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10 Fun Ways to Euthanize Yourself. The Infinity Burial Project. Death - The Last Taboo. The 6 Coolest Things You Can Do With Your Dead Body. Once you're dead - and you will be, before you know it - do you really want to spend the rest of eternity occupying a tiny plot of perfectly good land? Why? So your loved ones can lay flowers on it and dogs can come by and relieve themselves on your headstone later? Screw that.

These days, there are all sorts of cool things you can get done with your remains, if you know where to shop. Get Loaded Into Some Bullets When the husband of South London's Joanna Booth died, she did what we hope our loved ones do for us: she loaded his ashes into shotgun shells and killed every non-human thing in sight. Her husband, James, was an expert on vintage shotguns before he slipped into a food poison-induced coma for 18 months, subsequently passing away at the age of 50. See? Taking the joke several thousand steps too far, she went to a shotgun cartridge maker and had a little bit of James crammed into 275 12-gauge shotgun shells.

"James would've wanted me to do this. " Just Imagine... (Your name is Bobby). The 7 Most Terrifying Archaeological Discoveries. No professional position, aside from perhaps police officer and horny pizza delivery boy, is more frequently misrepresented in film than archaeologist. In movies, archaeologists are all dashing figures, risking life and limb in the pursuit of knowledge while arcane artifacts and ancient traps besiege their efforts.

Or else they're perpetually opening sealed, cursed tombs and stumbling into the haunted caves of unspeakable evils in the name of science. But in reality, we all know archaeology is nothing like that. Obviously. It's way more terrifying. #7. The Screaming Mummies Getty In 1886, Gaston Maspero, the head of the Egyptian Antiquities Service, was doing like he do -- just taking mummies out of their sarcophagi, unwrapping them, dictating all kinds of boring notes -- when he came across an unusually plain burial box. FlickrOr having the most horrific orgasms known to man. National Geographic Yep. Darkdissolution"Not without my makeup! " #6. So what happened? #5. Huh. Why you probably won’t experience your own traumatic death.