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YRC is a Management Consulting Company with head office in Pune, India. We work across 03 verticals, Startup, SME & Corporates. Our expertise lies in developing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for companies and helping them organize and expand. We have a cumulative experience of more than 15 years. Our holistic approach helps us to devise the best of the management practices for the organization.

Business Plan Writing Services, Business Plan Consulting. Business Plan Consulting The process roadmap of the business, a business plan’s core objective is to identify and analyze an existing business or opportunity by examining its techno-economic and financial feasibility.

Business Plan Writing Services, Business Plan Consulting

Business plan consulting services are essential to keep the business on the right track, helping it to achieve its strategic goals and objectives through expert advice. Dark Supermarket Business Model, Dark Supermarket Consulting. ‘Dark supermarket’ is an amalgamation of retail and eCommerce.

Dark Supermarket Business Model, Dark Supermarket Consulting

These retail businesses sell and deliver to customers via the eCommerce model. Physically, these dark supermarkets exist in the form of warehouses or distribution centres. Not open for customers but customers can make their purchases via online shopping platforms in the form of websites or mobile applications and goods are delivered at their doorstep. Some dark supermarkets also exist in the form of the click-and-collect model. Areas with a high online purchasing trend provide a solid reason to have dark supermarkets there. Online Grocery Store Consulting. Start Online Grocery Business.

Online grocery (also called as E-Grocery) is the newest addition to the growing e-commerce business across the globe.

Online Grocery Store Consulting. Start Online Grocery Business

It not only offers convenience but also helps in taking over a chore that has to be done periodically. Although traditional grocery business is still influential, online grocery slowly but surely is making in-roads into the mind of the customer who just might switch over to online grocery services completely. Sustainable E-Commerce Business Model, Sustainable E-commerce Brand. How can you make a Sustainable E-commerce Brand There is no doubt that e-commerce has made shopping easier with the convenience of shopping from the comforts of home.

Sustainable E-Commerce Business Model, Sustainable E-commerce Brand

But, with time it has also created a customer who is demanding and discreet about the shopping choices they make. This means the customer of today is much more conscious not only about his immediate surroundings but also about global issues that are shaping the world. Sustainability is one such topic that remains quite on top of the priority list of a socially and globally conscious customer. It has been seen that if given a choice most customers are willing to opt for a brand that is environmentally conscious and incorporates practices that are sustainable in the long-term with minimal impact on the environment.

Set Up Dark Store, Start an Online Delivery Business, Dark Store. What Are Dark Stores?

Set Up Dark Store, Start an Online Delivery Business, Dark Store

Dark stores are focused on order fulfillment online in areas with massive demand. The location of dark stores is critical for retailers in huge geographical regions and areas. Converting your retail store into a dark store can really benefit you in many ways. According to a Deloitte report, dark stores will play a pivotal role in supply chains ahead, as well. Setup Cloud Kitchen / Dark Kitchen, Cloud Kitchen Consultants. What is Cloud Kitchen & Dark Kitchen Cloud kitchen, virtual kitchen, dark kitchen, ghost restaurant, dark kitchen, delivery-only restaurant, virtual restaurants, or even restaurant-as-a-service/ RAAS – all of these terms refer to the same foodtech concept: a virtual restaurant that sells meals exclusively through online delivery systems.

Setup Cloud Kitchen / Dark Kitchen, Cloud Kitchen Consultants

Such restaurants rely solely on sales through online delivery platforms or own delivery channel. Top online delivery platforms range across UberEats, JustEat, FAASOS, Swiggy and many more. This has paved the way for dark kitchens. Such third-party delivery channels work to connect food businesses with customers and deliver meals quickly. For a cloud kitchen, Swiggy, Zomato, and FoodPanda are some top choices for delivering orders. B2B eCommerce Consulting, B2B Ecommerce Strategy & Development. What is B2B eCommerce?

B2B eCommerce Consulting, B2B Ecommerce Strategy & Development

B2B is a business transaction model where trading or commerce takes place between two business entities. If such buying and selling take place using the internet, it qualifies to be called B2B eCommerce. For example, a manufacturer selling goods to a distributor (both business entities) qualifies as B2B. When these two business entities conduct the buying and selling over the internet, it qualifies as B2B eCommerce. When we say buying and selling, it means the entire transaction from ordering to delivery and payment. Edge of eCommerce According to a report, the global B2B eCommerce market stood at USD 12.2 trillion in 2019.

Fashion Ecommerce Consulting, Fashion Business Strategy, Model. This Step involves 03 distinct parts: Part 1: Choosing the right Platform: From several platforms available in the market right from Shopify to magento, woocommerce, prestoshop, wordpress etc. you must choose the one that fits best for your business Part 2: UX Designing: “UX” denotes User Experience, which if put in simple language is building the functional requirements of the website.

Fashion Ecommerce Consulting, Fashion Business Strategy, Model

UX Designing includes designing the features required in the website, customer journey map, website features, the browsing features, navigation features, ecommerce order management process flow, checkout cart features, catalogue management, ecommerce payment system, cross selling features & much more. “As per statistics, 68% of the customers abandon the carts before payment” Ecommerce Outsourcing Services, eCommerce Operations Outsourcing. This Step involves 03 distinct parts: Part 1: Choosing the right Platform: From several platforms available in the market right from Shopify to magento, woocommerce, prestoshop, wordpress etc. you must choose the one that fits best for your business Part 2: UX Designing: “UX” denotes User Experience, which if put in simple language is building the functional requirements of the website.

Ecommerce Outsourcing Services, eCommerce Operations Outsourcing

Retail Outsourcing Services, Retail Industry Outsourcing Services. This Step involves 03 distinct parts: Part 1: Choosing the right Platform: From several platforms available in the market right from Shopify to magento, woocommerce, prestoshop, wordpress etc. you must choose the one that fits best for your business.

Retail Outsourcing Services, Retail Industry Outsourcing Services

यशस्वी फ्रँचायझिंग ब्रँड निर्मिती छोटे आणि मध्यम उपक्रम (एसएमई) हे बाजाराचे मुख्य घटक असतात. ते पुष्कळशा सेवा पुरवितात. तरीही, स्वत:चा ब्रँड विकसित करण्यात त्यांना बर्‍याच स्पर्धेचा सामना करावा लागतो. बरेचसे फ्रँचायसर्स त्यांचा ब्रँड प्रमोट करण्यासाठी तसेच फ्रँचाइजची चांगली छबी निर्माण करण्यासाठी फारच मेहनत घेतात. यशस्वी फ्रैन्चाइझिंग ब्रैन्ड निर्मिती छोटे और मध्यम उपक्रम (एसएमइ), बाजार के मुख्य घटक होते है | वे बहोतसी सेवाएँ प्रदान करते है | फिर भी, खुद का ब्रैन्ड विकसित करने के लिए उन्हें अधिकतम प्रतिस्पर्धा का सामना करना पडता है | बहोत से फ्रैन्चाइझर्स उनका ब्रैन्ड प्रमोट करने के लिए और फ्रैन्चाइझ की अच्छी प्रतिमा निर्माण करने के लिए काफी कष्ट उठाते है | व्यवसाय को बढाने के लिए फ्रैन्चायझिंग ब्रैन्ड तैयार करना बहोत ही अत्यावश्यक है | फ्रैन्चाइझी और फ्रैन्चाइझर की एसओपी अधिकतर तरीकों से मददगार हो सकती है | इसके कारण स्टॅटेजीज का प्रयोग करने के लिए अधिकारियों को एक स्पष्ट दिशा मिलती है | फ्रैन्चाइझी ब्रैन्ड तैयार करने के लिए विविध एसएमइ-ज के लिए निम्न स्टॅटेजीज अच्छी है | उचित फ्रैन्चाइझिंग ब्रैन्ड के कारण अच्छी कस्टमर लॉयल्टी तैयार होती है क्योंकि, ग्राहकों की अपेक्षापूर्ति अच्छी तरह से पूरी होती है | ब्रैन्ड एक्स्ट्रीमिझम से बचना

Case Study: Big Basket Dark Stores. Dark Stores Meaning The future of grocery retailing, dark stores are traditional retail stores or supermarkets that have been transformed into eCommerce warehouses or local fulfilment or distribution centres. Case Study: Grofers Dark Stores India. Dark Stores Meaning With retailing witnessing a digital transformation, dark stores have caught the imagination of grocery shoppers worldwide. These stores are generally large eCommerce warehouses that cater to an online order fulfillment platform or distribution center, or a ‘click-and-collect’ service, where the customer picks up items they have ordered online.

Currently, prevalent in grocery, apparel, footwear, consumer durables, and home goods retail businesses globally, a dark stores business model is D2C(Direct-to-Consumer) in nature. It provides a quick and efficient shopping experience for consumers through a digital ordering process, same-day on-demand delivery, and an in-store location pickup. Though open to end consumers, a potential buyer can browse through the dark store online and via mobile-friendly applications, providing a virtual, real-time view of the product shelves. Advantages of the Dark Stores Business Model: Grofers: One of the Pioneers of Dark Stores India. What does it take to Startup an FMCG Business - YRC. FMCG is one of the most resilient industries in an economy. We saw the same in the COVID-19 situation when almost all the businesses were closed, the FMCG businesses consisting of essential items flourished. PUNE, India - March 4, 2021 - PRLog -- Foresee untapped needs Instead of competing with the established players, a smarter decision would be to identify an untapped need and focus your energies on it.

For example, before the COVID-19 situation, the demand for hand sanitizers was minuscule, and then as the pandemic situation erupted, the demand for hand and surface sanitizers also increased substantially. Looking into the future, such safety and hygiene products for regular use will be a part of the FMCG bucket, an opportunity which many popular FMCG brands have already tapped into. How to start an Online Jewellery Business? Online Niches, Stats, & Steps every entrepreneur must know !!! Wearing jewellery is no longer restricted to women alone, times have changed and there is increasing demand amongst men to buy jewellery both online and offline. Currently, jewellery and accessories make up to 29% of the global internet purchases, according to Statista. In addition, according to the latest estimates, global online jewellery sales are going to reach a market value of $340 billion by 2023 and an incredible $645 billion by 2035. Rise of Dark Stores in Asia.

There is no escaping the reality now. As preventive actions continue to be enforced by governments across the globe, commuting has been abandoned for work from home facilities. This drastic change due to the pandemic has been imbibed into all of our lives last year and to say, one of the many biggest knock-outs, as a consequence, has been that people are now shopping differently. Amidst market disruptions and unprecedented economic slowdown, the role that grocery retailer’s play in our daily lives has been re-clarified. In order to understand the shift in consumer behavior, spending and expectation Mckinsey conducted a survey with more than 5,000 consumers in Asia, across seven countries: Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, and Thailand. There’s no doubt that the pandemic has opened new opportunities – let’s take a look:

What is a Dark Store? Future of Grocery Dark Stores in India. Innovative Supermarket Business Models. There was a time when analysts thought that the accelerated growth of e-commerce might put an end to retail as we know it. How to Choose an e-commerce Business Model that works in 2021? The success of e-commerce all around the world has caught the attention of entrepreneurs who are keen on creating their own online businesses. But an e-commerce business model is not the proverbial “bed of roses”, it does take a fair bit of planning and sharp execution to become established as a solid e-commerce brand.

Every year there are numerous online businesses launched but only a few of them managed to break even and sustain themselves in the long run. What is Personalization in E-Commerce? How is it helping to create a competitive edge? - Ecommerce has been a game changer for the past few years. It has been around and has proved to be a success tool for businesses. Start a Mini Supermarket. How to Start a Hypermarket in India? Buy Online Pick-up In-Store (BOPIS) What is BOPIS? The growth of e-commerce as a domain has meant that customers have also become demanding when it comes to receiving services. Most expect e-commerce brands to deliver at a low or “no” shipping cost - FMCG.

Equipment and Supplies needed before Starting an Online Grocery Store by Your RetailCoach. How to start a Mini Supermarket - YourRetailCoach. Techniques to Improve Retail & E-commerce Warehouse Management. A solid warehouse operation is fundamental to the success of a retail brand. 7-11 Convenience Stores - A Case-Study. Background: Market Research Report - YRC. Key Insights & Blueprint on: How to make a Business Plan? How a Robust Business Plan helps Retail & E-commerce Business. Retail sales SOPs. Dairy & Milk Industry Business Consulting. Business Plan Writing Services, Consulting & Planning Company. Direct to Retail (D2R) How SOPs will Benefit Wholesale Brand Venturing into Retail. 5 Reasons to Develop SOPs for Restaurants - Part II. 5 Reasons to Develop SOPs for Restaurants - Part I. Business Opportunities in Small Towns. Achieving Double Digit Growth in Retail. 5 Most Powerful Reasons Why you need Digital Marketing in 2017.

Basics Before Starting a Business (Part- I) Big Data, Big Data Retail, Big Data Companies India. How Retail Analytics has given a new dimension to Marketing. Change Management in Family Business. Change Management in Business. Evolution of Malls in India. Supply Chain Strategy for Grocery Business. Why Starting a Grocery Business is profitable during COVID-19? Customer Service SOPs. Online Grocery / E-Grocery. Dark supermarket. Starting a Supermarket: Your Retail Coach’s 7-Step Winning Formula. YOUR RETAIL COACH — Marketing Strategies for FMCG/ Grocery Business. Let’s "Go Digital" initiative by YRC - What is the Dark Store Theory? How SOPs can Reduce Cost & Increase Productivity.

What are CSFs and KPIs? How will it help to achieve business excellence? Marketing Strategies for Retail & Online Grocery Businesses by Your RetailCoach. Building the Foundation of a Powerful Retail Chain Brand. Home Delivery by Restaurants to Generate more Revenue. Building your Digital Business with the Right Basics. Let's explore digital transformation in retail industry.

How SOPs can help Increase Revenues of eCommerce Business. Ways to Start and Grow eGrocery Business. O2O Strategy: The Next Game-Changer in eCommerce? Experience of visiting an IKEA Store in Dubai. What you Should Look for Before Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency? Use of Retail Automation Solutions in Post Lockdown World. How Retail can Adopt Digital Transformation.

Ways to Start and Grow E‐grocery Business. Must-do things for e-Startups. How to Start Online Grocery Business? Tips, Techniques, and Practices to Increase Retail Sales. Home Delivery Service as a value-added Service for Grocery Stores. Franchising May Help Businesses Overcome the COVID Slowdown. Digital Marketing for Online Grocery Business. How Digital Marketing can help to Grow Supermarket Business? How Do I Start A Fashion Apparel Business? How to do visual merchandising for your retail store. Role of eCommerce Strategy Consultants. Expanding your e-commerce Business to Dubai - 5 Important Considerations. How to Write a Business Plan for an eCommerce Business. Expanding eCommerce Business to the GCC/UAE Market. Planning for eCommerce Business Expansion to Dubai. Ways to Enhance Customer Journey in Luxury Furniture Retail. How to Grow your Supermarket Business?

10 Steps to Start a New Supermarket / Grocery Store.

Retail Ecommerce

Ecommerce Business Consulting, Ecommerce Consulting Services. Enter Retail - Set Up Retail Store. Enter Retail - Setup Ecommerce Business. Standard Operating Procedure Consulting. SOP for Retail Business, SOP for Retail Store Management, Warehouse SOP. Franchise Development Business Plan. Ecommerce Consulting, Ecommerce Online Business Consulting. FMCG Consultants, Online Grocery and Supermarket Consulting. Furnishings Business Consulting. Apparel Industry Business Consulting. Business Consultant, Business Consulting Services, Retail Consulting.