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Review: Techart Pro Leica M Sony E Autofocus Adapter - A manual lens needs to be focused manually?

Review: Techart Pro Leica M Sony E Autofocus Adapter -

Think again! The Techart LM-EA7 turns about any manual lens into an AF lens. For the extended explanation and an in-depth assessment check out this post. *update*Please read this thread over at FM carefully. It seems that there is a design fault which will eventually lead some wobble of the adapted lens. The Techart PRO LM-EA7 sell for $379 at* or*.

*=Affiliate Link The Techart PRO adapter was loaned to me from Techart free of charge. If you want to automatically focus your M-mount lens you just attach it to the Techart Adapter, focus the lens manually to infinity, and you are set. The adapter achieves focus just as you would when you focus your lens manually. So, how well does the AF work? In good light the adapter focuses nearly as fast as a native lens and it can be a real help in dynamic situations which may lie outside of your manual focus skills. To get good results you need to be aware of a couple of things though: Nikkor MF 50mm f/1.2 (Ai/Ai-S) [Topic général] ~ : Nikkor - Page 81. Bouli a écrit:merci , c'est un objectif apaisant , il faut prendre son temps avec , mais il peut être très réactif et discret en photo de rue , pourvu que l'on soit bien prê vais faire le test de la toile voir jusqu'où il va dans les détails Assez d'accord avec toi : il faut rendre son temps, sinon les erreurs de map ne pardonnent pas.Voici ce qu'il donne, à f/5,6 à 1 mètre : Et le crop 100% de D810 : Bon, ce n'est pas un Micro-Nikkor, mais pour un standard ouvert à f/1,2 , il se défend honorablement.

Nikkor MF 50mm f/1.2 (Ai/Ai-S) [Topic général] ~ : Nikkor - Page 81

Theverge. By Austin Mann As with any smartphone in 2014, there's no more important feature than the camera.


It's what we use to take photos with our friends and families, how we remember what we ate and what our kids looked like way back when. The camera has always been one of the iPhone's most impressive features, and this year, Apple says it's gotten a huge upgrade. The iPhone 6 and 6 Plus feature new sensors, better optics, new technologies that aid in stabilization and HDR, even slower slo-mo video, and much more. They're meant to destroy your point-and-shoot, your camcorder, and maybe even your DSLR. To see what the new devices can really do, travel photographer Austin Mann went to Iceland on a week-long photography adventure. Here are his photos, and his story. . — David Pierce All the places are so hard to spell and remember here.

We had very few specific plans for the trip. Shot with iPhone 6, unedited We decide to take a hike down a fairly steep hill and explore a bit. Cokin - CREATIVE - Système de filtres - Bagues d'adaptation. Nikkor MF 50mm f/1.2 (Ai/Ai-S) [Topic général] ~ : Nikkor. Photo : le Sony A7 et ses objectifs - Jean-Luc Richter. Choisir un appareil photo Sony A7x Après une discussion dans un restaurant de Berlin avec un collègue sur ce qui m’avait amené à choisir un appareil photo plein format sans miroir de la série Alpha 7 de Sony, je me suis dit que mes trois mois d’expériences avec différents objectifs sur cet appareil méritaient un petit article pour partager tout ça.

Photo : le Sony A7 et ses objectifs - Jean-Luc Richter

Concernant mon choix d’appareil, je trouve qu’actuellement le A7 est un bon compromis : assez rapide, polyvalent, avec des fichiers pas trop gros à traiter, mais quand même bien définis. Le A7r donne des fichiers beaucoup plus lourds à traiter (36 Mpx) et ne se justifie vraiment que pour les photos de paysages avec beaucoup de profondeur de champ (sur pied donc) ou alors pour du portrait en studio.. plutôt un usage « pro » donc. Sans compter qu’il est super exigeant sur les optiques et on risque vite d’en avoir pour une petite fortune !! Les objectifs en monture E Avec la monture E, ces objectifs sont réellement conçus pour les appareils Sony. Filters - UV or not UV? [See also Philip Greenspun's article on filters] UV filters are supposed to block UV light.

Filters - UV or not UV?

So, for the newcomers to photography let's first look at what UV light is and why you would want to block it. The "traditional" visible spectrum runs from red to violet. Red light has the longest wavelength and violet the shortest. Light which has a longer wavelength than red is called infrared, and light which has a shorter wavelength than violet is called ultra violet or UV. So now we know what UV light is, why would be want to block it? Now there isn't usually a huge amount of UV around at sea level. Since UV filters look clear and neutral to the naked eye, some people also use them as a protective filter which they leave on their lens at all times.