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Rgb monome clone project ::: CDM article : menu: preamblethe midibox frameworkthe basic layoutthe protodeck’s architecturethe protodeck’s partsthe protodeck’s firmwaresthe protodeck’s software interface with max for livethe protodeck’s software javascript code for clip grid handlingthe protodeck’s little LCD THE PROTODECK controller features: - 87 potentiometers - 90 buttons - 81 rgb leds - 2×20 LCD - 2 PIC 18F4620 (20MHz RISC processors) - fully custom rgb led drivers - fully custom firmware - 2 MIDI IN/OUT interface - power supply unit included in the box The problem is easy to understand: I wanted to drop my PC keyboard + mouse during live performance in order to be focused on music/sound/live.

The only way to solve my problem was to use an hardware to control Ableton Live, but not only that, I need a feedback from it too. But I need a lot of pots/knobs, a lot of multicolor lights, a lot of buttons… A name is important. App:monomer [monome] A Ruby library (and sample apps) for interacting with the monome using the Ruby programming language and osc Created by: Sam Aaron, with contributions from Ullrich Schäfer It is most definitely work in progress, is evolving rapidly, but is already great fun to play with Download: The library is stored in a publicly available git repository. If all this git stuff sounds too much like hard work, you can always fetch the latest tarball from this link: Installation: Instructions: In order to use this library, you must have monomeserial running. .

Or to force a particular interpreter: ruby blinker.rb Caveats: This library has been developed and tested using a monome 128 and on OS X Leopard. Monomic. Monomic A library by Jesse Kriss for the programming environment processing. Last update, 01/03/2009. Monomic is a Processing library for the monome 40h. The 40h is a usb serial device, but it also comes with an OSC driver. Monomic builds on Processing's Serial library and Andreas Sojamo's oscP5 library, and, as a result, can use either protocol. Monomic provides straightforward functions for receiving 40h button events and turning the leds on and off, as well as advanced functions like setting led intensity and going in and out of low power mode. If you have any problems, please report them here. Download Download monomic version 004 in zip format.

Installation Unzip and put the extracted monomic folder into the libraries folder of your processing sketches. Keywords monome, physical controller Reference Have a look at the javadoc reference here. a copy of the reference is included in the .zip as well. License MIT Tested Platform Mac Processing ?

Forum - Expanding PWM. Thanks to insights gained from jimS and Amp and others in the forum, I've developed this code for the TLC5490, just for fading across a row of LEDs smoothly. To fully grok what's going on here, get the data sheet: The biggest challenge was avoiding flicker, since the usual Arduino digitalWrite commands are a little too slow. Amp's "4MHz output from ports" post helped reveal to me the PORTB call, which is easy to use and much faster.

Note I only needed to do this when pulsing the 5940's greyscale clock. Have fun... [code]/*Ti 5940 16-port LED driver = overlapped fade across 16 LEDs at a low background level * Peter Mackey June 2007 Pratt Digital Arts * smooth flickerless fading (thanks to Amp on the Arduino forum) * additional logic from David Cuartielles's & Marcus Hannerstig's LEDdriver demo */ int word[] = { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; //temp storage for reversing bits in a word (for greyscale setting)

Optimus Tactus keyboard. Optimus Tactus does not have physical keys, which means there are no restrictions on their shape and size. Any part of the keyboard surface can be programmed to perform any function or to display any images. :: View topic - Monome 40h Kits. Bassic Dave wrote: Muy interesante...This device looks really nice, but im having trouble thinking of ways to use it besides triggering clips. That would be great by itself especially in a live setting, and double that for the 100h, but ive seen videos of people doing other things with this, like cutting up samples.

Also do you know it it is page-able, like can you have multiple pages of buttons? And how hard do you think it would be to take the logic chips and buttons and add faders and rotaries? There is no standard application to use it. The software itself is ALL open source, users have come up with all kinds of step sequencers, slicers, Live interfaces, games, video playback/control and pretty blinky toys. This link is a great explanationVideo controller <video at top> At the middle of the video he openly lays out how it all works with Ableton Live and his video app (VDMX). ... mx-monome/ A huge list of apps users have made, all open source.

Whats the secret? MAX7219CNG+ - Product information - SOS electronic. Composants actifs. FTDICHIP, circuit intégré USB, convertisseur USB.