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10 Ways For Entrepreneurs To Build Brands Online. Benjamin Lang is the founder of EpicLaunch and co-founder of MySchoolHelp. You can follow him on Twitter @entrepreneurpro and find out more at Everybody needs to get their name out there on the social web. For entrepreneurs, however, it’s an even more critical aspect of the job. A social presence gives you the credibility to attract clients, partners and investors by making yourself available and demonstrating your personality and experience. Building your online brand in a meaningful way is no easy task, and there are many tools available to get you on the right path. Below, we've picked 10 tested methods and highlighted some of the best web tools to help your brand gain momentum in a crowded online marketplace. 1. Being quoted in news articles is an excellent way to demonstrate your authority. 2. Having your own custom URL shortener is a great way to get your name out there. Here’s an informative tutorial on how to set up your own shortened URL. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Budget pour lancer une boutique. Après ce premier billet, sur le coût d’une boutique, pas mal de commentaires mettaient l’accent sur le fait que, pour se lancer, il faut beaucoup plus qu’une boutique. Et c’est une bonne remarque Bon, faut quand même relativiser, en fonction du projet de chacun.Comme je le dis souvent, il n’y a pas qu’un seul type de e-commerce.Par exemple, il y a ce que j’appelle le « e-commerce du dimanche ». Rien de péjoratif, cela couvre les sites gérés par des personnes ayant une activité principale autre, et s’occupant d’un site « comme ça », en plus. Souvent, c’est avant tout lié à une passion. Pour ce type de e-commerce, l’investissement initial doit être et rester très faible.Maintenant, il arrive qu’une telle activité décolle réellement. La chance, un bon travail méthodique, un vrai marché de niche… Tout cela peut permettre, avec un investissement initial très très faible, de lancer une vrai activité.

Voici une petite liste : Etude marketing / stratégique Stock Shooting des produits Autres postes. Link Building Benefits Beyond Rankings | Search Marketing Standard Magazine | Covering Search Engine Marketing, How To SEO, SEM, PPC, Social Media Marketing and Much More! Link building is a major part of any SEO conversation. It’s fairly common knowledge that links play a major role in getting ranked well in search engines. There are a million little details that play into that equation of course, making some links exponentially more valuable than others.

But in our haste to use links as a means to an end, we can lose sight of the fact that the act of building links in many cases can carry benefits that have absolutely nothing to do with the Google-naut or any other search monster. If you look at all of the merits of link building, it only gives us more incentive to put time into the process, and to do it the right way. 1. Relationships When you think about all of the different spammy methods of link building, this one might not seem to fit. 2. Online reputation management is a subset of internet marketing that often gets overlooked. 3. Links are primarily used for achieving higher search engine rankings so that we will get more traffic. Conclusion. The Next Wave of Social Media Nears Critical Mass: Tech News and Analysis « When it comes to consumer technologies, how big is big enough? When do they really start to catch on and gain momentum? What happens when they do?

These are questions of critical mass — the magical tipping point when user adoption starts producing that old cliche hockey-stick growth that fosters sustainable businesses. And as I discuss over at GigaOM Pro (subscription required), it’s worth considering just what defines critical mass in consumer tech. The twin engines of critical mass Historically, critical mass tends to occur when about 15 percent of households or users adopt a new consumer medium or technology. In the early 1980s, when 15 to 20 percent of U.S. households owned a VCR, a whole new business around home video rental was created.

Social media nears the tipping point Social network usage showed a similar pattern. Social gaming. Read the full post here. Image source: flickr user mararie Related content from GigaOM Pro (sub req’d): Gary Vaynerchuk’s 3 Most Powerful Strategies for Getting More Visitors to Your Website. Gary Vaynerchuk doesn’t beat around the bush. With two New York Times bestselling books under his belt (including the excellent new Thank You Economy book), a thriving marketing consultancy and multiple popular websites and his new Daily Grape site and iPhone application, it’s a fairly safe bet to say no one works harder on the Internet than Gary Vaynerchuk.

What’s most amazing about how hard Gary works is how willing he is to hang out “in the streets” as he calls it, and to interact personally with regular folks like you and me when he could be spending more time on CNN, CNBC and the other major networks and websites. I was honored and surprised, (but not so surprised at the same time) that I was able to get some of Gary’s time to record a special lesson for the members of Traffic School yesterday.

After watching the recording I knew I couldn’t keep all of Gary’s incredibly helpful advice all to myself and Traffic School members. Update: the contest is closed. Small- and medium-sized businesses plan to increase online ad budgets 29% this year. Small- and medium-sized businesses, or SMBs, are increasingly looking online to attract new consumers, according to a new report from Borrell Associates Inc. The report finds that SMBs plan to increase their online advertising budgets this year by nearly 29%, to $40.6 billion from $31.5 billion. SMBs accounted for 19.5% of total online ad spending last year. Borrell estimates that that percentage will rise this year to 23.1%. “Smaller businesses make up half of all business revenue, more than half of all employees, and well over nine of every 10 business units in the nation,” wrote Kip Cassino, Borrell executive vice president, in the report.

And the biggest reason to pay heed to SMB spending? “Compared with the bigger national marketers, SMBs tend to overspend on advertising,” he wrote. In some marketing channels, SMBs’ spending will mean that they are significantly increasing their share of the overall market. The largest increase is in targeted display ads. . • E-mail marketing, 80%, 34% Google Ventures Backs Another Marketing Company, Hubspot. Hubspot, a software company that makes tools for online marketing, has garnered a $32 million series D funding round from Google Ventures, along with Sequoia Capital and The firm’s original investors also participated in the round. Hubspot, founded in 2006 by two MIT alums, offers businesses a suite of software to help them attract more visitors to their web sites and convert those visitors into leads and customers.

The tools do everything from help optimize landing pages, to blog, to manage e-mail campaigns, to lead tracking. The company also offers search engine optimization tools to analyze pages; surface and track keywords; and analyze incoming links. It boasts more than 4,000 customers. Google investing in third-party SEO and SEM tools is interesting but not particularly unusual. Related Topics: Channel: Other | Google: General. Here's What Google, Salesforce & Sequoia Are Investing In. Inbound marketing software company HubSpot announced Tuesday that it has received a $32 million round of Series D funding from Google Ventures, Sequoia Capital and

The five-year-old startup was one of the earliest firms (in my memory, at least) to take advantage of social media, search and mobile to attract leads and sales, frequently running online seminars on those subjects as a way to build up its now more than 4,000-member client base of small- and medium-sized business. HubSpot has one core software platform designed to increase website traffic and convert that traffic into leads and sales.

Apps within the platform offer control panels for general website and lead management, blogging, SEO, analytics and social media monitoring. In addition to the three new investors, HubSpot's previous list of VC investors — General Catalyst, Matrix Partners and Scale Venture Partners — also participated in the round. Disclosure: HubSpot is a Mashable sponsor. Online Marketing: Everything you need to know in an infographic. Ideas and evidence for marketing people. Google se renseigne sur les PME Françaises : Chronique d’un business annoncé. Vous voulez en savoir plus sur les vrais dépenses des PME Françaises pour leur budget Internet ? Google aussi. Alors avec Ipsos, ils ont réalisé une enquête auprès de plus de 800 PME françaises, qui semblerait-il, ne consommeraient pas encore assez d’adwords … Cette étude balaye le scope des usages des entreprises en matière de présence sur Internet, afin d’apporter un éclairage sur le potentiel du marché des PME et aussi afin de cerner les attentes des futurs clients : Les entreprises qui comptent « venir » sur internet dans les trois prochaines années.

Les 3,2 millions de clients potentiels que représente en France le « small and medium business » sont taggées par le géant de Mountain View comme étant une « opportunité significative de revenus ». S’agit-il de les manger à la sauce « Adwords » ? Pas si sur ! Pour commencer, voici les chiffres mis en avant dans le communiqué de presse accompagnant l’étude : Maintenant, d’autres chiffres, issus de l’étude qui ne sont pas mis en avant : Gloob : les deux lycéens vont monter leur société. Actualités de la région Publié le 20/12/2010 à 00h00 Dans notre édition du 5 décembre, nous vous racontions l'ambitieux projet de deux jeunes lycéens roubaisiens en train de monter un réseau social. Aux dernières nouvelles, ils ont des vues sur un bureau dans la tour Mercure, à Tourcoing. C'est peu dire que Naïm Boubziz et Simbad Oukas sont des jeunes hommes pressés. Dans notre édition du 5 décembre, nous vous racontions comment ils avaient créé Gloob, un réseau social mais en plus respectueux de la vie privée et de la protection des données, et comment ils comptaient en vivre.

Pas encore bacheliers, ces deux élèves de terminale ES au lycée Jean-Moulin ambitionnaient d'intégrer l'Edhec, l'école de commerce récemment installée à la limite de Roubaix et Croix. Nord Éclair. La première source d’informations économiques et des entreprises. POWERUPmyBIZ | Développez votre entreprise, Augmentez vos profits. Roubaix : deux lycéens inventent un Facebook à la française. Naïm Boubziz et Simbad Oukas, deux lycéens de Jean-Moulin à Roubaix, viennent de lancer la version test (ou bêta) de Gloob, un réseau social comme le celèbre Facebook. Mais la différence avec le géant américain, que les deux Roubaisiens mettent en avant, c'est la confidentialité des données, l'assurance de ne pas avoir son profil indexé sur les moteurs de recherche et celle de pouvoir supprimer complètement ses données si l'on résilie son compte.

Tout juste âgés de 18 ans, pas encore bacheliers, les deux Roubaisiens ont en tête l'idée de créer une entreprise et rêvent d'intégrer l'Edhec, nouvellement installée à deux pas de leur lycée. Selon eux, depuis que les médias s'intéressent à Gloob, quatre investisseurs privés auraient déjà fait part de leur intérêt pour leur réseau social. Plus d'informations à lire demain, dimanche 5 décembre 2010, dans Nord éclair. Nord Éclair. Mythe du Lifestyle du web-entrepreneur : le Vrai/Faux. 8 Steps to Build An Inbound Marketing GamePlan. The following is guest post by Paul Roetzer, founder and president of PR 20/20, an inbound marketing agency and PR firm specializing in search marketing, social media, content marketing and public relations.

You can find Paul on Twitter @ paulroetzer , and the PR 20/20 blog . Conventional marketing pays for interruption and impressions , which means you buy everything, including: ad space, mailing lists, air time, printing and postage, in addition to agency costs (i.e. commissions, retainers and hourly fees). The basic theory is, “outspend your competition to gain market share.” This is an archaic and faulty process . Inbound marketing, which is powered by content and community, gives underdogs and innovators the ability to grow faster and smarter by outthinking, not outspending, the competition , and by investing their marketing dollars in production, participation and performance .

But first you need a plan... Enter the Inbound Marketing GamePlan The GamePlan in Action.

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Critics. How Small Businesses Are Missing Huge Web Traffic Opportunities. Is your company's Website updated more than once a week? Is it integrated with social media tools like Facebook and Twitter? These may seem like rather basic, obvious matters at this point, but a surprising number of small businesses are not updating their sites frequently or utilizing social media as much as they could be. The cost? Lots of traffic. Fifty-four percent of small businesses update their sites less than less than once a month, according to a study of SMB Website usage released by SiteKreator, a drag-and-drop site creation tool for businesses. The small number of sites that were updated more than five times per month saw 300% more traffic than sites updated less frequently.

As we've discussed previously, maintaining a solid company blog can go a long way toward driving traffic to your company's website. Shockingly, 75% of businesses included in the study did not integrate social media directly into their websites. What to Do When You Find Something Cool on the Internet: A Flowchart. Getting Started With Social Media: A Resource Guide. If you are new to social media or you’re not sure you’re doing the right thing, this page is for you. It contains a number of resources to help bring you up to speed. Must Read Report Take a quick read of the Social Media Marketing Industry Report (free immediate access).

It is full of valuable information and includes answers to important questions such as, “How much time does social media marketing take? ,” “What are the benefits?” And “Where are marketers focusing their energy?” Subscribe to Our Podcasts Social Media Examiner also hosts two popular podcasts: The Social Media Marketing podcast—a top 10 marketing podcast on iTunes—is a weekly 45-minute interview show hosted by our founder, Michael Stelzner. The Social Media Examiner Show is a daily 10-minute show designed to keep you up-to-date on the latest social media marketing know-how. How to Subscribe to a Podcast on an iPhone: Watch this quick video to learn how to subscribe on your iPhone: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ Pinterest Video. SEO ~ SEO Training Made Easy. Guide : 130 Conseils pour Réussir sur Internet ! Nous avons rassemblé dans ces 2 Guides nos meilleurs conseils pour réussir sur internet en tant que Blogueur, Freelance ou eCommerçant.

Le premier guide “Les Clés pour Réussir son site Internet” fait plus de 80 pages, et regroupe nos conseils pour réussir son projet de site internet, de l’étude de la faisabilité à la promotion. Il est spécialement conçu pour ceux qui n’ont pas encore créé un site Web, et qui veulent prendre immédiatement un bon départ pour éviter se faire des erreurs de débutants.Le second livre de plus de 220 pages “200 conseils pour réussir sur Internet” vous explique comment réussir sur le Web en tant qu’indépendant, blogueur ou eCommerçant. Pour seulement 25 € TTC, ces deux guides pour accompagneront pour débuter ou optimiser votre business sur Internet. Pour commander le Pack avec ces 2 guides pour seulement 25 €, Cliquez sur le bouton ci dessous : C’est 100% satisfait ou 100% remboursé ! Bonne lecture et à bientôt sur ! Frederic CANEVET.