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Ipad use in education

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An iPad in Every Classroom: Teacher Tested, Student Approved! « Wired Educator. We’ve moved! Wired Educator’s new site is: really want you to see the new site. It looks better, reads better, and contains our most recent articles.Please consider:• Subscribing to our email updates at the new site.• Bookmarking our new site address.• Adding our RSS to your feed.• Recommending our new site to a friend. On opening day I stood in line at my nearest Apple Store for the release of the iPad.

Sure, I was anxious to experience the latest and greatest from Cupertino, but I also wanted to test its capabilities in the classroom. For the past two weeks I have been evaluating the iPad’s capabilities in my seventh grade English class. •Where does the iPad fit in education? First and foremost, the iPad is a great addition to any classroom. Fast and Easy to Use: When I passed my iPad around the room there was absolutely no instruction needed. Great Content Viewer: The iPad is an incredible device for viewing content. It’s on INSTANTLY! Like this: Bloom's Apps - 21nnovate. Teachwithyouripad.wikispaces. iPad for Teachers? - Page 5. Infinite Campus Gradebook on Ipad I was so excited when I got my Ipad with the thought of being able to walk around my classroom and grade student work.

I was really disappointed when I realized that the gradebook system which my school uses needs Java to access the gradebook feature. With Ipad not supporting Java/Flash I knew that I was going to have to find a way to make this work. I did a thorough search for an app that would allow me to run Java on my Ipad. Cloud Browse seemed to be the one that I was finding that most people used for this.

The app was very slow to work, even with the Premium version, so I decided to try another route. I thought if I could use an app that would allow me to access my desktop PC from school, then I would have accessibility to use all portions of Infinite Campus, including the sites which require Java. Apps for Teachers / Special Needs.

iPads in the Classroom. iPad Academy - Learn How to Use the iPad | Tutorials, Tips & Training. 5 iPad Apps Every Teacher Should Have. Just to wrap up our week of apps for teachers here are some favourites that will make your iPad a little more productive in the classroom.

Enjoy iWork Until Microsoft release office for the iPad iWork offers the MS Works equivalent of a productivity suite for the iPad. Pages, Numbers and Keynote make for a fairly impressive productivity suite for $30, or $10 each. Teaching & Classroom Resources @ The Elements: A Visual Exploration: Sounds a bit pricey for a periodic table, but the vividly animated illustrations of every substance our world is made of more than make up for it. $14 Bento: Organize your Life Mobile Air Mouse: Do you use an Interactive whiteboard and have wireless keyboards and mice floating around the place that either don’t work or you have to actually sit in front of a computer to type something on your IWB.

DropBox: I own a laptop, 2 desktop PC’s at home, have files on the network at school and now have some stuff on my iPhone and an iPad.