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CSS3 Generator - By Peter Funk & Eric Hoffman. Dipity - Find, Create, and Embed Interactive Timelines. Blur Menu with CSS3 Transitions. There are so many great things we can do with the additional properties and possibilities that CSS3 brings along. Today I want to show you how to experiment with text shadows and with transitions in order to achieve a blur effect that we'll apply to a menu on hovering over the elements. The main idea is to blur the other items while enhancing the one we are currently hovering. View demo Download source There are so many great things we can do with the additional properties and possibilities that CSS3 brings along.

Today I want to show you how to experiment with text shadows and with transitions in order to achieve a blur effect that we’ll apply to a menu on hovering over the elements. The images in the demos are by fabulous Mark Sebastian and they are licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0) License. The Markup Let’s create the HTML structure for our menu first.

Now we’ll add some style! The CSS Now, let’s take a look at each of the seven examples. Example 1. CSSDesk - Online CSS Sandbox. Which Is Right for Me? 22 Responsive CSS Frameworks and Boilerplates Explained. CSS frameworks have been around for years now, but the arrival of responsive design practices has rendered many of our old favorites useless. Fortunately, lots of really talented developers have jumped in to fill the gap with the next generation of CSS frameworks and boilerplates. There’s already a ton of these things floating around. Everyone has a list, but no one really walks you through how each framework and boilerplate differs from the next so that you can make an informed decision. That’s our goal today. Gumby The Gumby framework takes the 960 grid that we all cut our teeth on years ago and brings it into the modern age of web design with a responsive touch. The Semantic Grid System If you hate grid systems and their bloated, non-semantic markup, this one is for you.

Gridless Gridless is a powerful boilerplate that uses mobile first responsive web design to adapt itself to the device’s width. Frameless Proportional Grids The Goldilocks Approach Twitter Bootstrap Foundation from ZURB.