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Let’s Smell the Flowers! Lots and Lots of Cookie Flower Tutorials. ~Lily of the Valley Cookies~ Did you know Lily of the Valley is considered to be a flower of fairies? Apparently they use tiny bell shaped flowers as cups to drink from. Who knew right? Lily of the Valley is a flower of May, weddings, symbol of purity, modesty and happiness and I adore it for its tiny clustered flowers. I decided to take a more modern approach for this cookie design, using a simple round cookie cutter. Lily of the Valley Cookies Bake the Cookies, Collection of RecipesMake Royal Icing, color icing : 3 shades of green, leaf green, mint and darker leaf green, and whiteOutline cookie with leaf green, flood the cookie with leaf green. 10 Second Flood Icing TutorialImmediately after you flood the cookie, follow with wet on wet technique using flood consistency mint and dark green, pipe lines onto the cookies(see the image above)Let the cookie dry completelyRandomly pipe bell shapes onto the cookie, preferably in the direction of piped lines, making one or 2 bells out of line a bit. 1.

Carnation flower cookies… Let’s Smell the Flowers, shall we? As I’ve mentioned before, I have little luck with growing things. Cut flowers I can manage, as their fate has been determined before I put them in my vases. And I almost always have cut flowers in vases, it’s one of my indulgences. So I was thrilled to be a part of the Let’s Smell the Flowers collection of cookie flowers created by cookie genius Haniela . Scroll to the end of this post to see the collection of 19 incredible cookie flowers by 19 incredible cookie decorators. I chose carnations. So I chose to glorify the carnation. To make these I used the same method I used to make these gerbera daisies . It took a good bit of fiddling to come up with the signature ruffle look of a carnation, and my end result is still a bit too rose-like, perhaps.

How to make carnation cookie pops you will need:* cookie dough royal icing fondant 1 1/2-inch cookie cutter lollipop sticks food coloring wax paper rolling pin pinking shears light corn syrup small paintbrush decorating bag coupler size “4″ decorating tip 1. Prim Rose Cookies | Blossomedge. A bouquet of Wildflower Cookies… | Blossomedge. DIY Crepe Paper Flowers. I recently spotted a sensational bouquet of paper flowers inside my favorite (and the ultimate) boutique for creative inspiration, Castles In The Air. A combination of Mexican paper flowers and those ever so popular tissue paper pom poms, these vibrant and cheerful flowers make perfect ornaments for any celebration. Plus, they’re incredibly easy to make! You’ll need:6 – 7 pieces of 180 gram florist crepe paper cut into 20″ x 30″ sheets (it’s important to use heavyweight crepe paper for it’s stretchiness and strength)6 – 7 small binder clips or large paper clips16 gauge floral wire (last seen here)heavy duty scissors First, lay out the sheets of crepe paper and fold each one into an accordion.

The folds should measure about 2-3 inches thick and should be creased along the natural, horizontal lines of the crepe paper. Keep each bundle bound together by a small binder clip or large paper clip. With scissors, trim the ends into rounded and pointy shapes. Unbind each bundle. Giant Paper Rose Flower. If you loved the beautiful DIY wedding this morning and Nata’s gorgeous paper flower bouquets, you are in luck as Nata is sharing how she crafted them with us! She was inspired by a template created by Morgan Levine on Martha Stewart (as was I in the flowers I created for this styled shoot). I just love that this basic idea has inspired different brides to create their own version of giant paper flowers – you might remember these equally awesome giant paper flowers from this wedding I shared last year. :) Thanks so much Nata for sharing how you created your giant pink paper rose + special thanks to Studio Castillero for the photos of the DIY + her wedding!

Materials (to make one giant rose) Step 1: Cut the petals Cut 5-6 teardrop petals and 15-6 heart-shaped petals from the petal colored crepe paper. IMPORTANT: Crepe paper is directional so it matters which way you’re cutting the paper. Make sure the grain is vertical when you’re cutting the flower pieces. Step 2: Cut the leaves + calyx.

7 Stunning DIY Paper Flower Tutorials! » Curbly | DIY Design Community « Keywords: Roundup, curbly-original, paper flowers, DIY. Curbly-Original If you spend much time in the online DIY/craft sphere (guilty as charged!) , chances are you've noticed a whole lot of paper flower love lately. And I'm not talking about those paper flowers you made as a kid that were all scraggly and sad, these are seriously stunning creations that people are posting. Lucky for you, we've rounded up seven of the prettiest and best paper flower tutorials all in one spot -- ENJOY! 1. This over-sized paper flower was used as a centerpiece for Brittany's wedding -- she shares all the steps over on 100 Layer Cake!

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. And, for those who want to skip a few steps, the people at The Crimson Poppy sell pre-cut DIY paper flower kits! Tagged : Roundup, Curbly-Original, paper flowers, Craft, paper craft, flowers, tutorials, How-To, trends, decor, centerpiece, crepe paper flowers, DIY. DIY Faux Porcelain Rose (Guess How It's Made!) » Curbly | DIY Design Community « Keywords: Valentine's, recycle, rose, spoon. This, my friends, is one of the craziest/coolest things I've seen in a very long time. The delicate rose pictured above looks like it's made of porcelain, right? Of course it's NOT porcelain. Can you guess what it IS made of? If you guessed melted plastic spoons, you'd be correct! Spotted at Fine Craft Guild. Tagged : Valentine's, recycle, rose, spoon, How-To, plastic, DIY.

Realistic Duct Tape Rose. Giant paper flowers from ruche. You may remember the wedding of our lovely D*S contributor Brittany Watson Jepsen. Her huge paper blooms made such a splash that she started selling them in her shop, and just recently Brittany wrote a great article for Brooklyn Bride about the paper flower trend. I’m thrilled that this is a growing phenomenon; I adore anything made in exaggerated scale, so I feel that the more giant flowers and plants there are in the world, the better. This particular giant-flower DIY project comes from the creative team at Ruche. They decided to make these giant fantasy flowers for their spring lookbook, which is aptly titled “Enchantment.” Read below for the story of how this project came to be, and find the full tutorial after the jump. Thanks for sharing this awesome DIY, Ruche team, and thank you, Brittany, for being on the forefront of such a cool trend :) Enjoy! Our creative team brainstormed ways to turn our spring lookbook, Enchantment, into a daydream.

Read the full how-to after the jump! 1.