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Best Free Antivirus 2016: Windows Defender vs AVG, Avast, Avira, Panda and Qihoo - Qihoo 360 Total Security. Key features: Silent detection modeMultiple protection enginesWindows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10Requires 1.6GHz processor, 512MB RAM, 1GB free disk spaceThe somewhat confusingly named Qihoo (pronounced chi-hoo) 360 Total Security – not a million miles from the name of a popular product in Symantec's Norton range – is a relative newcomer to the free anti-virus market, but it’s equipped with an impressive set of tools and features.Unusually for a free anti-virus product, Qihoo 360 Total Security uses its own scanning engines alongside up to two standard anti-virus engines to provide the most accurate possible results.

Best Free Antivirus 2016: Windows Defender vs AVG, Avast, Avira, Panda and Qihoo - Qihoo 360 Total Security

ATI Catalyst Software Suite (Windows 7 64-bit / Windows 8 64-bit / Windows 8.1 64-bit) 五款完全免費防毒軟體大評比 ! 推薦你最合適的選擇. 隨著資安問題的新聞不斷,越來越多人開始重視到電腦防毒的重要性,尤其病毒這種東西會不斷演進,如果沒有隨時的防範、以及培養良好上網習慣,哪天密碼突然被破解、或是重要資料被竊取都不知道。

五款完全免費防毒軟體大評比 ! 推薦你最合適的選擇

而上個月底時,達小編曾寫過一篇 2016 年 10 大防毒軟體的推薦排名,文章內有不少終身免費的防毒軟體選擇,為了讓讀者們能夠更加了解這些免費防毒軟體的差異以及優點,並從中找出適合自己的選擇,筆者就整理出這篇大評比,一起來看看吧! 2016 年 10 大防毒軟體的推薦排名文章中,總共有五個終身免費的防毒軟體,Avira Antivirus (小紅傘)、Bitdefender Antivirus、Avast Antivirus 與 Panda Antivirus。 最新2016年防毒軟體排名大車拚,4大評測權威榜完整蒐錄 (含免費版下載) 防毒軟體的好壞必須經過專業的測試和全面性的評估才能作出合理的評分,2016年的防毒軟體排名已經出來了,同時也公布了各評比項目與評價,不過往年某家機構曾傳出買榜的嫌疑,為了讓大家能更客觀的判斷,硬大收錄了 AV-TEST、AV Comparatives、TOP Ten Reviews 與 PC Antivirus reviews 的近期評比數據來消彌大家對買榜的疑慮,也提供免費防毒的下載連結讓大家直接下載。

最新2016年防毒軟體排名大車拚,4大評測權威榜完整蒐錄 (含免費版下載)

今年度 PC Antivirus reviews 評比排行第一的軟體與去年一樣都是 VIPRE Antivirus 獲得,除了系統資源耗用與操作介面評比較弱外,其餘項目包括病毒防護、手動掃毒、USB病毒防護、附加特色和技術支援都獲得最佳的讚賞,不過大家可能對它不大熟悉。 五款完全免費防毒軟體大評比 ! 推薦你最合適的選擇. Dual Boot Your Pre-Installed Windows 7 Computer with XP. So you got your shiny new pre-installed Windows 7 computer over the holidays, but you want to have trusty XP standing by in a dual boot setup.

Dual Boot Your Pre-Installed Windows 7 Computer with XP

Today we’ll walk through creating a new partition in Windows 7 then installing XP on it. In this process we are going to shrink some free space on the Windows 7 hard drive to allocate toward a new partition. Make sure to take a moment and decide how much space to use for the XP partition. Make sure you have enough space on your hard drive for files you’ll be adding to each. EasyBCD - NeoSmart Technologies. Photoshop CS6最新官方正式中文破解版(32位、64位) @ Steven Blog. 再也不怕做出醜PPT!讓簡報專業感破表的軟體Canva,上手度簡單到嚇人. 【為什麼我們要推薦這篇文章】做簡報對我這種零設計美感的人來說「超級難」。


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十恶不赦!七大流氓软件清理工具横评 【中国安全网-安全您的网络】

反流氓软件的声势越来越浩大了,11月14日,国内知名的反病毒软件公司瑞星和金山同时推出新版本的查杀流氓软件工具,加上前段时间的360安全卫士、超级兔子、Windows优化大师等软件,反流氓软件的工具越来越多,究竟哪个才最好使? 这是众多用户关心的问题,我们从网上选择了七个工具做一个测试,看看哪个最好用,它们都有什么特点。 测试方法 为了用最简单的方法验证七款软件的查杀效力,评测室在测试平台上安装十款具有一定知名度的恶意软件。 Best MindMapping Tools. Online Mind Mapping and Brainstorming app - SpiderScribe. Mind Mapping Software – Productivity, Planning, Learning, Communication. Service features. Collaborative comparison engine - SocialCompare.

25 Clear And Beautiful Comparison Tables. There’s no point in having an awesome website and an awesome product if your product comparison table is crap. It will throw people right off, and believe me I have seen some bad tables. Anyway here is a collection of the best product comparison tables handpicked by WebDesignDev. We think we have picked the top 25 comparison tables based on creative design and how clear it is to read and compare. By all means if you think we have forgotten any tables that look stunning, drop us a nice comment.

SoftLayer This is a simple comparison table with a very basic design. BigCartel Big Cartel’s pricing table has a very beautiful design. SquareSpace SquareSpace’s table is unique and has some nice, large icons for each column. FormSpring FormSpring has a simple, modern design. the Professional column is marked as being the most popular choice. Wufoo. Social Compare - Dashboard. Six alternative web browsers you should know about. Most people are only familiar with the “big five” web browsers — Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari and Opera.

Six alternative web browsers you should know about

But there are hundreds of other browsers out there. Most alternative browsers are remade versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Internet Explorer. Chrome itself is built on Chromium, an open-source browser project; Firefox is also open-source. That means that any developer can take the code, add or remove some parts of it and release a completely new browser. Why do that, though? Some alternative browsers can provide additional functionality for people who don’t want to bother with installing add-ons or don’t know how to do it. Here are some alternative browsers that might be worth your attention, based on what you need from this kind of software. For privacy concerns: WhiteHat Aviator. EMAZE - amazing presentations in minutes. 5 GIF Search Engines & Tools You Haven't Heard Of Yet. GIFs are the language of the web, but some people are better at speaking it than others.

5 GIF Search Engines & Tools You Haven't Heard Of Yet

If you’ve got a friend who always amazes you with her ability to find the perfect reaction GIFs, you need to find better tools. Today, Cool Websites and Apps points out five websites for finding, and creating, GIFs – all of which we’ve yet to mention as a site. We’ve shown you obvious things, like the GIF search engine Giphy, but as GIFs (continue!) To grow in popularity more sites pop up. Even major media corporations are getting in on it. Free TS Converter. Pros This freeware helped a lot, and it has HD output format.

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Deserves a 5-star rating for this reason Cons Hope you can support more HD formats Summary Wonderful product. Reply to this review. A Few Good Online Survey Tools. Online surveys can be a huge help in understanding what your constituents think and how successful your programs are, without breaking your budget.

A Few Good Online Survey Tools

Last year we spoke to five nonprofit staff members to understand how existing online survey tools compare—this is an update of that article with current information about the tools’ features and pricing. Ever wonder how well received your annual dinner event is?