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Php - Recommended hosting for PostGIS app. Nueva pestaña. Php. Configuración de Apache y PHP. PHP. Bartolomé Sintes Marco. Introducción Esta explicación sobre la configuración de Apache y PHP está adaptada a XAMPP 1.8.3. Cada vez que se modifica alguno de los ficheros de configuración es necesario detener y reiniciar el servidor. Cómo modificar los archivos de configuración Antes de modificar cualquier archivo de configuración, recomiendo hacer una copia de seguridad del archivo de configuración original. Si al modificar algún archivo de configuración nos equivocamos e introducimos errores, es probable que el servidor no pueda arrancar. Si no somos capaces de encontrar el error, siempre podemos restaurar en archivo de configuración original y empezar de nuevo, sin necesidad de reinstalar los programas.

Al modificar cualquier archivo de configuración, es conveniente documentar los cambios. Por ejemplo, la siguiente línea es una línea del archivo de configuración de Apache: DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs" En caso de modificarla, el archivo de configuración quedaría así (se ha resaltado el texto añadido): DocumentRoot. Debugging PHP with PDT and XDebug « සිතිවිලි (Sithiwili) Debugging PHP with PDT and XDebug This post is for PHP developers currently not using a proper PHP debugger. Installation and configuration of PDT (PHP Development Tools for Eclipse) with the excellent XDebug debugger is discussed in a step-by-step fashion. Please note that my intention is to allow a beginner to get up and running quickly. So my apologies for not discussing all aspect of the procedure in detail. I must also warn you that there could be other (possibly better) ways of getting the same thing done.

Check PHP version and file locations Create a PHP file (say info.php) with the following code: <? According to this: PHP 5.2.3 is installed. Note these settings for your installation of PHP. Configure PHP to use XDebug Go to and download the correct windows module for your PHP version. Notes xdebug.remote_host is where your debugger client will run. Restart Apache server. . … and a detailed XDebug configuration section further down the page. Install PDT Reference.


Yahoo YUI Compressor vs. Microsoft AJAX Minifier vs. Google Closure Compiler - Nick Berardi's Coder Journal. A little more than a year and half ago I created a MSBuild Task for the YUI Compressor that was very well received, and even highlighted on the YUI Compressor site. At the time of writing that article YUI Compressor was king of the hill, and for the most part the only game in town that was really designed for production level use. Since then a number of new competitors have been released by Google and Microsoft, and I wanted to see how they stacked up against the YUI Compressor. Setup For these tests I wanted to test a pretty complex set of JavaScript to really stretch the limits of each of the optimizers. So I choose jQuery 1.4 as the subject for the tests. The setup of my machine is as follows: Windows 7 Pro (x64) Java 6 Update 17 .NET 3.5 SP1 Each optimizer and the version: Testing I ran the following from the command line on jQuery 1.4 raw source code to produce the following files.

Jquery-1.4.js Microsoft ajaxmin jquery-1.4.js -o microsoft.js microsoft.js Microsoft (Hypercrunch) Yahoo. Object Oriented Programming in JavaScript. Introduction The first version of this paper, written in 2003, had several shortcomings, not the least of which was that the techniques described were specific to Internet Explorer. I've updated and improved on the original, to document the current state of the art, especially in light of the extensive interest in AJAX technology and the increasing adoption of the FireFox browser.

All the examples presented here will follow the ECMA language standards and can be applied to Internet Explorer, FireFox, and ActionScript (in Macromedia Flash). While early adopters of JavaScript used it as a simple scripting engine to create dynamic web pages, modern web designers have come to use more sophisticated object oriented techniques in building their code. I will present here, both the common paradigms used in object oriented JavaScript programming, and also suggest some helper functions that you can use in your code to streamline the process. Object Oriented Programming Goals Simple Objects References. Selenium - Web Browser Automation. AJAX file upload tutorial. In this tutorial I will show you how to create simple AJAX file upload system using PHP and JavaScript.

Tutorial info: Bookmark AJAX file upload tutorial Step 1 - AJAX file upload AJAX file upload tutorial First of all I have to say that to create a pure AJAX file upload system is not possible because of security limitations of JavaScript. The concept: Create a simple HTML form for file uploadSet the target to an iFrame which is on the actual page but not visibleCall a JavaScript function on form submit to display the animationAfter the PHP part finishes the upload process, then it hides the animation Creating the HTML file: The HTML file we will use in this article is quite simple. Code: <form action="upload.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" target="upload_target" > File: <input name="myfile" type="file" /><input type="submit" name="submitBtn" value="Upload" /></form> Besides this we need to add a bit more code to it.

<p id="f1_upload_process">Loading... Server side code: Ajax File Upload Response Handling. A while ago, I wrote an article on Ajax File Uploading - the method of uploading a file without refreshing the page using a hidden iframe. Since then people wanted to know how to get information about the uploaded file back into the javascript application. Consider this the second part of that article - this post will tell you how to get the information about the uploaded file in javascript. A Sample Application For example, say you are building a photo gallery. When a user uploads an image(using the above mentioned ajax method), you want to get its name and file size from the server side. First, lets create the Javascript uploading script(for explanation on this part, see the Ajax File Upload article)...

The Code And the server side(PHP in this case) script will look something like this... <? Here we are printing the data that should be given to JS directly into the iframe. Explanation Lets see whats happening here - a play by play commentary... These two lines are an eyesore. Will not work. Ajax File Upload. You might have seen Ajax File Uploading in some sites. The basic idea is to upload a file without refreshing the page. Some sites go even further by providing details on how much percentage is uploaded, etc. It is very easy to achieve this effect using javascript. First off, I did not like using the term 'Ajax' when describing this method. But there is no other word that can be used. Theory The basic idea behind this effect is to redirect a form's action into a hidden IFrame. See the small squire? Code JavaScript function init() { document.getElementById('file_upload_form').onsubmit=function() { document.getElementById('file_upload_form').target = 'upload_target'; //'upload_target' is the name of the iframe } } window.onload=init; This should be in upload.php - the action of the form.

<? The code to upload the file must be given here. Update: Part two - Ajax File Upload Response Handling. Replace submit button by a text link - Creative Spirits Australia. Bienvenue sur PHP Débutant. Nous allons voir dans ce tutorial comment proposer plusieurs langues sur un site grâce à PHP. Vous allez voir ce n'est vraiment pas sorcier, il suffit de connaître le principe qui est assez proche du multi-couleurs. Principe Nous allons utiliser un concept assez simple pour avoir plusieurs langues avec une seule page ! (Etonnant, n'est-ce pas ?) Pour cela il faut remplacer le texte par des variables, si vous ne comprenez pas trop pour l'instant, ne vous inquiétez pas, vous allez vite comprendre avec la suite du cours.

Un fichier contenant les constantes pour chaque langue. Pré-requis Utilisation et définition de constantes. Création 1 . 2 . Ne vous découragez pas, vous avez fait le plus dur , il ne nous reste plus qu'à intégrer le script dans vos pages, ce qui devrait être très facile par rapport au début du tutorial !

Libraries javascripts

Mootools en 30 jours : jour 1 - Introduction. Installation de Mootools 1.2 Tout d'abord, téléchargez et installez le noyau (core) de la librairie Mootools 1.2. Téléchargez la librairie Mootools 1.2 CoreUploadez la librairie de Mootools 1.2 sur votre serveur ou espace de travailFaites un lien vers la librairie Mootools 1.2 Core entre les balises de votre page - 2. Créer un fichier JavaScript externe et faire le lien vers celui-ci dans votre : A partir de là, vous pouvez utiliser l'une ou l'autre des méthodes. Placer dans le domready Les fonctions Mootools doivent être appelées dans l'évènement domready. window.addEvent('domready', function() { exampleFunction();}); Placer dans une Fonction Vous pouvez quand même placer vos fonctions en dehors du domready, puis les appeler à l'intérieur de celui-ci. var exampleFunction = function() { alert('hello')}; Description de la librairie Noyau Natif Classes Une classe JavaScript (c'est différent d'une classe CSS), est un objet réutilisable avec des fonctionnalités.

Elements Utilitaires Request Plugins. MooTools Classes: How to use them. A very entry-level article: if you think you can beat MooTools Hero in expert mode, feel free to totally skip this. Cars So, what is a Class? A Class is a car factory. A factory that throws out an infinite number of cars. If you need to make a trip, then another one, then another one, you will probably use the same car over and over. Only if you decide to change something about your car, like the engine, or the color, or the materials for the seats, then you’ll need another one. Let’s make a totally facetious example out of it, and buy a Car from the Car store!

Now that I have my car, it’s parked in my virtual garage. MySmartCar.goTo('Washington DC'); That was nice! MySmartCar.goTo('New York'); As you can see, I’m using the same car to go to Washington DC and New York City. Let’s use it now: myBigCar.goTo('Russia').goTo('China'); I wish going to China was this easy. Classes In MooTools, we have classes to perform different types of actions. Fx.Morph, for example, is your factory.


Configurer des Virtual Host avec Apache sous Windows. Créez votre propre serveur OpenStreetMap sous Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx. Ce tutoriel est une traduction libre de build-your-own-openstreetmap-server. Par rapport à la version originel, nous avons également apportés quelques adaptations/modifications, en particulier la partie sur le logiciel Osmosis. La version actuelle de cet article est basé sur Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) sortie en avril 2010. Parfois, à la place du terme OpenStreetMap nous utiliserons son acronyme OSM. Introduction et historique Débuté en 2004 suite à l'initiative de Steve Coast, OpenStreetMap a pour objectif de fournir une carte du monde librement utilisable et/ou modifiable par tous. Au départ l'idée de Steve Coast était simple : "Si je fais un plan de mon quartier et que je mets celui-ci à disposition de tout le monde, et qu'une autre personne réalise un travail similaire, nous aurons alors tous les deux de meilleures cartes.

" En Mars 2009, on dénombrait déjà plus de 100.000 contributeurs (plus de 260.000 aujourd'hui) participant à ce vaste effort mondial. Allez, c'est parti ! Prérequis. Xampp pour windows. Site multilingue.


HTML, JAVASCRIPT, DOM, PHP... Créer une extension Firefox. XML.