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Ubuntu下安装repo下载源码,找不到repo命令 - 移动平台 / Android. Git sync. Git和Repo扫盲——如何取得Android源代码 « William Hua的Blog. Submitting Patches. This page describes the full process of submitting a patch to the AOSP, including reviewing and tracking changes with Gerrit. Prerequisites Before you follow the instructions on this page, you need to initialize your build environment and download the source.For details about Repo and Git, see the Developing section.For information about the different roles you can play within the Android Open Source community, see Project roles.If you plan to contribute code to the Android platform, be sure to read the AOSP's licensing information.Note that changes to some of the upstream projects used by Android should be made directly to that project, as described in Upstream Projects.

Authenticate with the server Before you can upload to Gerrit, you need to establish a password that will identify you with the server. Sign in on the AOSP Gerrit Server.Go to Settings -> HTTP Password -> Obtain PasswordFollow the instructions on the subsquent pages, and copy-paste your password in ~/.netrc. . $ repo upload. A successful Git branching model » Note of reflection (March 5, 2020)This model was conceived in 2010, now more than 10 years ago, and not very long after Git itself came into being. In those 10 years, git-flow (the branching model laid out in this article) has become hugely popular in many a software team to the point where people have started treating it like a standard of sorts — but unfortunately also as a dogma or panacea.During those 10 years, Git itself has taken the world by a storm, and the most popular type of software that is being developed with Git is shifting more towards web apps — at least in my filter bubble.

Web apps are typically continuously delivered, not rolled back, and you don't have to support multiple versions of the software running in the wild.This is not the class of software that I had in mind when I wrote the blog post 10 years ago. Why git? ¶ For a thorough discussion on the pros and cons of Git compared to centralized source code control systems, see the web.

The main branches ¶ develop. 采用Git的开发流程 - Git - 对比SVN学习GIT版本管理工具. 因为近期工作需要,要掌握git的使用方法,所以决心花点时间学习一下它的各种使用方法,就当是花点时间磨刀吧。 所以写这篇文档的目的主要还是为了自己能够系统的学习和理解GIT应用的方方面面,因为之前对SVN算是比较熟悉,所以决定以概念对比的方式来整理这篇文章,尽管,有些地方两者无法直接比较 8 )此外,主要的目的还是为了方便自己积累相关的git使用技巧。 文中理解有偏差的地方,还请大家指正。 1 概述和参考资料 1.1 GIT相关 这里面包括了 tutorial 基本的操作 / core-tutorial 底层命令的使用 / user’s manual 完整的用户手册以及其它各种资料,如果你看完了,我的这篇文档你也就不用看了。 1.2 SVN相关 这里是一份online的svn book 或者也可以看tortoiseSVN的帮助文档 2 仓库的组织结构及相关概念 仓库的组织管理形式这部分,应该说是版本管理工具设计上最核心的内容。 SVN属于中心式的仓库管理,完整的仓库数据,统一维护在服务器端的(当然,服务器也可以就是你的本机了)仓库中,对于客户端来说,本地取得的数据不是完整的仓库,只是仓库中特定版本的部分或全部数据,同时,客户端还负责维护本地数据的变更情况,在客户端并不拥有仓库完整的历史数据。 对于Git来说,应该属于分布式的仓库管理,倒不是说仓库的内容分散在不同的server上,只是对仓库而言,没有中心仓库之说,所有的仓库都是平等的。 在SVN中,从仓库checkout的一个工作树,每个子目录下都维护着自己的.svn目录,记录着该目录中文件的修改情况以及和服务器端仓库的对应关系。 Git仓库中,项目根目录下的.git目录统一管理了所有的仓库数据和当前工作树的相关信息。 在SVN中,默认采用FSFS的数据库格式,任何提交都是一个版本的递增,所谓分支,tag等概念都只是仓库中不同路径上的一个对象或索引而已,和普通的路径并没有本质的区别。 在Git中,其内部的对象层级依赖关系或许和SVN类似,但是其工作树的视图表现形式和SVN完全不同。

3 基本操作 3.1 仓库创建初始化 在SVN中,仓库本身的管理和日常应用,使用的是两套不同的命令。 3.4 检查当前状态.