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Git-merge-base(1) Git merge-base [-a|--all] <commit><commit>… git merge-base [-a|--all] --octopus <commit>… git merge-base --is-ancestor <commit><commit> git merge-base --independent <commit>… git merge-base finds best common ancestor(s) between two commits to use in a three-way merge.


One common ancestor is better than another common ancestor if the latter is an ancestor of the former. A common ancestor that does not have any better common ancestor is a best common ancestor, i.e. a merge base. Note that there can be more than one merge base for a pair of commits. As the most common special case, specifying only two commits on the command line means computing the merge base between the given two commits. More generally, among the two commits to compute the merge base from, one is specified by the first commit argument on the command line; the other commit is a (possibly hypothetical) commit that is a merge across all the remaining commits on the command line. --octopus --independent. Git rebase 的應用經驗 - Richard的专栏 - CSDN博客.

Git Book 中文版 - rebase. 假设你现在基于远程分支"origin",创建一个叫"mywork"的分支。 $ git checkout -b mywork origin 现在我们在这个分支做一些修改,然后生成两个提交(commit). $ vi file.txt $ git commit $ vi otherfile.txt $ git commit ... 但是与此同时,有些人也在"origin"分支上做了一些修改并且做了提交了. 这就意味着"origin"和"mywork"这两个分支各自"前进"了,它们之间"分叉"了。 Android代码管理git rebase(也即衍合)的使用 - gaogaf的专栏 - CSDN博客. 阿偉的個人天地 » Git rebase 的應用經驗. Pro Git 1.3 起步 Git 基础要点. Pull with rebase.

Committed 11 Feb 2009 Users of Git are hopefully aware that a git pull does a git fetch to pull down data from the specified remote, and then calls git merge to join the changes received with your current branch’s work.

pull with rebase

However, that may not always be the best case. You can also rebase the changes in, and that may end up being a lot cleaner. This can be done simply by tacking on the --rebase option when you pull, like so: Gerrit Code Review - Uploading Changes. Each user uploading changes to Gerrit must configure one or more SSH public keys.

Gerrit Code Review - Uploading Changes

The per-user SSH key list can be accessed over the web within Gerrit by Settings, and then accessing the SSH Keys tab. Configuration To register a new SSH key for use with Gerrit, paste the contents of your or file into the text box and click the add button. Gerrit only understands SSH version 2 public keys. Gerrit Code Review - Change-Ids. Gerrit Code Review sometimes relies upon Change-Id lines in the bottom of a commit message to uniquely identify a change across all drafts of it.

Gerrit Code Review - Change-Ids

By including a unique Change-Id in the commit message, Gerrit can automatically associate a new version of a change back to its original review, even across cherry-picks and rebases. Re: Your change could not be merged due to a path conflict. [Prev] Thread [Next] | [Prev] Date [Next]

Re: Your change could not be merged due to a path conflict

Your change could not be merged due to a path conflict. Gerrit Code Review - Uploading Changes. Each user uploading changes to Gerrit must configure one or more SSH public keys.

Gerrit Code Review - Uploading Changes

The per-user SSH key list can be accessed over the web within Gerrit by Settings, and then accessing the SSH Keys tab. Configuration To register a new SSH key for use with Gerrit, paste the contents of your or file into the text box and click the add button. Gerrit only understands SSH version 2 public keys. Keys may be supplied in either the OpenSSH format (key starts with ssh-rsa or ssh-dss) or the RFC 4716 format (file starts with ---- BEGIN SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ----). Typically SSH keys are stored in your home directory, under ~/.ssh. Then copy the content of the public key file onto your clipboard, and paste it into Gerrit's web interface: Testing Connections To verify your SSH key is working correctly, try using an SSH client to connect to Gerrit's SSHD port. Your change could not be merged due to a path conflict. Your change could not be merged due to a path conflict - Repo and Gerrit Discussion. Garjj23 <garyjeff...

Your change could not be merged due to a path conflict - Repo and Gerrit Discussion> wrote: > "Your change could not be merged due to a path conflict. Please merge > (or rebase) the change locally and upload the resolution for review. " > > I don't understand why this happens all the time in gerrit, even when > I am the only one submitting changes to a branch. But I don't even > care. What I want to know is what to do when it does happen? It occurs when the same file was modified by two different changes. For example: Gerrit show path conflict but no conflict during rebase - Repo and Gerrit Discussion.

Gerrit is currently very conservative and refuses to submit a change if another user touched a same file in the meantime, even if the two changes done in that file don't conflict with one another.

Gerrit show path conflict but no conflict during rebase - Repo and Gerrit Discussion

For people used to perforce, this is fundamentally the same behavior (where p4 submit refuses to submit if #have is different from #head for any of the files being submitted). The unfortunate difference here is that the git/Gerrit-based workflow can ripple down into a lot more work than a plain "p4 sync <affected file>; p4 resolve -am ; p4 submit".

I'd like to have Gerrit offer more flexibility here (i.e. show the diffs on both sides and let the submitter submit anyway, or only report path conflicts if the lines being changed are less than 20-or-so lines apart), so that in many circumstances there'd be no need to rebase, as that rebase really hurts the workflow. Gerrit2 abandon change - Repo and Gerrit Discussion. Path conflict during fast forward merge? - Brad Larson - com.googlegroups.repo-discuss. TroubleShooting (Git) Setup problems Special characters in username, "permission denied (publickey)" If copying the hooks via ssh ends up in "permission denied (publickey)" and you have special characters (like @ or !)

TroubleShooting (Git)

In your user name, these characters have to be escaped using a backslash. Clone problems Push problems Push: Permission denied (publickey) $ git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master Permission denied (publickey). fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly If this error happens, double check if you are using the correct SSH user name (which is your user name on and you are using an SSH key known to Gerrit.

The following push command shows you the Push URL (which contain Needed a single revision. Github - git rebase fatal: Needed a single revision. "Needed a single revision" Git Error using 2.3 - Capistrano. Error rebase play: Needed a single revision - play-framework. Needed a single revision: what does it mean? - Capistrano. Error rebase play: Needed a single revision - play-framework. Linux大棚. 星之一角 2.3.3: 終於知道為什麼要 rebase 而不是 merge (2) 查看upstream git. [Git] Getting the latest upstream code - 待浮花浪蕊都尽,伴君幽独 - kbsd - 和讯博客. Git upstream. Easily fetching upstream changes.

Committed 12 Feb 2009 This tip comes from Dav Glass, whose work on YUI at GitHub requires him to bring in commits frequently.

easily fetching upstream changes

So, he’s created a helpful alias so he can merge in changes easily. First off, he’s got a consistent naming scheme for his upstream remote: git remote add upstream Just throw this in your .gitconfig and you’re all set: [alias] pu = ! " Now git pu will grab all of the latest changes from both remotes, and then merge in the commits from upstream.

How is this different from just doing a git pull upstream master? Of course, there’s plenty of different ways you could tackle this problem. If you have aliases or suggestions to make this process easier, let us know! Gerrit Replace Changes. Gerrit Code Review - Change-Ids. Gerrit Code Review sometimes relies upon Change-Id lines in the bottom of a commit message to uniquely identify a change across all drafts of it. By including a unique Change-Id in the commit message, Gerrit can automatically associate a new version of a change back to its original review, even across cherry-picks and rebases. To be picked up by Gerrit, a Change-Id line must be in the bottom portion (last paragraph) of a commit message, and may be mixed together with the Signed-off-by, Acked-by, or other such footers.

For example: $ git log -1 commit 29a6bb1a059aef021ac39d342499191278518d1d Author: A. U. In the above example, Ic8aaa0728a43936cd4c6e1ed590e01ba8f0fbf5b is the unique identity assigned to this change. To avoid confusion with commit names, Change-Ids typically are with an uppercase I . Git/Gerrit Code Review. Gerrit is a web-based code review tool for projects using the Git VCS. It allows both a streamlined code review process, and a highly-configurable hierarchy for project members. Typically, any user may submit patches ("changesets") to the server for review. Once someone has reviewed the changes to a sufficient degree, they are merged into the main line of development, which can then be pulled. Overview[edit] Implementation[edit] Server[edit]