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Caminando Camino de Santiago a pie - Walking tours. Unquestionably, enjoying the local cuisine is one of the main reasons to love the Camino. However, it is advisable to eat small amounts on many occasions during your walk, as well as to hydrate frequently. Walking all day not only makes you hungry but gives you a free pass to eat whatever you want. So, once the walk for the day is over, you can eat a more copious meal to regain strength and enjoy the local specialties.

Getting enough food on the Camino is not something to worry about. On the main paths to Santiago you will pass through diverse regions of Spain and Portugal, all of them with different local specialties and all of them great. One important thing to know is most shelters, hostels and some hotels do not serve any meal, however almost every hotel does serve breakfast.

As a general rule, it is not necessary to bring food on the Camino, but it is indeed convenient to bring some water and some nuts, fruits or cookies, in case you feel weakness on the road. Way of St James - 800 Km pilgrimage Walk in Spain. Santiago de Compostela - Mejor Europeo tour de gira. Walking about 15 miles per day for a month can seem like quite a challenge, but if you follow an adequate preparation a few months in advance of your Camino de Santiago, you will do it at ease. It is crucial to follow some basic training before walking the Camino de Santiago Tours. You should start your training at least two months before your trip; the intensity of your training will vary depending on: the selected route, duration of the journey, and the sort of topography you will find. A basic training program will make a huge difference and it will help reduce the risk of suffering injuries.

Another important advice is to make sure you give your walking shoes a good test run before you go on the Camino, to avoid uncomfortable and painful blisters. The basics for your trip should include: a comfortable pair of walking shoes or boots, a small backpack with spare blister plasters, a water bottle that can be filled along the way and your pilgrim passport to collect the stamps. Yourwaytosantiagousss | Plants and Natural Remedies for Pilgrims. Historically, Pilgrims have used several kinds of plants and natural remedies for curative purposes when walking the Camino de Santiago. We’ll talk about some of them: Rosemary (Rosmarinus Officinalis): They have been used throughout history by pilgrims and physicians. Externally applied, they help fight joint pain, improve blood circulation and invigorate a tired body. If applied on wounds, they are a good antiseptic and promote healing.Thyme (Genus Thymus): It is used to sanitize wounds.

Pilgrimage tours in Spain - Spain , Spain. Camino de Santiago - deambula en busca de la ruta de peregrinación. Looking for some information before starting the Camino is highly recommended. We suggest that you contact the information offices for Pilgrims or seek for information on the internet. How much training and health preparation you will need for the Camino depends on your current fitness levels. It is essential for your body to be prepared for walking 12 miles per day for as long as your Camino will be. Preparing yourself not only physically but psychologically for the Path is a must. It is a clever idea to start training at least 3 months before you start the Camino de Santiago.

Try to plan your training in advance, know that you will be walking 16 to 20 miles per day on a regular day on the Camino. This training is meant for beginners to get you to a point where the first few days on the Camino will not be a blur of pain. Once you are on the Camino try to remember not to rush, walk at your own pace, muscle strain is more likely when you are pushing your body too hard. [click here] Camino de Santiago - deambula en busca de la ruta de peregrinación. Santiago de Compostela - Mejor Europeo tour de gira. Tour y camino de Santiago. Tour y camino de Santiago. Walking tours - Caminando Camino de Santiago a pie -