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Психологическая библиотека Program 1: Past, Present, and Promise. Psychology is defined as the scientific study of the behavior of individuals and their mental processes. Like many sciences, psychology has evolved with technology, giving doctors and researchers new tools to measure human behavior and analyze its causes. In this program, Dr. Mahzarin Banaji from Yale University uses the Implicit Association Test (IAT) to measure how quickly positive or negative values are associated with white or black faces. Her subjects are shown a series of words and pictures and instructed to respond immediately by pushing a button to indicate their most automatic, reflex-like reactions.

For example, they may be told to press a button in their right hand if the automatic association is good and to press a button in their left hand if the association is bad. The speed with which the subjects respond is an important element of the experiment because these quick, unconscious connections can reveal biases that differ from conscious beliefs. Dr. The Psych Files Podcast Psychology podcast and resources for students and educators. Discovering Psychology Series Information. Acculturation: The process of acquiring or adapting to a new culture, its traditions, customs, and patterns of daily living.

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS): A severe immunological disorder caused by a virus that destroys the body's immune system and weakens the ability to fight harmful bacteria. Activation Synthesis Theory: The idea that during sleep, an automatic activation system in the brain produces a series of random electrical discharges that the sleeper roughly ties together by creating a storyline. An opposing theory to the traditional Freudian idea that dreams are secrets, fears, and the like rising from the unconscious.

Addiction: The physical and mental state of dependence on a substance or stimulus, to the point where withdrawal symptoms occur whenever the substance is not present in the body. Affective Disorders: Any disorder in which the primary symptoms are associated with mood disturbances, such as extreme depression, excessive elation, or both. Back to Top. 2005 Archive | Shrink Rap Radio Psychology Interviews: Exploring brain, body, mind, spirit, intuition, leadership, research, psychotherapy and more! #18 – Two Blokes in An Aussie Pub Discuss Psychology Transcript Frank Smolle, from episode #16 below, interviews fellow student and research assistant on war gaming and on the psychology of deception. #16 – Psychology in Australia Transcript Frank Smolle is a 33 year old psychology student who is finishing up his degree at Charles Stuart University in Bathurst.

A former auctioneer, he took up psychology after witnessing so much family discord over the estates of their deceased loved ones. #14 – Advanced Placement Psychology and Podcasting Transcript In show #12, Adam Ronscavage, M.A. interviewed me on Altered States of Consciousness. Psychology Home. Discovering Psychology Site Map. Introducing The Very Best Psychology Podcasts. Psychology Podcasts Thinking About Becoming A Psychology Student? Find A Psychology School Near You Psychology Podcasts (Photo Credit: Oliver Hartmann) A great way to learn more about the fascinating world of psychology is to listen to podcasts.

Shrink Rap Radio Excellent psychology podcasts complete with the wonderful tagline "All the psychology you need to know and just enough to make you dangerous. " "Dr Dave" as he is commonly known describes his collection of psychology podcasts as follows: In the U.S., psychology has long been the most popular undergraduate major in college. Click Here To Listen To Shrink Rap Radio. Also hosted by David Van Nuys, the Wise Counsel Podcast broadcasts interviews on topics in mental health and psychotherapy. Many thanks to Jason Schwenker for letting me know about this addition to the psychology podcasts list. The Psych Files Click Here To Listen To The Psych Files. Group Therapy Listeners can expect controversy, combat, sincerity and hilarity.

Inquiring Minds.