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Second Kalu Rinpoche

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The Sex Lives of Monks: Confessions of Kalu Rinpoche. KALU RINPOCHE: THE PRODIGAL SON. By Joseph Hooper One of Tibetan Buddhism's brightest stars and greatest hopes is 22-year-old Kalu Rinpoche, the head of a global Tibetan Buddhist enterprise of 44 monasteries and teaching centers, including 16 in the United States, that engage thousands of students and disciples.


Many of those followers are inherited, the result of his being recognized at the age of 2 as the incarnation of Kalu Rinpoche, who died in 1989 and was one of the most influential lamas in the West aside from the Dalai Lama. Young Kalu travels the world, mostly alone, visiting his meditation centers and monasteries or just amusing himself in countries with relaxed visa requirements. His real monastery is online—Kalu calls himself "the first Facebook rinpoche," managing a network of personal and public pages with thousands of friends and "likes. " Most are generational peers who have discovered that it's pretty cool to get a personal message from a bona fide lama. Joseph Hooper. Kalu Rinpoche visits KDK. Kalu Rinpoche visited San Francisco on September 5th and 6th, 2011.

Kalu Rinpoche visits KDK

These teachings, sponsored by Kagyu Droden Kunchab, were held at the University of San Francisco. People of all ages came and everyone was delighted to see, speak to, and listen to Rinpoche. Kalu Rinpoche visited Kagyu Droden Kunchab, the center founded by his predecessor. They presented mandala offerings and traditional tea and saffron rice offerings. During this visit to KDK Kalu Rinpoche had lunch and conversed with the sangha. Kalu Rinpoche Returns to Kagyu Droden Kunchab: An interview with Lama Lodu Rinpoche by Lama Choying Q:What do you think of Kalu Rinpoche's teachings to Westerners here in the United States?

A:It is beyond my limited knowledge to say. Q:You observed Kalu Rinpoche interact with many people during the question and answer sessions. A:Since I have a profound connection with the previous Kalu Rinpoche, I must say that what I heard did not impress me. A:That’s hard to say. A:This is hard to judge. KALU RINPOCHE: THE PRODIGAL SON. The YouTube confessional sending shockwaves through the Buddhist world. He is 21, a handsome, charismatic Tibetan who describes being a lama as his job.

The YouTube confessional sending shockwaves through the Buddhist world

He is passionately keen on music, he raps, break-dances and parties in capital cities around the globe. Kalu Rinpoche chronicles his moods, his existential angst, his activities and philosophical insights on Facebook – and he recently broke the most profoundly entrenched Tibetan Buddhist taboo with a confessional video that received more than 23,000 hits on YouTube. It is hardly surprising that Kalu is agonising over what the future holds for him. As a baby, he was recognised as the reincarnation of the deeply revered previous Kalu, who was one of two lamas largely responsible for the worldwide explosion of interest in Tibetan Buddhism during the late 1970s and throughout the 80s.

Old Kalu was seen as a bodhisattva – a person who has attained a level of realisation similar to that of the historical Buddha. Old Kalu died in 1989 after establishing a formidable reputation. The Sex Lives of Monks: Confessions of Kalu Rinpoche. 我三年闭关的日子——第二世卡卢仁波切专访 - 坚华嘉措的日志 - 网易博客. 我三年闭关的日子——第二世卡卢仁波切专访 数据源: <善报>2009年冬季号 时间: 2009年11月22日 地点: 台中德噶禅修中心 采访: 妙融法师、黄靖雅 藏译中: 堪布丹杰 闭关与出关的变化 问: 仁波切才从闭关出来,仁波切三年闭关主要的修持是什么?

我三年闭关的日子——第二世卡卢仁波切专访 - 坚华嘉措的日志 - 网易博客

答: 关键都在于自己。 虽然我圆满了闭关,但是根本无法和过去的祖师大德们相比拟。 Fresh Guru - 我是小飛俠,那你呢? 二世卡盧仁波切,最新鮮也最具魅力的上師。

Fresh Guru - 我是小飛俠,那你呢?

接機當日,由於大家都很興奮,機場顯得吵吵嚷嚷,十分熱鬧。 忽然有人喊了一聲,出來了,出來了,大家全往出關的走道看去,只見仁波切一個人走了出來。 高大英挺,氣度非凡,卻略顯疲倦的卡盧仁波切(親愛的香港中心,您們很能操ㄟ),正式在台亮相。 看見偶像出場,我們全伸長了脖子,不自覺地 "WOW... " 了出來。 仁波切看見這麼多人來接機,疲累的臉上出現一點靦腆的笑容。 仁波切的加持,動作極為優雅。 想像一下,我們這些不高的弟子,加上彎個腰,每個頭都剛好位在仁波切的胸前。 而仁波切的魅力,就連機場的人員都忍不住頻頻張望。 終於,仁波切要驅車前往下榻的飯店休息。 十一月七日星期六下午,中心特為法友們舉辦一場私人茶會,對這些長期護持中心的護法們,仁波切親自表達他的祝福與感謝。 茶會上,坦誠率真,給人有話直說印象的仁波切,向我們大家表示他此生最大的願望,就是幫助「非佛教徒解脫輪迴的痛苦」。 哇! 仁波切很愛我們。 仁波切並不是在傳授我們什麼多偉大的秘密之法。 這是我目前的感受。 後記:二世卡盧仁波切,有著與宗薩仁波切類似的特質,展現一種大膽、創新的作風。 但我們都知道,無論顯像上如何,過去種種善業、功德與證量所致,他就是那個令人景仰與值得愛戴的上師。