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Main Page - Tarotpedia. Worldwide. Mary K. Greer's Tarot Blog. Tarot. FREE Tarot Readings. Tarot Cards, Meanings, Readings & Community at Aeclectic Tarot. Tarot of Trees. Meet Barbara | Practical Tarot. Barbara Moore Tarot Reader and Author The tarot has been a part of my personal and professional life for nearly twenty years. I first discovered tarot in college. Right from the start, tarot intrigued me with its marvelous blending of mythology, psychology, art, history mystery, and magic. It has been my privilege to work on many fascinating tarot projects, both decks and books. You can see them all HERE. In addition to book-length works, I write for Llewellyn’s Tarot Pathways and my own blog.

Travel and interacting with my fellow tarot-lovers is one of my favorite things. Barbara’s Philosophy — In Her Own Words Thank you for taking the time to do the reading for me…..very insightful and has really affirmed what I thought. In many ways, my tarot readings are like weather forecasts. In other ways, my tarot readings are like magic spells. Readings are just one way that I like to use the cards. An important element of a reading with me is trust. First, you should know what you want to ask.