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DIY Garment Rack for the Littles - Smile And Wave. A few of my favorite home tours of friends in Springfield (one blogged here) included hand-built, standing garment racks for their daughter's vintage dresses. They were both quite different and charming and I've wanted to make one for Ruby ever since! Seeing as I just fixed up my own closet space down in our basement I decided Ruby could use a smaller (less-expensive) garment rack of her own. I decided on something that was tall enough to facilitate dresses as she grows and that could easily fold up to be moved, stored, or adjusted to a variety of width needs.

As someone later pointed out, throw a vintage sheet over it and you've got yourself a fort. Or rather, when your pup tent has been outgrown or the kids aren't using it, turn it into a garment rack. My supply list is slightly different than the image shares but here's what you'll need to make this garment rack. Seven: If you'd like to paint your rack, I suggest one layer of white primer in either a spray paint or acrylic paint. Valera Barnayev. Valera Barnayev has created a few very strange and curious chairs from odd objects. First, Valera thought, what if plastic chairs melted in the hot sun? The result is Fizz, a set of two very melty-looking chairs. They’re kind of disturbing! The second project is Noodles, a chair and ottoman made entirely of foam noodle-like tubes, like the ones kids play with in a pool. Get Out! Swingrest by Dedon.

You’ve heard about Nestrest – a fan favorite here on Design Milk and now, Dedon has introduced Swingrest! Swingrest by Daniel Pouzet, is like Nestrest except that the top has been chopped off so you can enjoy the sunshine. You can use Swingrest outside and inside (if you can fit it through your doorway!). I really like that they added a Corian table to hold your drinks or laptop. I wouldn’t mind working while in a Swingrest every day… a girl can dream, can’t she? Time-Out Hourglass Stool {DIY. DIY Toddler Chairs {Made out of PVC Pipe} My mom made a chair out of PVC pipe for me when I was about one year old and I actually still have it (the fabric is worn and it's in pieces right now.)

The Little Lady played with it until I decided to do an update. Plus, I wanted to make one for her cousin for his first birthday. These would make great beach chairs. They'd be great for camping too. The Little Lady had to sneak into almost every shot. I was bummed to only find PVC with printing along the sides, but that didn't bother me too much, because I knew spray paint would solve all my problems.

These chairs are pretty easy and require very basic sewing skills. You will need one piece of sturdy fabric such as corduray, denim, or upholstery. Once the fabric is cut, fold right sides together hot dog style and sew the long sides together. Then, move the seam so it is in the center and iron seams open. Sew shorter sides together. Turn it inside out through that opening.... I used 3/4" PVC Pipe You will need: 8 elbow pieces. Fairytale Bedroom {Kid’s Space} - Any child would drift off to sleep and have delightful dreams in this adorable Fairytale Kid’s Room…just fabulous!

It’s perfect for your little itty bitty ones with this circular crib. Sweet little tulip lights hang over the crib and a giant tree grows up the corner of the room. Do you want one for yourself now? Look at the little doors in the tree to play with as they grow, and you can even convert the crib into a lovely bed. The curtain, the painted floor…every detail of the room fits with the theme. Kids love fun rooms, so think outside the box when you decorate.