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CloudStack. Why You Really, Truly Don’t Want a Private Cloud. The more you focus on the business benefits of Cloud, the more likely you'll be leaning toward public over private deployment models.

Why You Really, Truly Don’t Want a Private Cloud

Furthermore, this mind shift isn't all about security risks. Once you work through the issues, you'll likely come to the same conclusion: there's generally little or no solid business reason to build a private Cloud. I had the pleasure of speaking at two quite different Cloud Computing conferences last week: Opal’s Business of Cloud Computing in Dallas and UBM’s CloudConnect in Bangalore. As the conference names and locations might suggest, the former was the more business-oriented while the latter was chock full of techies. What I didn’t expect, however, was that the business Cloud crowd had a more mature, advanced conception of Cloud than the technical audience.


Hypervisor. Storage. Network.