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Children/Fourth and Fifth Houses... Posted October 17, 2007 02:03 AM I read somewhere, perhaps in one of Sepharial's books, that in a woman's chart, her Fourth House placement supposedly describes her first child, her Sixth House placement describes her second child, her Eighth her third, and on down the line. In a man's chart, his Fifth House placement supposedly describes his first child, his Seventh House placement describes his second, his Ninth his third, and on down the line.

Interestingly, my mom's Fourth House is ruled by Taurus; my dad's Fifth House was ruled by Taurus. Their first child, my oldest sister, is a Taurus. My mom's Sixth House is ruled by Gemini; my dad's Seventh was ruled by Gemini. My other older sister, my folks' second child, is a Gemini. I've checked my oldest sister's chart, since she has a son, but the pattern doesn't work. My love interest's Fifth House is ruled by Virgo, and my Fourth House is. A video on Education in America.

Posted October 30, 2007 02:38 AM It's easier to support what is rather than to adapt. It's why many would choose to live in hellish marriages, families, nations, and conditions than change, because adapting is that hard to many people. Perhaps I didn't catch that it was tragic because to me the classroom isn't about teaching, but about training. Education is secondary, and the primary reason for education is to make one a better worker and/or soldier (so, learn how to read so that you can follow instructions better, as an example). I think learning on-line is a viable alternative for many people. Should I ever have kids in my care, I'll certainly look at on-line courses as an alternative to supplement whatever else I use.

Btw, Africa is finding this useful, which you can read about in the Utne at news stands now, or click here: And as for commercials, that happens even in public schools, at least in the USA. Student: Mrs. Teacher: No. Politicians and their BS. Posted October 15, 2007 08:08 PM there ya go... Just a quick refresher course lest we forget what has happened to many "friends" of the Clintons. WHAT DO YOU THINK ? 1-James McDougal - Clinton 's convicted Whitewater partner died of an apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement. 2 -Mary Mahoney - A former White House intern was murdered July 1997 at a Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown . 3- Vince Foster - Former White House counselor and colleague of Hillary Clinton at Little Rock 's Rose Law firm. 4- Ron Brown - Secretary of Commerce and former DNC Chairman. 5- C. 6- Paul Tulley - Democratic National Committee Political Director found dead in a hotel room in Little Rock , September 1992. 7- Ed Willey - Clinton fund raiser, found dead November 1993 deep in the woods in VA of a gunshot wound to the head. 8-Jerry Parks -Head of Clinton's gubernatorial security team in Little Rock . 9-James Bunch - Died from a gunshot suicide. 17- Danny Casolaro - Investigative reporter. 22-Dr.

Does lýlýth ýn 5th mean my chýldren wýll dýe? Posted August 26, 2007 03:23 PM Death doesn't always mean the soul leaving the physical. It sometimes just means endings. It might mean that your children would bring a death (or change) to an aspect (or deeply held belief) of yourself for example. If you look at all of the aspects and planets (energies) involved and still determine that a dark interpretation is the way to go, then you might come up with that your dk moon lil is activated by your child and you might resent your child (like with postpartum depression) bringing a death to the perfect mother/ perfect family image you might have held dear.

Be careful what you wishBe careful what you sayBe careful what you wishYou might regret itBe careful what you wishYou just might get it ~metallica Everything is gonna be alrightEverything is gonna be alrightEverything is gonna be alrightBe strong. Everything is gonna be alrightEverything is gonna be alrightEverything is gonna be alrightBe strong. An 8 year old's view on God? Posted October 13, 2007 03:31 AM Totally agree! He's coming in contact with many other children at this point as well as thier learned belief systems... As a child myself, my parents shared your views "very careful to let me find my own spirituality without pushing anything on me" the way they seemed to best approach this, was to allow me to attend many different spiritual minded places with different friends and family members, they themselves did not accompany us.

This gave me ample opportunity to absorb the teaching, services, and question my hosts endlessly about it without any chance of embarrassing them, LOL! (I was a very curious child) then I could return home filled with excitement, and wonder sharing with them what I had learned, believed, disbelieved, etc.My very best memory of these journeys was at the fine age of seven years old I had attended a Jewish church service (though I'm sure, it's not called this) with my friend from school. California Knowflakes: are you & families OK? Teach Yourself Astrocartography. Posted November 15, 2007 01:53 PM heart cakes, In step #1 You choose the house system:(Are you using the same system previously used in your chart creations?)

Equal, Placidus, Koch, Campanis, Meridian, Regiomontanus, Porphyry, Morinus, Topocentric, Alcabitius, Equal (MC), Neo-Porphyry, Whole, None; Are all options here. Then, there are a choice of six different maps as well as eight different forcasts...To accurately see 3-D reality, you must view your chart (...etc.) from two key perspectives (ecliptic + right ascension).

The standard 2-D viewpoint (usually ecliptic) of our 3-D universe distorts the truth (just like flat maps do!). However, these two views reveal the real, undistorted layout of your planets. The key difference between what StarWise and others provide, is in the 3-Dimensional aspects. So while using the same house system as say,... veiwing Ecliptic View, my chart matches perfect then the added bonus is the Right Ascension View . I hope this helps you some... 15,494 FREE eBooks. Free Downloads (Health - Nutrition- Cancer -Yoga -etc.) The King of Pentacles. Posted November 30, 2007 07:07 PM The King of Pentacles is closely associated with the zodiac sign of Capricorn. Do you have any Cappy relatives or friends? These sort, are representative of this person. Look at thier actions, mannerisms, and behavor... Practical efforts bringing material success.The 'Midas' touch.Grounded, practical, pragmatic, stubborn, territorial and hard-working.Could be a successful businessman or a professional.He must be able to feel and touch success.Like the rest of the Pentacle family he enjoys material things; food, drink, luxuries.He always fulfils his commitments.Takes his responsibilities seriously.Not as adventurous as the Wand King, as creative as the Cups King or as clear thinking and intellectual as the Sword King.Takes a 'hands on' approach.He's a 'do-er' not a thinker.A no nonsense sort of person.

It also can symbolize male persons which are in a process of development in their lifes or are dependant on other persons, like students, for example. Synastry black lilith 12H. Posted October 20, 2007 03:33 PM Thanks Leo So it is the one at my 5th...conj my Ceres also-- as i see it is goin tobe dificult for me being Mom.. And to get things worse,my lIlith conj his Moon(0º) and his Lilith trine my sun(4º) I took this Apogee (Black Moon) Lilith In the Moon's orbit of the Earth it periodically reaches its closest distance (perigee) and then its furthest distance (apogee).

The longitude of its apogee is known as Lilith or Black Moon. Lilith in this sense is a much more major astrological consideration than either the small asteroid or the altogether questionable 'dark Moon'. Apogee Lilith is believed to be a point of instinctive and emotional intelligence, whereby individuals can gain contact with and feel their inner heartfelt truths and soul longings and passions. Only conjunctions and oppositions to apogee Lilith within a three degree orb are considered in interpretation.

Celebrities Real Names [Listed A-Z] Jealousy! Help! Posted October 12, 2007 12:27 AM cappyme, hello! I agree with thirteen about being now able to change what you've identified. Zala offers some very sound advice intermixed with wise perceptions... here's my take for whatever it may be worth, LoL! [take what you can use and discard the rest]It is free advice afterall and worth every penny of it! I have never had issues with jealousy, ever -not even as a very small child.My secret: I had a true death experience as a small child that helped me clearly recognize that I am a spirit in a physical experience. For those that find the above concept to strange to grasp I offer this, #1 way to beat jealousy!

Examples: Jealousy pattern: Judy is so much prettier than I she will surely turn the head of the guy I'm interested in... ...Turns into "I strive to take better care of my own appearance and value my own assets, I am rewarded with more assets" Alternative idea...How about hypnosis? And some... In jealousy there is more self-love than love. O! pMErfh. Posted June 09, 2007 09:07 PM Hmmmmm..... ~Sun(Taurus)~26°....Fortune by marriage. ~Moon(Scorpio)~10°....Neurasthenia(What does this mean?) ~Mercury(Gemini)~16°....Cusp of Seventh Lunar Mansion; a critical degree. ~Venus(Gemini)~6°.....A degree of brilliant intellectuality; of expression in language. ~Mars(Taurus)~16°....Painting; influential in organizations. ~Jupiter(Libra)~0°.....Cusp of Fifteenth Lunar Mansion; a sensitive degree. ~Saturn(Libra)~3°.....Abscesses. ~Uranus(Scorpio)~28°....Brewers.

~Pluto(Libra)~22°....Artistic; hope ~Mean Node(Leo)~5°.....Homicide, aviation accidents(uh,oh...) ~Lilith(Scorpio)~15°....The Center of Regeneration: the Eagle-point. ~Ceres(Leo)~0°.....Homicide. ~Pallas(Gemini)~20°44' 22° 55'N (1) Capella, Alpha Aurigae; Hircus, the Goat. ~Juno(Libra)~24°....Musical. ~Vesta(Virgo)~0...not listed ~Chiron(Taurus)~18°....Leader of a party. ~Pholus(Aries)~5°.....Unsatisfied ambitions. ~Nessus(Cancer)~21.....not listed ~Eros(Pisces)~23...not listed ~Vertex(Scorpio)~....not listed. yfis list: Healing flowers of the zodiac. Posted October 08, 2006 11:30 AM ...Remember, the simple key to healing with flower essences is to first identify the emotional issues. We can prescribe flower remedies from the case history alone, or we can correlate planetary placements and aspects with an emotional or mental pattern and then select the corresponding remedy.

The Planets and Emotional Issues and Qualities SUN - Too much ego or too little, pride, self-effacement, self-deprecation, lack of self-esteem, egotistical, arrogant, self-centred, creative blockages, wounded inner child, father issues, lack of purpose Flower Remedies - Sunflower, Wild Oat, Larch MOON - Insufficient nurturing, new mothers (pregnancy, birth, lactation), babies, emotional neediness, insecurity, rejection, wounded child, mother issues, childhood trauma, abandonment, eating disorders Flower Remedies - Pomegranate, Pink Yarrow, Star of Bethlehem.

Valentines Day Thread;) Posted February 03, 2008 02:00 AM Venus in Scorpio Very creative and totally original each year. Example of a few past Valentine Day Adventures:(key word: Adventures. I am a Sagi after all, LOL!) 1] A Treasure hunt, he just follows the hint's pre-written and placed on notes/letters including provocative riddles until he finally arrives at some natural hotsprings where I have already made reservations for the weekend including full body massages. Over the weekend we explore Tantra classes, Full body painting, Watsu, and communal eating. 2] A drive to a very reclusive town near Taho where we ride snow mobiles, hike, laugh, and play for the day. I love the 80s. Head Scratcher Riddle Challenges. What is your phobia? Posted August 31, 2007 07:04 AM I have a theory that most fears are connected with past lives...just my opinion of course I'm no expert. How does one define a fear - like does it stop you from doing things?

If you're afraid of bees does it stop you going out to picnics in Summer or if you're scared of waves does it stop you from going to the beach? I only really regard something as a 'fear' if it stops you from living. I don't really have any fears anymore. . - they're everywhere, so you get used to them. I think the key here is exposing yourself to that which makes you afraid and challenging it. The only thing that creeps me out now is loss of a loved one and I have made sure my family know NOT to put me in the ground when I go (should this be IF I go? But it doesn't stop me living and having as many adventures as I can - of course exploring caves underground is not something I would expose myself to.

How to become an illegal Alien. Info about file Who-Are-the-Key-Players-in-Astrology-(ebook).pdf. Why do fire women always think Pisces men are so weak? Posted October 30, 2007 04:12 AM Solo_fish, Hello...Just want to say to Linda Land. My opinion on the above in question;#1 Every Pisces Man I've Ever Met, is actually a neat freak.

Very organized on the outside (the inside however may be a different story) ei; meaning emotional messes.#2 Every Pisces Man I've Ever Met, is attracted to Fire Signs (more than for just the fact of that 1/12th of the population this encompasses)#3 I can consider myself an expert on the subject of Pisces Men and Fire Women for the following reasons:A] I am a fire woman. (Sagittarius Sun with an Aries Ascendant)B] I've had numerous friends of the male pisces sort.C] I've myself dated several Pisces males.D] I have currently been living with and about a Pisces Male for 12 years or so.E] I dated him for 10+ years before I married him.F] His SUN AND MOON are in Pisces You said; "I am emotional, but I am also very independent, obstinate and unconventional.

I am also a perfectionist. This is the truth as I see it... Chart pattern experts. Posted October 30, 2007 07:44 PM Definately not the locomotive... I would catorgise this one as the The Splay pattern; which results if the planets do not fit into any of the foregoing categories. This pattern type generally shows three points of emphasis and is sometimes found to contain a Grand Trine. The Tripod or Splay Planetary PatternThe Patterns in the Heavens Jones patternsThe American astrologer Marc Edmund Jones has listed seven significant patterns which also occur in the chart, based on the positions of the planets relative to one another. [6] Bundle : In this pattern the planets are grouped together so that they form a 'bundle' within the space of 120 degrees, or the equivalent of three signs of the zodiac.

Bowl : In this pattern the planets are grouped into a 'bowl' of one hemisphere of 180 degrees, or the equivalent of six zodiac signs. Bucket : This pattern is similar to the bowl except that one of the planets is in the opposite hemisphere to all the others. My name lexi :) 'Dead' man wakes up under autopsy knife! Astrological catelogue number for Centaur Pylenor (1994TA) LindaLand Awards. Free Destiny Card Readings Link. Tell me about neptune transits. What is a "mystical triangle"? ARE YOU A LEXOPHILE? Valentine's Day 2008. THE FAX. LET'S JUST SEE HOW OBSERVANT YOU REALLY ARE. Glacier Glowing on Mt. Shasta. A Letter to Dr. Laura - And a Response. The Anti Boredom Campaign. Free Astrology Books For YOU. Does anyone here read coffee cups?

Some Definition Of The Moons Phase In Your Birthchart. How do you get a Magi chart please? *a charts melody?*