time. Folding Geodesic Dome. Teardrop Trailer. Each step is one day. First of all, my day job is software programmer. This is my first build. I have basic knowledge of wood working and I have some tools. The build is going to take a while (a month? Two?). My plan is to keep the price under $1500 $2000.

My Hyundai Sonata can pull a trailer of 1000lb max. The only size of plywood that I can bring home is 4'x8', so everything that's made of plywood should fit in that size. Here is how the side wall of the trailer should look like. A list of parts with links from where I got them: Trailer. Tools I use: Box cutter Pencil Framing square Wrenches. Cost so far: Roof top car camper. Yurt Without Steel. I built this 10 foot diameter yurt without metal fasteners from free materials. It has the same proportions as the "standard" Mongolian ger scaled down. The varnished wood and white liner give it a marvelous feeling inside. Lots of people told me this was the best shelter they'd seen at Burningman. ("Yurt" is the Russian word. "Ger" is the Mongolian) Most of the wooden parts are sawed from the slats of a futon couch. At Burning Man I set the yurt up on top of my truck's lumber rack on a platform of redwood boards.

In the next photo Pete and Leslie take shelter in the Yurt during a dust storm.During a break in the dust storms there's some rain. Homebuilt Camper Trailer. Safari BaseCamp 10 is a homebuilt camper trailer that my dad and my brother and I built, with the help of some nearby craftsmen. One of the goals has been to create a self-sufficient system that facilitates a complete set of commodities without the need for hookups. Although many details were worked out during construction, there was quite a bit of prior planning and dreaming involved. It's probably been over two years since the building began, and we're still not done tweaking it. We took BaseCamp 10 on its first camping trip about a year ago. Since Dad did most of the work and we boys helped with some things along the way, I may use "we" to refer to all or any of the the three of us throughout this instructable.

The project was based on a 4x8-ft. aluminum trailer frame. Dad designed and built a 34-in. The box contained three main compartments. We outfitted the middle compartment of the main box with a 20-gal. water tank as well as a pump. Sprout a Couch. Do-it-yourself decorating allows you to customize your home, apartment, condo, or room with DIY accents that transform your space on a budget without completing a full-scale remodel. Whether you're a beginner or an expert, we guide you with instructions, tutorials, and step-by-step photos for indoor and outdoor projects and room makeovers. We have tips, techniques, and tools to get you started on paint projects, the easiest way to freshen up a space or decor item. But it doesn't stop there! We'll demonstrate how to make over furniture with paint, reupholster cushions with fabric, update garage sale items with wallet-friendly crafts tutorials using fabric and paper, and create DIY wall art for any space using a variety of materials and techniques.

Outdoor Decor: 5 Beautiful DIY Paper Lantern Projects » Curbly | DIY Design Community « Keywords: DIY, outdoor, decor, lantern. I know what you are thinking: paper and outdoors?? Well, perhaps not permanantly, but for those non-rainy summer gatherings, you will want your outdoors do be as fun and welcoming as your indoors. Paper is inexpensive, comes in a bazillion varieties, and makes a big impact!

Here's a big tip: start with a ready-made paper lantern and gussy it up a bit! 1. Belinda at the Happy Home Blog used doilies to make this stunning statement,above. 2. Martha takes a page from Belinda's book by covering lanterns with colored tissue paper for an entirely different effect. 3. 4. 5. Hopefully these cheap and easy DIY's will get you in the mood for a little summer socializing. Tagged : outdoor, decor, lantern, lighting, summer, paper, Craft, DIY, DIY.

How to Make a Personal Fire Pit For Cheap! My name is Karen and I haven’t lit anything on fire in 5 months. I’m sure I deserve some sort of a chip or something for that. You see … I’m a bit of a pyromaniac. Technically I’m not a *real* pyromaniac I guess. I mean, I only light things on fire that should be lit on fire. Like kindling and hardwood and pretty much anything with Hello Kitty on it.

And of course all of Rush’s 1980’s albums where they dabbled in “New Wave”. We light fires in the fireplace every night here in old Casa de Karen from October until March. 6 face cords every year go flying up that chimney. So what’s a pretend pyromaniac girl like me to do in September? The Answer … The Personal Fire Pit. Here we gooooooo … Materials you Need cheap glass frames – $4 small rocks – $2 any kind of metal mesh – $2 any metal planter with a lip (edge) on it – $8 (on sale) Step #1 – Making a Glass Box You need to make a glass box.

Do two sides first and hold them in place somehow until they dry. P.S. Step 2: Making the pit. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.