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Craftiness is not optional. First off, I want to say that I absolutely love providing my tutorials and patterns here for free, and for you all to enjoy! I think blogs are a fantastic way to share information and learn from each other. They are a large part of how I learned how to sew myself. I also absolutely adore receiving photos of projects you’ve made using my tutorials. Sewing is a source of great joy in my life and I love sharing it with you, along with any tricks and tips I’ve picked up along the way. I have been asked about selling items using my tutorials, and I’ve usually said no, but felt a little bad about it. After all, many of you are just like me-stay at home moms who are trying to help out our household in any way we can, just trying to provide and care for our families. However, I do spend a lot of time working on my tutorials and patterns for you guys, and have been trying to think of a way to be fair to all of us in regards to selling items… What this gives you… Patterns/Tutorials available:

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