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Paracorde-nœuds. ~ Alaska Museum of Fancy Knots ~ TyingItAllTogether. Knots. (This is one of my recently made bellropes, it is made out of several sizes of cotton cord and contains a core made frome scraps from other bellropes) I think it came out pretty good, one of these days I'll have to get me a bell. I have had a lot of requests about instructions to construct a bellrope like the one in the photo so I purchased a good tripod and have put togeather a video showing how I put one togeather step by step so if you would like a copy contact me and I'll give you more info. ONE OF MY GOALS WITH MY BELLROPES: I would really like to have one of my bellropes make it to the silver screen as one of the props in a movie, so if any producers, directors, prop suppliers, whoever, anyone in the business that might be able to use a bellrope in some of their scenes, just let me know.

"NEW" Check out the E-Bay link in the links, a very easy to use tool for looking for knot items for sale in the e-bay online auctions, use it to find books, knotted items, tools, etc. 1. 2. 3. 5. Fishing Boating & Travel in Australia & Boat Tests Fishing Knots Guides & Articles. Animated Knots by Grog | How to Tie Knots | Fishing, Boating, Climbing, Scouting, Search and Rescue, Household, Decorative, Rope Care, Knot - Free Online eBook Collection. "knot" | How To Videos and Guides. Knot | eHow Search. Search for 'knot' - wikihow. TIAT video. Instructables. Stormdrane's Blog.
