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Other Autors cited in conjunction with MZBabuse : research neede

Marion Zimmer Bradley: In Her Own Words. Breendoggle Wiki. Marion Zimmer Bradley: It’s Worse Than I Knew. Was Marion Zimmer Bradley a Child Molester? COMMENTARY | Marion Zimmer Bradley is celebrated as a science fiction and fantasy writer without peer, The Darkover books are considered excellent examples of feminist science fiction.

Was Marion Zimmer Bradley a Child Molester?

She may have also been a monster who raped children. L'écrivaine Marion Zimmer Bradley accusée de pédophilie. On doing a thing I needed to do - Janni Lee Simner / Desert Dispatches. Silence is Complicity — The Radish. Here be trigger warnings.

Silence is Complicity — The Radish.

And horror. I’ll talk about both–because this is one that the community cannot look away from. And by that, I mean they can’t look away from it anymore. MZB Depositions 1&2. Marion Zimmer Bradley Gave Us New Perspectives, All Right. I realize it was almost 1 AM at the time of your response so I’m trying desperately to give you the benefit of the doubt, because, at first blush, your tone seemed really arrogant, patronizing, and condescending to me at this particular moment, however we may be in a similar time zone.

Marion Zimmer Bradley Gave Us New Perspectives, All Right

I hope I’m misreading you. Please allow me to explain my reactions to your post and read my, likely reactionary, responses in the most collegiate manner possible. These are very important, (as you say:) “problematic”, and personal (AKA political) issues for me, so I’d like to begin by explaining what, I hope, is my mis-reading of your text. “Thank you for your comment.” This seems boiler-plate and condescending in light of what I said. Excerpts from Elizabeth Waters' Testimony. Q.

Excerpts from Elizabeth Waters' Testimony

On 10/8/89, were you satisfied beyond any reasonable doubt that Walter was guilty of molesting Ken Smith? A. Yes. Q. In October of 1989 when you told Marion that Walter may have molested Kenny, she told you that she thought there was a possibility that Walter may have also molested [Victim X]? A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. Marion Zimmer Bradley: In Her Own Words. MARRION ZIMMER BRADLEY was a noted science fiction and fantasy author, with best-sellers to her credit and a large number of adoring fans.

Marion Zimmer Bradley: In Her Own Words

But MZB, as she was often called, had far less savory aspects to her as well. Most notably, she actively aided and abetted her husband, Walter Breen, in the sexual abuse and molestation of children. Before people cast too many tears over her death, they may wish to learn some of the harm she helped perpetrate in the world as well. You can check out a timeline of events and read MZB's excerpted testimony to learn how she behaved in this matter. You can also read the complete text of the sworn testimony she gave at her first two (out of three) depositions in a case against her, just to show we didn't omit anything significant.

In the excerpts you'll see that MZB admits having deliberately covered up her husband's involvement in activities she knew were illegal and harmful. . (10/24/2000) Elizabeth (Lisa) Waters recently published a "defense" of Marion. Rape, Abuse, and Marion Zimmer Bradley. Uncategorized My very first rejection letter was from Marion Zimmer Bradley.

Rape, Abuse, and Marion Zimmer Bradley

It was both harsh and helpful. So I was thrilled when, years later, I made one of my first professional sales to Marion Zimmer Bradley’s Fantasy Magazine. I was even happier when I sold a story to her anthology Sword & Sorceress XXI. I’m proud of those stories. Here are some of the relevant links. Marion Zimmer Bradley accusée de pédophilie. J'ai passé de longues heures à le prendre avec des pincettes.

Marion Zimmer Bradley accusée de pédophilie

Les dépositions sont longues et je les ai lues entièrement, car ce sont les mots des accusé(e)s. Quelques bouts de contexte que j'y ai trouvé : En bas de ce post, je vous cite une partie de la déposition faite par Lisa Waters, alors qu'on l'interroge sur des abus éventuellement commis par MZB sur son fils Patrick. Pour résumer, au détour d'une conversation, Patrick dit à Lisa, proche amie de sa mère, que celle-ci a abusé de lui. Lisa avoue devant la justice qu'elle prend cette accusation sérieusement (le mot utilisé est "concerned"). De la même manière, quand Moira parle à Lisa et accuse sa mère d'attouchements quand elle avait neuf ans, Lisa en parle à MZB qui lui répond "les enfants prépubères n'ont pas de zones érogènes", quoi que ca veuille dire.

Que ces accusations soient vraies ou pas, elles sont tombées dans la plus totale indifférence. Marion Zimmer Bradley was a child abuser - says her own daughter. By Paul St John Mackintosh Every so often, the question of a writer’s life versus their work comes up – specifically, whether the value of the work mitigates, or even has any legitimate connection with, the wrongs they committed, endorsed, or sympathized with in their life.

Marion Zimmer Bradley was a child abuser - says her own daughter

For instance, does Pablo Neruda‘s position as a poet of the people excuse his apologetics for Stalinism? Does The Faerie Queene excuse Edmund Spenser‘s plans to exterminate the Irish? Should William Burroughs have been jailed for shooting his wife? Conversely, should Ezra Pound‘s contribution to world literature have spared him incarceration for his collaborationist antics during World War 2? Well, for those who argue that the biography or rap sheet doesn’t matter, and that literature is indifferent to the actions and morality of the creator, here’s a test for you. I apologize to anyone this offends, but this is already public information and I am simply repeating it.