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Dutch Bodywork Academy - professionele parttime massage-opleidingen sinds 1989. Succes is tastbare waardering voor de kwaliteit van je werk. Wil je succes, dan moet je kwaliteit leveren. Succes krijg je niet: succes verdien je! De basis van succes is altijd vakmanschap. Je werk heeft kwaliteiten die het boven de middelmaat verheffen. De basis van kwaliteitswerk is altijd opleiding en ontwikkeling. Dutch Bodywork Academy is een opleidingsinstituut dat zich ten doel gesteld heeft opleidingen en cursussen te bieden die afgestudeerden in staat stellen succesvol te zijn.

Wil je succes? Als je positief bent en vooruit wilt, als je niet wilt stilstaan, moet je keuzes maken. Dutch Bodywork Academy, afgekort: DBA, is ook een product van een bewuste keus. De scholing van DBA is gericht op de ontwikkeling van warmvoelende mensen die het belangrijk en inspirerend vinden om professionele zorg en therapie te bieden.

In de samenstelling en presentatie van de lesstof heeft DBA ook keuzes gemaakt. Uitgangspunt daarbij is dat cursisten van DBA: Lesmethode Docenten Externe organisaties. Natural Pain Remedies from Your Kitchen. Food4Me Info. The 25 - Stanford Medicine 25 - Stanford University School of Medicine.


Snake oil? Scientific evidence for health supplements. Updated September 2015 with a revitalising boost of fresh data. New entries include melatonin, proving travellers were right about its effect on sleep; and good evidence for Vitamin D for flu, bones and long life. Evidence for valerian as a cure for anxiety has dropped, as has any likelihood that cranberry juice has impact on urinary infections. Thanks to visitor suggestions we’ve added entries for supplements that may in some cases be harmful, including Vitamin A, which has been linked to birth defects.

Note: You might see multiple bubbles for certain supplements. These is because some supps affect a range of conditions, but the evidence quality varies from condition to condition. This visualisation generates itself from this Google Doc. As ever, we welcome your thoughts, crits, comments, corrections, compliments, tweaks, new evidence, missing supps, and general feedback. HEALTH PROFILE NETHERLANDS. Cannabis, cannabinoids and cancer – the evidence so far. [Note – we are updating this blog post regularly as new research is published. Last update 16/03/17 ] IMPORTANT – we have become aware that scammers are tricking cancer patients and their families into handing over money for “cannabis oil”, yet receiving nothing in return.

Some of these fraudsters are using the email address ukcancerresearchcentre @ and claiming to be based at 407 St John Street. This is a scam, and has nothing to do with Cancer Research UK or our employees. If you believe you have been a victim of this fraud, please contact the police. [KA 20/04/15] Cannabis has long been used for medicinal as well as recreational purposes.

Few topics spark as much debate on this blog and on our Facebook page than cannabis. So we thought we’d take a look at the common questions raised about the evidence and research into cannabis, cannabinoids (the active chemicals found in the plant and elsewhere) and cancer, and address some of the wider issues that crop up in this debate. Kat. The International Cannabinoid Research Society. Verpleegkundig specialist > Profielpagina. The Fifteen Most Fabulous Herbal Sedatives : Kitchen Table Medicine. Do you ever just feel like you need to take a pill to take the edge off? Well a lot of us get extra stressed around the holiday season, and if you don’t want to take something that will totally knock you out, try a gentle relaxing cup of sedative tea instead of popping a pill. Now opinions may slightly differ amongst herbalists as to what the best herbal sedative is, but I think we can all agree that the best herb is the one that works best for the individual. Here are my top fifteen favorites for making in to herbal tea as they are widely available and not endangered species (to my current knowledge.)

I have included a brief blurb so that you can get an idea of the herbs that will work best for your constitution.Please always check with your naturopathic physician before combining herbs with prescription drugs. . #3 Schisandra- Referred to as “Chinese Prozac” this herb is commonly unappreciated and underutilized in American herbal practice. . #9 St. December 5, 2010. Family Practice Notebook. Artist Takes Every Drug Known to Man, Draws Self Portraits After Each Use.

This is all kinds of cool, and everything your mother told you not to do. Bryan Lewis Saunders is an artist from Washington D.C., not just any artist though. Saunders prefers to take a more unconventional approach to his artwork. Arguably his most interesting project, entitled DRUGS is described as follows: Below, you can view a collection of portraits Saunders drew while under the influence of various substances ranging from cocaine, to marijuana, to DMT. Each portrait is an astonishing look into the mind of someone tweaked out on drugs, something that your eyes will surely appreciate. Abilify / Xanax / Ativan 90mg Abilify 1 sm Glass of “real” Absinth 10mg Adderall 10mg Ambien Bath Salts 15mg Buspar (snorted) 4 Butalbitals Butane Honey Oil 250mg Cephalexin 1/2 gram Cocaine Computer Duster (2 squirts) 2 bottles of Cough Syrup 1 “Bump” of Crystalmeth 4mg Dilaudid 1 shot of Dilaudid / 3 shots of Morphine 60mg Geodon Hash Huffing Gas Huffing Lighter Fluid 7.5mg Hydrocodone / 7.5mg Oxycodone / 3mg Xanax 2mg Xanax.

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