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百度一下,你就知道. 新浪首页. 百度一下,你就知道. Qqq. Google 英文主页 【不屏蔽搜索词】 What algorithms are good for interactive/realtime graph-drawing? 百度一下,你就知道. 百度一下,你就知道. Coding. 淘宝网 - 淘!我喜欢. 土豆_每个人都是生活的导演_在线视频观看,原创视频上传,海量视频搜索. Test2. Video Sites. 百度一下,你就知道. - 必应 Bing. 无名小站,推荐好看的动漫. Storing Hierarchical Data in a Database, Part 2. Now, let’s have a look at another method for storing trees. Recursion can be slow, so we would rather not use a recursive function. We’d also like to minimize the number of database queries.

Preferably, we’d have just one query for each activity. We’ll start by laying out our tree in a horizontal way. We’ll call these numbers left and right (e.g. the left value of ‘Food’ is 1, the right value is 18). Before we continue, let’s see how these values look in our table: Note that the words ‘left’ and ‘right’ have a special meaning in SQL. Retrieve the Tree If you want to display the tree using a table with left and right values, you’ll first have to identify the nodes that you want to retrieve. SELECT * FROM tree WHERE lft BETWEEN 2 AND 11; That returns: Well, there it is: a whole tree in one query.

SELECT * FROM tree WHERE lft BETWEEN 2 AND 11 ORDER BY lft ASC; The only problem left is the indentation. To show the tree structure, children should be indented slightly more than their parent. <? 百度一下,你就知道.


CnBeta.COM_中文业界资讯站. 搜狐视频-搜狐. Google around the world. Prezi高阶作品欣赏+解析(撰写时请勿插楼,感谢)_prezi吧_百度贴吧. BlueStacks官方网站. Crear e publicar información e documentos. Visualizing Facebook Friends With D3.js or “How Wolfram|Alpha Does That Cool Friend Network Graph” | A while ago, Wolfram|Alpha got the ability to generate personal analytics based on your Facebook profile.

It made some cool numbers and stuff, but the friend network graph was the most impressive: Wolfram|Alpha neatly separates your various social circles into clusters, based on proximity — with freaky accuracy. With the awesome D3.js library, along with some gratuitous abuse of the Facebook API, we can make our own! If you’re impatient, skip through all this text and check out the example or the screenshot! Mining Friend Data You’ll want the Javascript SDK for Facebook and do all the setup stuff for a Facebook application (in their Developers section). First we want to log into Facebook with FB.login, then we want to make requests for two things about the user: The names and IDs of the user’s friends. Getting the names and IDs of friends is simple — make the /me/friends request to the Graph API, and we get the data back in a handy JSON list: Now, for some FQL abuse: Drawing the Graph.

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