Flu Season: Treating Kids with Cold or Flu. The cold and flu season is approaching, and things may not get much better for your child.
When the weather becomes cooler and children are cooped up inside, interacting with one another in greater numbers, they are more likely to develop a cold or flu. It’s the germs that make you sick, not the weather, especially if you’re in a poorly ventilated area or a hot facility. During the cold and flu season, children under the age of five, and especially those under the age of two, are at a higher risk. Because colds and flu are viral infections, buying antibiotics at your neighborhood pharmacy will not help you clear up an infection.
There are, however, things you may take to make your child feel better. Providing enough water keeps your child hydrated and helps relieve cold and flu symptoms. Medicated nasal sprays should not be used by children under the age of six. Extra rest will help your kid recover faster. Get your family medicine refilled and be ready for winter diseases and colds. Are You Storing Your Medications Properly? What Is Fentanyl? Fentanyl is a prescription-only pain reliever, which means you cannot easily buy it from your friendly neighborhood pharmacy without a slip of paper from your doctor.
There’s a good reason for that too. That reason is Fentanyl’s nature as a narcotic, specifically, as an opioid. Narcotics in general, and not just Fentanyl, are heavily regulated by the government because of their psychotic effects. This class of pain-relieving drugs interacts with the opioid receptors in the brain, suppressing pain signals from coming through the neural pathways. While they are effective at killing pain, they are also dangerous because they can produce a rush or a high that is very addictive. As one takes more doses of the drug, the patient’s brain is now wired to react only to Fentanyl, or any other narcotic. Can CBD Oil Help with Sleeping Problems? In the past, sleeping pills have been the preferred medication for people who are suffering from sleeping problems.
There are various over-the-counter sleeping pills that you can buy from any retail pharmacy in Gastonia, North Carolina because of that. Safe Medication Management. Prescription medications are crucial for treating illnesses and managing chronic conditions.
They help patients with lifelong diagnoses to live longer, healthier, and happier lives. Tips to Boost Your Immune System. Your immune system is responsible for fighting off harmful bacteria and viruses that want to enter your body.
It helps you avoid getting sick. Regular Blood Pressure and Glucose Checks. People are mostly busy with their jobs and other errands that they forget to pay attention to their health.
According to various studies, hypertension is common among patients with diabetes. Diabetes and high blood pressure put people at a higher risk of having a heart attack or stroke. Buy Your Medications at a Trusted Pharmacy. Your medications are vital in aiding your recovery and achieving optimal health after experiencing health conditions.
A personal relationship with your healthcare provider or pharmacist is essential for drug adherence. It is also advisable to choose a neighborhood pharmacy that could give you the right supply and best quality of your prescriptions. A trustworthy pharmacy is clean, dry, and well-ventilated, with a temperature ranging from 15 to 25 degrees Celsius. You must know what to look for in a pharmacy in order to determine whether it is the appropriate one for you. Ascertain that the pharmacy adheres to proper storage conditions. Can CBD Oil Help In Easing Symptoms of Dementia? With the legalization of medicinal cannabis in recent times, experts’ attention has been riveted to the study of how cannabis compounds can help in the treatment of certain diseases.
One of these compounds is cannabidiol, which you can purchase from an authorized retail pharmacy in Gastonia, North Carolina. Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is currently being studied by scientists to see if it has any positive effects on dementia. The Different Types of Vaccines. Now that vaccinations against COVID-19 are in full swing in the country, people are becoming more curious about vaccines and their perceived benefits against the coronavirus.
Of course, your neighborhood pharmacy is the best place to gain information and learn more about vaccines. Now, did you know that vaccines are created using various technologies? While all types of COVID-19 vaccines have the same goal, they do so using different mechanisms. Let’s take a look at each of these vaccines, how they work, and how they help the body achieve immunity against the coronavirus. In the United States, only three types of COVID-19 vaccines are approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Symptoms of Diabetes and How to Manage It at Home. Diabetes is a silent killer—you wouldn’t know that your blood sugar levels are high unless it’s out of control.
Usually, people with diabetes often experience the three Ps: polydipsia (increased thirst), polyuria (frequent urination), and polyphagia (constant hunger). But these are not the only indicators of diabetes. Other symptoms include exhaustion or fatigue, blurred vision, unexplained weight loss, recurring infections, and slow healing of cuts and bruises. These three are the most common symptoms of diabetes. Pharmacists’ Role in Improving Medication Adherence. A patient is considered adherent to their medication if they take at least 80% of their medicines in accordance with the prescribed dosage, time, frequency, and direction of their physician. Non-adherence to medication is rampant among Americans—roughly about 20% of prescriptions are never filled, and it’s not because there is no neighborhood pharmacy near them. Noncompliance to their prescribed medication is the most common factor for suboptimal health outcomes, high cost of hospital admissions, increased comorbidity and mortality, as well as the overall rise in health cost.
But there are more good reasons for taking medication as scheduled and on time. Taking medication increases the effectiveness of other health interventions and other medical treatments. It helps in controlling chronic conditions as well as treating temporary health issues. Why Is Medication Compliance So Important? Medication compliance refers to how closely patients intend to follow a doctor’s recommendations in regards to their medication. When they follow instructions for the timing and dosage of all of their prescribed drugs, this is an indication that they are compliant.
As a trusted neighborhood pharmacy, we have encountered patients who don’t comply with their doctor’s advice due to various reasons. While some of them affirm that they don’t like the side effects of their prescribed drugs, others just simply refuse to take it seriously. Because of non-compliance, a patient’s body won’t receive the correct medication it needs to recover if they have an illness. For those with a chronic disease, this can lead to bad results, including hospital admissions and even premature death.
CBD Oil May Help Treat Depression. The properties of Cannabidiol, or CBD, are said to have anti-stress effects. CBD oil also doesn’t trigger addiction, according to reports, and shows promising results when it comes to managing or treating depression. Take, for example, a lot of senior adults who are struggling to mentally cope with their health issues and physical changes. Some experts believe that CBD oil, which can be bought from your local pharmacy in North Carolina, is one solution because depression can exacerbate their health symptoms if left untreated. Many younger adults, particularly at this time, are not resistant to depression either. How Pharmacists Help in Disease State Management?
Nowadays, in our area, our neighborhood pharmacy offers comprehensive disease state management programs to patients for them to be able to prevent or minimize the effects of the disease through the integrated higher level of care that is offered in the program. This program aims to help the patients, that are diagnosed with chronic diseases, improve their quality of life and health. This is designed to treat the chronic conditions they are with more quickly and effectively so that the progression of the disease will be slowed down or minimized. Why Is Vaccine Still Recommended to Adults? Reasons to Drink Ionized Alkaline Water. Water is essential for our health as it prevents dehydration, flushes bacteria, and aids in digestion. Uncover Medical Conditions that CBD Can Help Address.
Important Details You Need to Discuss with Your Pharmacist. Tips to Encourage Medication Adherence. How to Get the Most from Your Consultation. A Simple Guide to Prescription Drugs Usage. How to Buy Quality Drugs Online. The continuous development of technologies makes buying medicines easier and faster than before. Prevent Flu Through Immunization. Discovering the Benefits of CBD Oil. The use of cannabidiol or CBD has been happening for years before we remember. It may seem only recently when the different elements of its consumption gain significant attention. Cannabidiol is a chemical compound extracted from the cannabis plant, which has its reputation for substance abuse. Proper Disposal of Medicines at Home. Benefits of Medication Therapy Management. Ibuprofen vs. Paracetamol: What Is the Difference?
Over-The-Counter Meds That You Must Have. The Benefits of Ionized Alkaline Water. Acting Without Consulting Your Physician. Properly Dealing with Medicine Side-Effects. Children, the Family Mask Monitors. Early Dinners Result to Lowered Blood Sugar and Fat Levels. The Best Way to Limit Infection. The Right Way to Put on Your Surgical Mask. Supplements May Help in Burning Fat Long After Exercising. Hotter Temperatures May Slow, but Not Stop COVID-19. The Dangers of Poor Medication Compliance. Top Medication Refill Tips You Can Use. Strategies to Manage Your Diabetes Better. Why You Should Consult With Your Pharmacist Regularly. Ways on How You Can Control Your Asthma. Guidelines in Taking Your Medications Safely. Understanding Eczema. General Remedies for Treating Coughs. Tips to Improve Your Medication Adherence. What Causes Your Blood Glucose to Fluctuate? General Ways to Control Your Blood Pressure Levels. Why Getting Your Shots Is Important.