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Mysql - How to get UTF-8 working in java webapps. FAQ/CharacterEncoding. Questions Answers Why What is the default character encoding of the request or response body? If a character encoding is not specified, the Servlet specification requires that an encoding of ISO-8859-1 is used. The character encoding for the body of an HTTP message (request or response) is specified in the Content-Type header field. An example of such a header is Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 which explicitly states that the default (ISO-8859-1) is being used. References: HTTP 1.1 Specification, Section 3.7.1 The above general rules apply to Servlets.

Why does everything have to be this way? Everything covered in this page comes down to practical interpretation of a number of specifications. Default encoding for request and response bodies See 'Default Encoding for POST' below. Default encoding for GET The character set for HTTP query strings (that's the technical term for 'GET parameters') can be found in sections 2 and 2.1 the "URI Syntax" specification. Default Encoding for POST. Tomcat 7 Configuration Reference (7.0.34) - Container Provided Filters. This directive defines the value of the Expires header and the max-age directive of the Cache-Control header generated for documents of the specified type (e.g., text/html). The second argument sets the number of seconds that will be added to a base time to construct the expiration date. The Cache-Control: max-age is calculated by subtracting the request time from the expiration date and expressing the result in seconds. The base time is either the last modification time of the file, or the time of the client's access to the document.

Which should be used is specified by the <code> field; M means that the file's last modification time should be used as the base time, and A means the client's access time should be used. The duration is expressed in seconds. A2592000 stands for access plus 30 days in alternate syntax. The difference in effect is subtle. Note: When the content type includes a charset (e.g. See sample below the table. List of XML and HTML character entity references. Although in popular usage character references are often called "entity references" or even "entities", this usage is wrong. [citation needed] A character reference is a reference to a character, not to an entity. Entity reference refers to the content of a named entity. An entity declaration is created by using the <! ENTITY name "value"> syntax in a document type definition (DTD) or XML schema. Character reference overview[edit] A numeric character reference refers to a character by its Universal Character Set/Unicode code point, and uses the format &#nnnn; or &#xhhhh; where nnnn is the code point in decimal form, and hhhh is the code point in hexadecimal form.

In contrast, a character entity reference refers to a character by the name of an entity which has the desired character as its replacement text. &name; where name is the case-sensitive name of the entity. Standard public entity sets for characters[edit] Predefined entities in XML[edit] Character entity references in HTML[edit] Notes: Responseheaderfilter - A Java Filter to transparently set response headers for any http request. The simplest way to make this filter work in you webapp, is to create a file called response-header-filter.xml in your project's WEB-INF directory. Add the response header directives for your url's in this file. Here's a small example: post the creation of this file, you'll have to add this filter definition to your web.xml as underneath <filter> <filter-name>ResponseHeaderFilter</filter-name> <filter-class>com.avlesh.web.filter.responseheaderfilter.ResponseHeaderFilter</filter-class></filter><filter-mapping> <filter-name>ResponseHeaderFilter</filter-name> <url-pattern>*</url-pattern></filter-mapping> ... and bingo your filter is already in action.

Look at a detailed sample configuration, read further or extend this API to implement a custom behavior. This filter comes with a default behaviour of reloading your filter configuration file if the file has been modified. You can change this duration, called as reloadCheckInterval, in the filter definition. Character inspector application. This is a small application that's useful for solving character encoding bugs. If you've ever wanted to find out exactly what characters you have, or what bytes they encode to with a specific encoding, this app may do the trick. If you want to know more about character encoding in Java, read Java: a rough guide to character encoding. Sources Repository: License: MIT Project: CharacterInspector. URL Decoder/Encoder. URL Decoder/Encoder Input a string of text and encode or decode it as you like.Handy for turning encoded JavaScript URLs from complete gibberish into readable gibberish.If you'd like to have the URL Decoder/Encoder for offline use, just view source and save to your hard drive.

The URL Decoder/Encoder is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 License. This tool is provided without warranty, guarantee, or much in the way of explanation. Note that use of this tool may or may not crash your browser, lock up your machine, erase your hard drive, or e-mail those naughty pictures you hid in the Utilities folder to your mother. HTML Character Entities Decimal-Number Encoding Reference Lists | Website Building Information. This section contains a group of pages listing all of the HTML decimal-reference code designations for displaying individual characters in a browser. The HTML codes listed on my site are only the 'Decimal' character references; where-as some of the characters do have an addition 'Name' code assigned to them and/ or they have other reference types-- but only the decimal references are listed here. See also A converter between ASCII Text, Hex Values, and Unicode Values (Decimal-Number).

According to my research, the 'decimal reference' is preferred over other possible references to the same character because the decimal references are more widely supported in multiple browsers. Each page contains five-thousand character references, and you can expect that not all of the decimal references will display a character in your browser. In some cases the decimal reference is not assigned to any character. "... Noteable to me: Character entity references in HTML 4. 24.1 Introduction to character entity references A character entity reference is an SGML construct that references a character of the document character set. This version of HTML supports several sets of character entity references: ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) characters In accordance with section 14 of [RFC1866], the set of Latin-1 entities has been extended by this specification to cover the whole right part of ISO-8859-1 (all code positions with the high-order bit set), including the already commonly used &nbsp;, &copy; and &reg;.

The names of the entities are taken from the appendices of SGML (defined in [ISO8879]). symbols, mathematical symbols, and Greek letters. The following sections present the complete lists of character entity references. 24.2 Character entity references for ISO 8859-1 characters The character entity references in this section produce characters whose numeric equivalents should already be supported by conforming HTML 2.0 user agents. 24.2.1 The list of characters <!

HTML 4.0 Entities for Symbols and Greek Letters. HTML Character Entities Cheat Sheet by DaveChild. UTF-8 Tool. Charset (Java Platform SE 6) Java.lang.Object java.nio.charset.Charset All Implemented Interfaces: Comparable<Charset> public abstract class Charsetextends Objectimplements Comparable<Charset> A named mapping between sequences of sixteen-bit Unicode code units and sequences of bytes.

This class also defines static methods for testing whether a particular charset is supported, for locating charset instances by name, and for constructing a map that contains every charset for which support is available in the current Java virtual machine. All of the methods defined in this class are safe for use by multiple concurrent threads. Charset names Charsets are named by strings composed of the following characters: The uppercase letters 'A' through 'Z' ('\u0041' through '\u005a'), The lowercase letters 'a' through 'z' ('\u0061' through '\u007a'), The digits '0' through '9' ('\u0030' through '\u0039'), The dash character '-' ('\u002d', HYPHEN-MINUS), The period character '.' Standard charsets Terminology Since: See Also: Charset name.

UTF-8 Character Debug Tool. Here is a Encoding Problem Chart that aids in debugging common UTF-8 character encoding problems. See these 3 typical problem scenarios that the chart can help with. The following chart shows the characters in Windows-1252 from 128 to 255 (hex 80 to FF). The Unicode code point for each character is listed and the hex values for each of the bytes in the UTF-8 encoding for the same characters.

These UTF-8 bytes are also displayed as if they were Windows-1252 characters. Unicode - How to get the characters right? Introduction Computers understand only bits and bytes. You know, the binary numeral system of zeros and ones. Humans, on the other hand, understand characters only. You know, the building blocks of the natural languages. So, to handle human readable characters using a computer (read, write, store, transfer, etcetera), they have to be converted to bytes. One byte is an ordered collection of eight zeros or ones (bits). To convert between chars and bytes a computer needs a mapping where every unique character is associated with unique bytes.

Back to top Well, where does it go wrong? The world would be much simpler if only one character encoding existed. How such an unknown character is displayed differs per application which handles the character. Here is a small test snippet which demonstrates the problem. UTF-8 czech: Český UTF-8 japanese: 日本語 ISO-8859-1 czech: ? These kinds of problems are often referred to as the "Unicode problem". Unicode, what's it all about?

OK .. | mikezilla | ASCII to HEX to Unicode Converter | by Mike Golding. Convert Decimal To Character. How to Convert a String to UTF-8 With Java. Character Code Converter | Java Programs and Examples with Output. Bestiejs/punycode.js. 1.10 Converting Between Unicode Values and String Characters :: Chapter 1. Strings :: JavaScript and DHTML :: Programming. 1.10.1 Problem You want to obtain the Unicode code number for an alphanumeric character or vice versa. 1.10.2 Solution To obtain the Unicode value of a character of a string, use the charCodeAt( ) method of the string value. A single parameter is an integer pointing to the zero-based position of the character within the string: var code = myString.charCodeAt(3); If the string consists of only one character, use the 0 argument to get the code for that one character: var oneChar = myString.substring(12, 13); var code = oneChar.charCodeAt(0); The returned value is an integer.

To convert an Unicode code number to a character, use the fromCharCode( ) method of the static String object: var char = String.fromCharCode(66); Unlike most string methods, this one must be invoked only from the String object and not from a string value. Java - Encode String to UTF-8. A rough guide to character encoding. It can be tricky figuring out the difference between character handling code that works and code that just appears to work because testing did not encounter cases that exposed bugs.

This is a post about some of the pitfalls of character handling in Java. Topics: I wrote a little bit about Unicode before. This post might be exhausting, but it isn't exhaustive. Unicode in source files Java source files include support for Unicode. One choice is to encode the source files as Unicode, write the characters and inform the compiler at compile time. javac provides the -encoding <encoding> option for this. Code saved as UTF-8, as might be written on an Ubuntu machine: public class PrintCopyright { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("© Acme, Inc.

"); }} 1. Javac -encoding UTF-8 2. Javac -encoding Cp1252 These compiler settings will produce different outputs; only the first one is correct. Unicode and Java data types 1. 2. 3. 4. Encodings Notes.