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Toon Boom Animation. DMX Lighting Controller Software. Seriously, what’s so special about Lightjams? It’s all about handling all sorts of external signals and generating the lighting in real-time. The signals can be someone playing the drums and signing, or it can come from other devices sending pre-recorded messages via MIDI, OSC and DMX. With Lightjams, you have everything you need to create a fully interactive experience using the real-time features or a fully automated show using cuelists, scripting and scheduling. And one last thing, if you’re into pixel mapping and merging video and lights, Lightjams can do wonders! Lightjams is used by hundreds of people right now in nightly events and permanent installations.

Create LED walls and matrix. Precise, real time music analysis. more... Have a drumpad, pedal or a fancy launchpad? User movements generate lighting. more... Use multi-touch devices and TUIO/OSC app to generate lighting. Extract dominant colors from your live video. Kick-ass effects engine 16 universes in and 16 universes out. Fun. KONKREET LABS. Temas gratuitos – Last. Home - Purple Planet Royalty Free Music. Elements - Livid Shop. Builder DIY - Livid Shop. DJ TechTools | The largest community for DJ and producer techniques, tutorials, and tips. Traktor secrets, controller reviews, a massive MIDI mapping library, and more.

My VJ system - xCalibur - MIDI controlled Video Mixer in MaxMSP | Topher Saunders. In this post I’ll walk you through my VJ system in MaxMSP I built to do live performances. Click to view full size. Step 1: download and install this - 1.4 Mb This zip file installs a bunch of cool video effects that I use in the patch. Step 2: download the app xCalibur 1.3 - Mb I made the program in Max/MSP Jitter. The zip file contains documentation, but whats a blog post without a little how-to. xCalibur mixes two videos at a time, but you can have 3 videos queued up. Step 1.) Heres some videos to get you started. 40 Mb (to make your own videos, make sure you save them as quicktime movies.

Step 2.) Make sure your MIDI controller is plugged in! This menu to the top left shows the available devices. xCalibur comes configured to my MIDI setup cause its my rig. You should see this window. Use this window to hook up the effects to your MIDI controller Match the CC number of your MIDI controller with the effects that work best for you. Step 3.) -Topher. Download Free Sound Effects. JW Player Pricing | Feature Matrix | Compare Editions | LongTail Video. Video-AV Mixing Desks - Thomann UK Cyberstore. Mixxx - Free MP3 DJ Mixing Software. FreeJ :: Free Vision Mixer :: FreeJ is a vision mixer: an instrument for realtime video manipulation used in the fields of dance theater, veejaying, medical visualization and TV. Its development started in 2001 and continued actively for many years. What we need to do We need to interact with multiple layers of video, filtered by effect chains and then mixed together.

We want to write scripts to control video mixes with keyboards, midi signals, OSC messages, wiimotes, video mouse and joysticks; manipulating images, movies, live cameras, particle generators, text scrollers, flash animations and more. We show the resulting video mix on multiple and remote screens, encode it into a movie and stream it live to the internet. We control the vision mixer locally or remotely, also from multiple places at the same time; all functionalities are designed ad-hoc using javascript. How FreeJ does it With FreeJ we can overlay, mask, transform and filter multiple layers on the screen. Stream online video long live pirate TV! Internals. TouchOSC. Modular OSC and MIDI control surface for iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad Send and receive Open Sound Control and MIDI messages over Wi-Fi and control CoreMIDI compatible software, hardware and mobile apps.

Also available for Android Screenshots Features Remote control and receive feedback from any software or hardware that implements the OSC or MIDI protocols such as: Total Control Choose from a wide variety of controls and configure each to fit your preference and the requirements of the software or hardware you are working with. Built-in Logic Pro & Express Support TouchOSC is an officially supported Apple Logic Pro and Express Control Surface.

Cross-platform Support TouchOSC is available for iOS and Android devices. TouchOSC Editor TouchOSC Bridge TouchOSC Bridge is a standalone tool application for Windows and Mac OS X that relays MIDI messages sent from TouchOSC to any MIDI capable application on your computer and vice versa. Requirements Manual Complete online documentation can be found here. OscVstBridge at Sourceforge. VirtualMIDISynth | CoolSoft. VirtualMIDISynth is a software MIDI synthesizer implemented as a Windows multimedia user driver, accessible as a standard MIDI Out device. It works on Windows XP (SP3) / Vista (SP1) / 7 (SP1) / 8 (both x86 and x64), and is based on the great BASS library from un4seen. Brief intro If you are a MIDI/karaoke fan like me, you know that MIDI play quality on Windows systems was not really good out of the box.

The bundled "Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth" MIDI Out device is just... ehm... simple: poor samples, mono sound, no effects (reverb, chorus) support. On 32bits systems some better alternatives exist, like the well-known YAMAHA XG SoftSynthetizer S-YXG50 and Cakewalk-sfz+ (both unsupported now). Upgrading to an x64 system was a pain for me: S-YXG50 doesn't work at all, Cakewalk-sfz+ was unusable.

One day Ian Luck (un4seen) added to his BASSMidi library a great feature: the possibility to render a live MIDI stream, including SysEx messages. Main features What now? How much does it cost? License. LiveRig MIDI Controller. Classic Edition - Bome's Midi Translator - Bome Software. Seeper - arts and technology collective. AV:in — Introduction To Audiovisual Arts.