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eBook Series for Introverts. The Introvert Manager « The BS Applicant. The Myers-Briggs test says I am a ‘moderately expressed introvert’.

The Introvert Manager « The BS Applicant

So what? I cannot be a manager? Well, I am already. Sorry about that. I didn’t know introverts can’t lead so I went ahead. Now seriously, Google dug out some good reading material on the topic, like this article , or the review of this book . One thing many such articles don’t cover very extensively, is that one’s level of ‘introvertness’ (is this a word?) The combination of my personality type and career is something that sets me apart and I am proud to be an INTP. Like this: Like Loading... Tags: about me. Introverts. Introverts aren't social cripples, or misanthropes, but some, particularly younger people, are very inhibited.


It's an odd fact that the more intelligent an introvert is, the tougher a social environment can be. Career environments can be extremely tough for introverts. Some have a history of difficult social environments, usually starting at school. The defensive mechanisms take priority over the social instincts, and a habit of being withdrawn is created. In many ways it's a healthy approach to careers which can be treacherous and those in which professional relationships can be extremely tricky and difficult.

The fact is that introverts don't like careers where they're exposed daily to a massive ordeal in the form of other people. They also don't like hysteria and melodrama in the office any more than they like it in the home. They really dislike troublemakers, shirkers and nuisances, too, and if put into any position of authority will weed them out ruthlessly. Six Tips for Introverted Travelers. Lists: You don't have to be an extrovert to enjoy travel.

Six Tips for Introverted Travelers

Sophia Dembling explains. Photo by Sophia Dembling My essay Confessions of an Introverted Traveler drew a lot of feedback from fellow introverts tired of reading stories about others’ great experiences meeting people. Many who wrote told me they were worried that, because they were introverts, they simply weren’t cut out to travel. For anyone trying to decide if they should hit the road or just stay home where nobody will bother them, I thought I’d offer these six tips for introverted travelers. 1. I don’t often initiate conversations but I will talk to almost anyone who talks to me first. 2.

iPersonic - Personalized Career and Life Advice. Are you one of the introverts among our personality types?

iPersonic - Personalized Career and Life Advice

(Take our free personality test, if you're not sure!) If that is the case, you are a person who prefers to recharge his/her batteries during his/her alone time – you are one of the famous “still waters”. Because you won’t let others get truly close to you, for them it is probably not all that easy getting to know you better.

You are a better listener than speaker and take your time to think before you talk. Because too much company tires you, you probably prefer a few selected friends. So far so good. Introverts have to deal with increased health risks Unfortunately, research shows that the characteristic introversion also carries a few down sides with it. Studies also reveal significantly more frequent affective disorders (such as mania, unipolar and bipolar depression) in connection with alcohol- and drug abuse. Reduced Life-Satisfaction – Introversion’s Down Side? An Introvert's Guide to Holiday Survival.

So, “surviving” may not be the best attitude to cultivate when it comes to thinking about the holidays.

An Introvert's Guide to Holiday Survival

But you know what? To us introverts that’s exactly what it feels like. Sure, I look forward to going home, seeing my family and friends, but usually an entire year’s absence needs to be crammed into a week, and that can seem overwhelming to everyone but the most extroverted among us. As a life-long introvert and conqueror of endless holiday gatherings, here are a few offerings from my holiday survival kit: 1. Revenge of the Introvert. There are as many introverts as extraverts, but you'd never know it by looking around. Introverts would rather be entertained by what's going on in their heads than in seeking happiness. Their big challenge is not to feel like outsiders in their own culture. by Laurie Helgoe, Ph.D. After ten years as a psychologist practicing psychodynamic psychotherapy , I reclined on the couch of my own analyst feeling burdened by my chosen work. After a day of seeing patients, I was drained. Then I heard myself say: "I don't like being a therapist.

" Suddenly I felt free, loosed from expectations that never fit. As a card-carrying introvert , I am one of the many people whose personality confers on them a preference for the inner world of their own mind rather than the outer world of sociability. Over the past two decades, scientists have whittled down to five those clusters of cognitions, emotions, motivations, and behaviors that we mean by "personality" factors. Introversion in Action. THE KUBLY GIRL: 6 ways to love + value introverts.