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Is this the home of the Holy Grail? - BBC Reel. Love Truth Life 愛 真理 生命 Sola Scriptura 唯獨聖經 Dr. Immanuel Chih-Ming Ke 柯志明教授部落格: 反同性婚姻法制化問答/ 柯志明. 反同性婚姻法制化問答 同性戀是正常的愛情? 同性性行為是正常的性行為? 社會應讚揚所謂同性婚姻? 國家應制度化保障同性婚姻? 這些都不是個人可以任意決定的私事,而是必須嚴肅思想並討論的公共事務。 設立或變更任何制度都必須有堅實的根據與難以駁斥的理由,婚姻制度正是如此。 因此,婚姻是什麼? 1問:在臺灣,同性戀者沒有結同性婚姻的權利與自由嗎? 2問:但為什麼同性戀主義者一直認為同性戀者沒有享有締結同性婚姻的權利呢? 3問:法律平等地對待異性婚姻與同性婚姻難道不對嗎? 問:反對同性婚姻法制化難道沒有違反我國憲法所保障的國民之基本權利嗎? 5問:但婚姻不是基本人權嗎? 6問:可是,同性婚姻難道不是婚姻嗎? 7問:什麼是婚姻? 8問:婚姻一定要由男女締結嗎? 9問:婚姻與生育兒女有本質關聯嗎? 10問:若然,那麼不能生育的人難道就不能結婚嗎? 11問:很顯然,一般而言,無論能不能生育或有沒有生育,相愛者都被視為可以結婚,因此,難道不是愛情才是構成婚姻的核心要素嗎? 12問:所以,相愛未必就可以結婚? 13問:但為什麼同戀者相愛卻「完全」不可結婚呢? 14問:所以,婚姻有條件限制? 15問:就算婚姻有限制,但國家一定要立法積極規範婚姻嗎? 16問:合乎婚姻之本性與價值的婚姻型態只有一種嗎?

17問:可是,歷史不也表明婚姻制度因社會而異而且一直在變動嗎? 18問:那麼,有最好的婚姻制度嗎? 19問:將同性婚姻法制化會產生什麼問題或不好的後果? 20問:婚姻一定要考慮兒女(或孩子)的權利或利益嗎? 21問:為什麼同性戀關係與行為不值得鼓勵,難道同性戀不好嗎? 22問:可是同性戀者強調,他們相愛未必與性有關;就算有關,也不是最重要的。 23問:同性戀主義者宣稱,許許多多異性戀者並不能忠貞且負責地相愛,而同性戀者能忠貞且負責地彼此相愛,為什麼同性戀者的相愛不好又不能結婚? 24問:但是同性戀者的性傾向是天生的,因而除了與同性別者有戀情與性關係外,他們別無選擇。 25問:能夠與所愛的人戀愛又一起生活是一個人過幸福生活的重要條件,因此,反對同性婚姻不就是反對同性戀者可以過幸福生活的權利嗎? 26問:那麼,對待同性戀行為較合理的法律與倫理立場是什麼? 27問:你這種立場難道不是對同性戀者的一種「歧視」嗎? 28問:但同性戀主義者強烈認定反對同性戀就是歧視同性戀者,他們也一樣強烈主張人沒有歧視同性戀者的權利,因而他們認為應立「反歧視法」以保障他們的權利。 Church Fathers 50 - 750 A.D. Timeline. Catholic archbishop urges no vote, saying state should 'keep out of the bedroom' | Australia news. Religious believers would be vulnerable to discrimination suits and some could lose their jobs, promotions, businesses and political careers if same-sex marriage is legalised, the Catholic archbishop of Sydney says.

Anthony Fisher supported the no vote in the same-sex marriage postal survey during his homily at mass on Sunday, telling worshippers the government should “keep out of the friendship business and out of the bedroom”. “The state has no business telling us who we should love and how, sexually or otherwise,” he told the St Mary’s Cathedral congregation. “The only kind of friendship the state has a proper interest in recognising and regulating is heterosexual marriage, because that’s what leads to children – new citizens – and gives them the best start in life.”

Fisher said it was best for children to have a mother and a father, and that’s what marriage was about. “Traditional believers will be vulnerable to discrimination suits and other kinds of bullying for their beliefs.

Councils n Schism

Global Catholic population up, number of priests down since 1980 | National Catholic Reporter. The Catholic population of the world increased by 57 percent, or 445 million souls, between 1980 and 2012, but the number of priests declined by 17 percent, or 20,547 priests, according to a study released June 1 by CARA, the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate. Granted the church's theology, which requires a priest for most sacraments, this presents a serious problem for the church. In 2012, there were 1,228,612,000 Catholics in the world and 393,053 priests.

The growth of the Catholic population has been uneven, with a small growth in Europe (just 6 percent) and huge growth in Africa (238 percent). But CARA concludes that the "differences between these two regions are largely attributable to differences in fertility rates over time. " Many European countries only grow their populations through immigration, often from non-Catholic countries. Get the latest from NCR right in your inbox!

Likewise, the number of Asian Catholics has grown by 115 percent to 134 million. Europe: Africa: Catholic News Asia.


Lifesitenews. The Mass Explained. Contents IntroductionChrist's actionLove for the MassFaith The purposes of the MassThe first purpose: adoration The second purpose: to give thanks The third purpose: to make up for our sins The fourth purpose: petition ReadingsGospelCreedPresentation of the giftsPresentation of the giftsOrate, fratresSanctusConsecrationConsecration-CommunionThe Our Father Preparation for CommunionCommunionHoly Mass: self-givingOpening prayer, prayer over the gifts, Prayer after communionMass: presence of God Sorrow for one's sin Thanksgiving Introduction To judge the "quality" of the Christian life of a community is always a difficult task, and perhaps a foolhardy one.

There are so many factors that should be taken into account. And the most important of them are hidden! Nevertheless, if the Holy Mass is the central act of our Catholic life, then Mass-going must surely remain one of the most indicative of these factors. Christ's action The Holy Mass is the holiest thing we have here on earth. Faith Readings. The Power of the Mass. The Mass is the most perfect form of prayer! Pope Paul VI For each Mass we hear with devotion, Our Lord sends a saint to comfort us at death. (revelation of Christ to St.

Gertrude the great). A single Mass offered for oneself during life may be worth more than a thousand celebrated for the same intention after death. St. "If someone said to us, "At such an hour a dead person is to be raised to life, " we should run very quickly to see it. One Mass before death may be more profitable than many after it. St. "The Holy Mass would be of greater profit if people had it offered in their lifetime, rather than having it celebrated for the relief of their souls after death" Pope Benedict XV Once, St. Jesus Christ "The Blessed Virgin Mary once told Her faithful servant Alain: "My Son so loves those who assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass that, if it were necessary He would die for them as many times as they've heard Masses. " The Virgin Mary Saint Jean Vianney Saint Thomas Aquinas St. Saint Gregory. 350,000 Catholic Masses a day! Now This is Communion AUG. 31, 2010 ( - There is an estimated (at least) 350,000 Catholic Masses celebrated every day on planet Earth.

It is celebrated in every nook and cranny on the planet, by every race and nationality, and using every language. And each of these Masses is celebrated (generally) using the same scripture readings and the same prayers. Every single one of these 350,000 Masses is actually doing exactly what Jesus said to do in scripture (Luke 22:19, 1 Cor 11:23-29) when he said “Do this in memory of me.” Catholics live that out as a Church over 350,000 times a day. That means there are 4 priests saying those precise words, “Do this in memory of me,” every single second of every single day. Every one of these Masses is literally and continually making present Christ’s (once and for all) sacrifice on Calvary for all mankind. Many alleged abusers left off church list. Robert M. Burns pleaded guilty to raping and sexually assaulting five boys while working as a priest in Jamaica Plain and Charlestown, earning an eight- to 11-year sentence that he is still serving at the Old Colony Correctional Center.

Even before Burns went to the Bridgewater prison, the Boston Archdiocese paid several of his victims - including two who later died of drug overdoses - more than $2 million to settle claims of abuse after their lawyers discovered that church officials had assigned Burns to parish work knowing he had a history of molesting children. Advertisement But last August, when Cardinal Sean P. O’Malley, facing opposition from some in the church to publishing such a list at all, in the end released a very selective accounting, limited to priests originally from the Boston Archdiocese - and thus directly under its supervision - and excluding members of religious orders, including O’Malley’s own Capuchin friars. Church law cited Last December, attorney Carmen L. VATICAN In 50 years of Catholic-Jewish dialogue, opposition has given way to a 'deep friendship'

» 12/10/2015VATICANIn 50 years of Catholic-Jewish dialogue, opposition has given way to a 'deep friendship'A "theological reflection" of the Commission for Religious Relations with Judaism to summarize and clarify the issues that have surfaced in recent decades in Catholic-Jewish dialogue. The importance of revelation, the relationship between the Old and the New Covenant, the relationship between the universality of salvation in Jesus Christ and the belief that God's covenant with Israel was never revoked, the evangelizing work of the Church in reference to Judaism. Vatican City (AsiaNews) - In 50 years, since the Second Vatican Council's Nostra Aetate changed the Catholic vision of Judaism, relations have gone "from opposition to a fruitful collaboration, from the potential for conflict to an efficient management of conflicts, from a coexistence marked by tensions to a solid and fruitful coexistence ", a" deep friendship ".

西班牙19世纪壁画惨遭81岁老太最悲催修复 - 微陆地. After fresco is destroyed by old lady's restoration attempt, masterpieces of the art world are given an internet makeover. Masterpieces by Da Vinci and Munch are transformed by internet jokers after an elderly woman's botched restoration of a 19th century fresco became a sensation By Kerry Mcdermott Published: 16:34 GMT, 26 August 2012 | Updated: 16:06 GMT, 27 August 2012 The cartoon-like face that was painted over a 19th century religious artwork is now popping up on some of the world's most revered masterpieces - from Madonna and Child to the Mona Lisa. Cecilia Jimenez, 80, painted her crude rendition of Christ's face over a crumbling fresco on the wall of a Spanish church, and the altered version became an overnight sensation when pictures of her amateur 'restoration' hit the internet.

Now her notorious DIY job has sparked a craze for copycat 'restorations', but art lovers can breathe a sigh of relief as the alterations have been mocked-up purely for comic purposes. Scroll down for video Reworking: The handiwork of Cecilia Jiminez has made its way onto The Last Supper, by Renaissance master Leonardo Da Vinci. Mychal Judge. Early life[edit] Mychal Judge was born Robert Emmett Judge on May 11, 1933 in Brooklyn, New York, the son of immigrants from County Leitrim, Ireland, and the firstborn of a pair of fraternal twins.

His twin sister Dympna was born two days later. Judge was baptized in St. Paul's Church in Brooklyn on June 4. Career[edit] Around 1971, Judge developed alcoholism, although he never showed obvious signs. In 1992, Judge was appointed a chaplain to the New York City Fire Department. Judge was also well known in the city for ministering to the homeless, the hungry, recovering alcoholics, people with AIDS, the sick, injured, and grieving, immigrants, gays and lesbians and those alienated by the Church and society.[12] For example, Judge once gave the winter coat off his back to a homeless woman in the street, later saying, "She needed it more than me. " September 11th attacks[edit] Mychal Judge was designated as "Victim 0001" and thereby recognized as the first official victim of the attacks.

FR. ***How the Catholic poet Dante healed this ex-Catholic. Rod Dreher is author of "How Dante Can Save Your Life" But spending four long years writing as a journalist about the sex abuse scandal destroyed my ability to believe in the Catholic Church's claims. I didn't lose my faith suddenly; it was torn from me bit by bit, like a torturer ripping out his victim's fingernails.

I had never believed that the Catholic Church (or any church) was perfect, and had full confidence that the arguments for Catholicism would enable me to withstand any challenge. But nothing prepared me for the things I learned in writing about the scandal -- the cruelty, the mendacity, the cynicism of the clergy. I eventually lost the ability to believe that my salvation depended on being Catholic.

Humiliated and spiritually broken, I became Orthodox, but a very different kind of Orthodox Christian than I was a Catholic. Losing my Catholic faith was without question the most painful, shattering thing that I've ever lived through. How had Dante done it? We were very different. Chinese Mary Page. History – Franciscan Friars of the Renewal. The Community of Franciscan Friars of the Renewal was begun in 1987 by eight Capuchin friars desiring to work more definitively for personal and communal reform within the Catholic Church.

The life and apostolate of the friars are rooted in the ideals and spirit of the Capuchin reform born in the early 16th century. When standing beside some ancient monastic orders, such as the Benedictines or Carthusians, we Gray Friars are rather insignificant. When compared to the robust apostolic and influential religious societies, such as the Jesuits or Salesians, we are very weak and spindly indeed. Church historians might well be quick to point out that the ink is still moist on the first page of our chronicle; while others in time-tested communities might wonder whether we are actually seaworthy. These latter may strike a let’s- see posture, watching from a distance to see whether we survive the high seas, being only at the start of a voyage. -Fr. 反對宣布為基督教國家. 【反對宣布為基督教國家】Liberian Baptists against “Christian nation” label 賴比瑞亞(Liberia)修改憲法宣布國家為「基督教國家」,遭國內浸信會領袖反對。

為期五天的修憲議會(2015/3/29-4/2)剛結束,會議中修改憲法第19條,將賴比瑞亞定位為「基督教國家」,勢必引發宗教容忍、衝突之問題。 因此,賴比瑞亞浸信會發表聲明反對修改憲法第19條將國家定位成「基督教國家」。 反對者指出「賴比瑞亞是不是基督徒的,也不是穆斯林的,賴比瑞亞是大家的,我們不希望賴比瑞亞單單屬於某一族群的。」 這個號稱有85%的基督徒國家,大多數是保守、排他的教派。 基督教會能夠出來反對此「基督教國家─標籤」,展現更大的宗教寬容是很不容易的。 基督的寬容與愛,不是用標籤來彰顯的,而是以愛人如己來彰顯的。 哈爾濱!你一定是瘋了! @ 聖索菲亞大教堂與她的朋友們 (4) @ 寶島李的愛碗亭 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: Confined bishop Ma Daqin of Shanghai 'sent to political classes' Thaddeus Ma Daqin, the Catholic bishop who was placed under house arrest last year after announcing his resignation from China's Patriotic Catholic Association (CPCA), is now being 'sent to political classes', according to the BBC. He has not been seen in public for 18 months. The CPCA renounced the auxiliary's title last December in response to an ongoing dispute between the state-controlled CPCA and the Vatican over the control of China's Catholics.

Shanghaiist reported: Ma Daqin announced his resignation from the CPCA in July at his ordination mass to a congregation of 1,000 who applauded his announcement. He was not-so-discreetly placed in the Sheshan seminary, where he trained in the outskirts of Shanghai, for a period of ‘personal reflection’. The BBC reports that the bishop is still at the seminary, where he can obtain permission to come and go, but not to leave the wider Shanghai area. Bishop Ma was the successor of Msgr. ImbConnecting :: WorldView: The world in 2050. By Erich Bridges RICHMOND, Va. —The number of Muslims in the world will nearly match the number of Christians by 2050.

That’s the main headline from “The Future of World Religions: Population Growth Projections, 2010-2050,” a study released in April by the Pew Research Center. If current population trends continue, the report says, Muslim ranks will increase by 73 percent (to 2.8 billion) — more than twice the growth rate of Christians, who will expand by 35 percent, to 2.9 billion.

Other projections for 2050: Hindus will increase by 34 percent to nearly 1.4 billion. It’s important to keep two things in mind about this study (and others like it). “The projections are based on the number of people who self-identify with each religious group, regardless of their level of observance,” the report emphasizes. Still, the projections highlight the global church’s challenge for the next generation. “Who is going to be the most successful?” Good advice. Erich Bridges is IMB global correspondent. 建築的光 - 空間與鑲嵌玻璃工作坊. 天主教組織首次倡四旬期為氣候變化禁食. 中國教友人數調整後下降逾百萬,宗教信仰比例全球最低. Hong Kong Cardinal rejected from Synod for being 76.

Faith Matters

Cruxifix. 大台北教堂. The Creed and Schism. Bible Study 1. Bible Study 2. Bible Quotes. Kingdom Comes. Papacy & the Vatican. Via Dolorosa. Persecution-Arameans/Coptics/Pakistan/Libya/Niger. Persecution - Syria/Iraq. Pope Francis makes missionary Junipero Serra a saint. Petition Text. The Doctrine of Discovery, 1493. Bartolomé de las Casas. Doctrine of Discovery. 彌撒程序及其意義. 認識彌撒. DAILY PROPER (holymass.htm) The Truth About the Dark Ages. I’m Still Not Going Back to the Catholic Church. The Horrors of The Church and its Holy Inquisition. 眷村二三事~玫瑰堂 @ 眷村回憶窩 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: The German Catholic Collapse: The Priests confess once a year, if at all -- what about the Lay Faithful?

<一男一女的婚姻為何如此重要?>作者Ryan T. Anderson, William E.... - Songshan OurLady. 同性婚姻是基督信仰的「試金石」 基督教教會同性戀立場列表. Stripping a city of its churches: the greater act of iconoclasm that is "Making All Things New" Church of the Holy Sepulchre.