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Rn-works. BLOG - Andreas Böinghoff - 3D Artist. Import toolutils import hou selected_node = "" selected = hou.selectedNodes() if selected: selected_node = selected[0] else: scene_viewer = toolutils.sceneViewer() selected_objects = scene_viewer.selectObjects("Select the Object to Constrain.

BLOG - Andreas Böinghoff - 3D Artist

Blog — Kushal Das. The project has started and lots has been happening!

Blog — Kushal Das

I am working with a very talented team (1 lighter/look development artist, 1 compositor, and 2 FX artists including myself) to create a project that is going to be advertising a BMW. After some time together, we bounced around a few ideas and came up with one that we all like and would like to develop. The commercial will start in full CG, with 3 cars on a Hot Wheels track in a basement playroom.

The three cars will be lined up like at the start of a drag race, with our hero car being in the middle of the three. The BMW in the middle will be a white color and the 2 other cars, a Subaru and an Audi, will be black to have the focus on the hero and star of our commercial. FX blog by Sergen Eren. HoudiniBBAの台所. HoudiniBBAの台所. Creating High Altitude Clouds – FX blog by Sergen Eren. Welcome Back In this part of the “Cloud Modelling” series we will be exploring how we can create high altitude clouds.

Creating High Altitude Clouds – FX blog by Sergen Eren

What I mean by high altitude is defined as clouds residing between 5 to 15 kilometers. We won’t be focusing on very high altitude clouds like Nacreous or Nocilucent cloud types. During the layout of a shot we usually see these clouds in the background of low altitude clouds, and creating them is almost always the job of the compositor. That’s why I’ve seen very little love is given to these clouds but there may come a point where you may need to create these assets for a specific shot or environment. CGI Study with Houdini|WOW note|note. Efficent Debris Stamping — FXMIND - Empower Creativity through Technology. This past week I have had to create a lot of debris particles ( Particles (POPs) that instance some piece of geometry ).

Efficent Debris Stamping — FXMIND - Empower Creativity through Technology

Instancing that geometry onto each particle is usually the heaviest part of the process ( for a basic effect ). Here are 3 ways I create and instance geometry onto particles, keep in mind there are so many other ways to do this I am sure, but these are the ones I use a lot! 1. Noise stamping ( Least Preferred Way ) Blog — xuan prada. Digital Artist and Technical Director. Vector field – Houdini Gubbins. I guess I know what you think: “Not again another post about vector fields!”

vector field – Houdini Gubbins

Well, that might be true but vector fields are omnipresent in computer graphics and therefore it’s incredible important to get a basic understanding of vector calculus and how it’s used in Houdini. A vector field is, as the name implies, a field of vectors in n-dimensional space. In Houdini terms, it’s a bunch of vectors assigned to points, vertices, polys or voxels of a mesh or a volume.

That’s roughly what a vector field is. OBOEGAKI. 初めてのHoudini_基本操作01 - Reincarnation+#Tech. 視力2.0. Phoenixart's blog – *simulacrum. Vanilla Box › Houdini. Ts_bros. Taka's Tech Note. メモ (Houdini) A Piece of Something's Procesural Logic. これもTouchDesigner勉強会で出た質問です。

A Piece of Something's Procesural Logic

パーティクルのコリジョン設定、パーティクルをポイントではなく別のジオメトリに置き換えられないかということと、パーティクルをワイヤー状に繋げた表現の方法です。 パーティクルを他のジオメトリに置き換える方法は以前に紹介したインスタンスで行います。 Houdini Solvers Mutual Interaction – Ceyhan Kapusuz. 1A.

Houdini Solvers Mutual Interaction – Ceyhan Kapusuz

Dear Houdini. Blog — Lippykid. It's a little embarassing to notice my last blog post was August last year.

Blog — Lippykid

I've actually been thinking about and working on Flak Jack a whole lot since that time, but my day job at Weta has taken over. For almost a year I've been working on a major sequence for the film, War For The Planet of the Apes. We are days away from finishing which hopefully means more free time to dive back into Unreal Engine. Scope vs time At this stage, progress on the game has been very slow in terms of actual on-the-box development time. Houdini: Wrangleがわからない(分かった感ある) - kick the base. 今回はHoudiniのお話です。

Houdini: Wrangleがわからない(分かった感ある) - kick the base

今までWrangleもVEXも手探りながら使ってきたのですが、詳しく挙動を見ていくとどうにも想定外の結果となることがあり、実は全然分かってなかったんじゃね? Niklas Rosenstein. FlexMonkey: Particle Advection by Reaction Diffusion in SideFX Houdini. After watching this excellent tutorial that discusses advecting particles by magnetic fields to create an animation of the sun, I was inspired to use the same technique to advect particles by fields that are a function of reaction diffusion systems.

FlexMonkey: Particle Advection by Reaction Diffusion in SideFX Houdini

The source for my reaction diffusion vector field is a geometry node. This field this geometry node outputs defines the concentrations of the component chemical-species that will later be used to advect the particles: The VDB node in this network defines the name of the field, I've used rdField, and the type: a Vector Float. The Volume Wrangle defines the initial state: I want a central cube where the field's z is high surrounded by an area where the x is high: if (@P.x > -0.1 && @P.x < 0.1 && @P.y > -0.1 && @P.y < 0.1 && @P.z > -0.1 && @P.z < 0.1) { v@foo.x *= 0.1; v@foo.z += rand(@P * 11) * 5;}else { v@foo.z *= 0; v@foo.x += rand(@P * 11) * 5;}

メモ (Houdini) — Relief. 16Houdini xyzdistとprimuvについて - ピ・プ. PYTHON FOR VFX – CLASS 2. # Lesson 2 # Quit python in interactive python, quit() or Ctrl-d # .py - raw file # .pyc - compiled version; not secured # class from last lesson # private variable without self import os, package that comes with the operating system os.path.split() split by string os.path.splitext() just get the extension import os.path as path # alias. Daily.hip – well, almost. Yekaterina Satanina. This week the trees are finally sprouting leaves and flowers in Rochester. I started learning about L-systems this week. Coincidence? 037 – Earthquake – Building collapse R&D 01 – Let's Houdini.

Following up with the procedural building I created (see here > 031 – Procedural Modeling for Destruction ) I decided to start playing around with it on DOP. I started by breaking some of the structure of the building using the voronoi fracture sop. Interior wall, about 9,000 pieces. 1k per floor. For the interior walls, I’m scattering points on the surface based on their area. And the windows. Ramblings of a digital nomad. Borndigitalのブログ:2016年08月29日 - livedoor Blog(ブログ) お疲れ様です! ボーンデジタル吉田です。 MICROBOT - David Fuhrer / Houdini 3D Generalist. 魔法の蒸留水.

Serenelight3d. Houdini備忘録 AttributeWrangleについて AttributeWrangleをダブルクリックして中に入るとAttributeVopがある。 さらにAttributeVopをダブルクリックして中に入るとSnippetがあるが、 AttributeWrangleに書いたコードは実際にはこのSnippetに記述されるように なっている。 肝要なのはこのSnippetがCVEXコンテキストで実行され 特定のコンテキスト内で実行されるわけではないこと。 よって、以下のグループ系関数を AttributeWrangleに記述するとエラーとなる。 // pop,sopコンテキストのみで有効な関数 void addgroup(string group_name, int point_number) int ingroup(string group_name, int point_number) void newgroup(string group_name) void removegroup(string group_name, int point_number)

TAKA VFX Note. Houdini Tricks. Mind-Melting Houdini FX. サルにもわかる Houdini. 3DCG屋さん向けTips&Referenceサイト. Igor Kharitonov. © 2015 by Igor Kharitonov More. Houdini / Maya / Tool Development / R&D. Graberry. Pilot Light VFX. How to set up your own VFX Studio - business considerations ~ Digitopia Film Blog. In this post I am going to guide you through the process of how to set yourself up as a your very own VFX studio. In practice this post can relate to setting yourself up as your own business, whatever industry you are in, but seeing as this a VFX oriented site I'll use the business model of a VFX studio for the purpose of this exercise.

Most of us VFX and animator types are employed as freelancers or contractors, there are very few staff positions in this industry so knowing how you can maximise, conserve and stretch your pay is really vital especially in the economic climate we find ourselves in. A lot of the specifics that I will mention relate to UK tax law, it is the same concept whichever country you are in, they just have different names and are set at different level (maybe you can substitute in the names and percentages in the comments below for your own country). The Working Man. Phill Mayer - FX ArtistPhill Mayer – FX Artist. Where awesome stuff happens. I guess this is the part where I mention this post is for intermediate-advanced users in Houdini. This is specifically diving into the Pyro side of things. I probably should have rearranged the order, but really you can do most of these steps in different orders.

For example, it might be better to view the shader adjustments first, then tweak the behaviour. Projects — Arthur Yidi. Cut And ... Ikatnek. Senior Effects Technical Director. FX HACK: Wrangleを使おう 2.5. My way in procedural animation. Trevor van Hoof. Clouds2. More cloud like test renders. The last two were quite slow...about an hour. ティーはいかがですか♪ Houdini Tips and Tricks. Posted 2013 Updated on March 26 2017 Files created by Deborah R. Fowler unless otherwise noted. Sections below relate to: ***New student/alumni contributions at the bottom of the page ***New modeling guidelines (see below) Current odd behavior: Making your window a floating pane on the dual monitors can sometimes cause difficulties, ie. error of copying nodes, or network nodes forcing you to enter them in the scene view - simply close the floating pane and try it in the regular network view. Click here for interface tips.

Online Portfoilo and Art Blog. FX Thinking. Matt Ebb . インディゾーンHoudini情報日本語ブログ. Sidefx.jpで公開されている海洋サーフェス作成のチュートリアルですが、商用版Houdiniをお使いの方であれば機能しますが、Apprentice版、Indie版の場合には一部のパラメータ設定を変更する必要があります。 Ocean Wavesシェルフで作成されるocean_renderノードのOutput Fileパラメータに.pic形式でのディスプレイスメントマップを出力するように設定されています。 そしてレンダリング時にそのOutput Fileパラメータの値のファイルを読み込んで海洋サーフェスのディスプレイスメントマップを適用します。 そのため、Apprentice版とIndie版をお使いであれば、それぞれ拡張子を.picnc、.piclcに変更する必要があります。 このチュートリアル動画では画像ベースライティングとしてEnvironment LightノードのEnvironement MapパラメータにDOSCH_DH207SX_lowres.ratファイルを指定するのですが、ファイルを選択する時に、Show sequences as one entryのチェックを外してからファイルを指定するようにしてください。 No more Retake. 学習リンク(日本語) Houdini メモ. ポリゴン+テクスチャ形状をMayaからHoudiniに持ってきて、効率よくオブジェクトの置換しながら、配置する方法を考察する。 Mplay. Particle motion blur in Houdini » Toadstorm Nerdblog. Dot Product - Mars Defense Front -vfx battle school- Zbrush to Houdini - Texture and Normal Map Workflow. Dutch Effects Factory. My way in procedural animation. VfxFusion - Effects and Characters. 05. VFX Pipeline « Rajiv Sharma.