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Social Gaming Hub for Social Game News,Social Game Reviews. The way people work together has been under significant change since the breakthrough of social media.

Social Gaming Hub for Social Game News,Social Game Reviews

People in networked organizations are connecting inside and outside enterprises to collaborate across boundaries. But how to manage these agile networks effectively? Lumo Research gathered the six best practices that are currently driving the collaboration in enterprises. The study exposes that gamification is now one of the hottest rising topics in many organizations. Gamification is the use of game design to engage people and achieve targets more effectively. Overall gaming concepts are not so new to enterprises. “The way people are motivated to work together has dramatically changed over the past few years”, says CEO Kristian Tanninen. Most of the information systems in enterprises are built to alert if something goes wrong but the system stays quiet if everything is rolling to a right direction.

Paper of the six best practices can be downloaded from the website at. Unit and Functional Testing in Android. I don't have to tell you that testing is a fundamental part of the product development cycle, although I just did.

Unit and Functional Testing in Android

No matter if you are developing for the desktop, web, or mobile space, you should make sure that the end software system works as required. This blog will go through two flavors of testing on the Android platform: unit and functional. Unit tests tell the developer that the code runs correctly, while functional tests tell the developer that the code is doing what is supposed to do. To more clearly understand the difference, I will use the analogy mentioned in If you think of building a system as being similar to building a house, then think of unit tests as having the building inspector at the construction's site, focusing on making sure that the internal system of the house (foundation, plumbing, etc) works correctly, while functional testing as having the homeowner visiting the house and being interested in how the house looks, if the rooms have the desired size, etc.

10 Tips for Building a Strong Online Community Around Your Startup. Megan Berry is Senior Marketing Manager for Klout, the standard for online influence.

10 Tips for Building a Strong Online Community Around Your Startup

She also blogs at The Huffington Post and Brazen Careerist. You can follow her on Twitter as @meganberry. Building a community around your startup can be one of the cheapest ways to create momentum for your product. A community is much more than a one-time marketing campaign, and can help you throughout your company’s life cycle if you take the time to grow it right. Here are 10 tips for getting started. 1. First, take stock of who is already talking about your product or industry and where they’re doing it. Sumaya Kazi, CEO of Sumazi, recommends “It's best to focus on one to two communities to begin with, and really focus your efforts to grow a community one at a time.” 2. Stop Designing Pages And Start Designing Flows - Smashing UX Design.

Advertisement For designers, it’s easy to jump right into the design phase of a website before giving the user experience the consideration it deserves.

Stop Designing Pages And Start Designing Flows - Smashing UX Design

Too often, we prematurely turn our focus to page design and information architecture, when we should focus on the user flows that need to be supported by our designs. It’s time to make the user flows a bigger priority in our design process. Design flows that are tied to clear objectives allow us to create a positive user experience and a valuable one for the business we’re working for. In this article, we’ll show you how spending more time up front designing user flows leads to better results for both the user and business. Start With The User. 20 Great Sites to Learn the Ins and Outs of Video Game Design.

25 Best Startup Failure Post-Mortems of All Time. Warning: Illegal string offset 'keywords_time' in /home/chubbybrain/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/internal_link_building.php_/internal_link_building.php on line 103 Want more entrepreneurial goodness?

25 Best Startup Failure Post-Mortems of All Time

You should sign up for our newsletter here. Update – As a followup, we analyzed all of these startup failure post-mortems to identify the top 20 reasons for startup failure. Android - How to automate version code incrementing in AndroidManifest. Acra - Application Crash Report for Android. Juri's TechBlog: Coding an Update Functionality for your Android App. 5 min read Coding an Update Functionality for your Android App Juri wrote this on February 07, 2011 An immediate answer would be: why should I need that.

Juri's TechBlog: Coding an Update Functionality for your Android App

I publish my app on the market which has a build-in update functionality. Totally true :). Android App Versioning Android applications have two different kind of version numbers: the version code and version name. Aprendamos a medir el ROI del marketing móvil, ¡lo vamos a necesitar! Proper Care and Feeding of your MAU MAM (Monthly Active Monsters) Rating: 4.6/5 (5 votes cast) By now you have all heard others suggest that to succeed with your social game service you must first focus all of your energy on understanding, improving, and thoroughly optimizing your game’s initlal conversion and retention.

Proper Care and Feeding of your MAU MAM (Monthly Active Monsters)

This is absolutely correct, and it’s importance cannot be overstated. However, once you have done that – the work keeps coming! Stephanie Kaiser, Lead Product Manager for Monster World at wooga speaks to what happens once you have a solid, effective conversion funnel, and a large number of those lovable active “Monsters” are running about in your game world, voraciously consuming your game’s content! It’s a great problem to have, but a challenge nonetheless. Mobile Goes Social: One Company Experience. Rating: 1.0/5 (1 vote cast) Giancarlo Mori, Chief Creative Officer at Glu Mobile, is sharing his reflections and insights learned from transforming a premium mobile game development organization into a freemium social mobile game development organization.

Mobile Goes Social: One Company Experience

Delivered at Casual Connect Seattle, July 2011. Giancarlo Mori serves as Glu’s Chief Creative Officer, responsible for product ideation, strategy and production. Giancarlo has more than 20 years of experience in software development, 15 of which he spent as a senior/executive level in the video game industry. Recently, Giancarlo has provided creative and product leadership to several new gaming ventures, including Animal Logic, the award winning special effects and digital film studio. Make a Rockstar App – Get Groupies! What Is Social Mobile? Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast) The Social Mobile game is a new beast, having arrived in the market just in the last year.

What Is Social Mobile?

In this lecture from leading developer TinyCo, you will learn the basics of social-mobile gaming—both what traits it shares with traditional smartphone and Facebook games and how it is different from both. Delivered Casual Connect Seattle, July 2011. Nurturing a Robust Social Games Ecosystem. Rating: 5.0/5 (2 votes cast) A high level look at what it takes to create a healthy and thriving ecosystem for social games.

Nurturing a Robust Social Games Ecosystem

It might compare and contrast early gaming experiences on MySpace with 1G Facebook games, to the Scamville days, to today’s situation (good and bad), and then looking towards the future with a call to action for devs to help get us there. Delivered at Casual Connect Seattle, July 2011. FedEx Day: 24 horas de innovación. Game Theory - Marketing meets Social Gaming and Gamification. 10 Things I Hate About Casual Games. Rating: 4.0/5 (6 votes cast) Dave Roberts will highlight the 10 worst things about being a casual game developer and whine about why they won’t get fixed in the next 10 years. He promises to include all forms of casual games in his rant, including social and mobile as well as the traditional download space. Delivered at Casual Connect Seattle, July 2011 Dave Roberts joined PopCap Games in 2005 as the companys chairman and chief executive officer, overseeing all aspects of the companys operations and guiding PopCap through the adolescent stage to corporate maturity.

He brings more than twenty years of entrepreneurial and technology experience. Casual Games on Mobile – Prosperous or Profitless? Rating: 5.0/5 (6 votes cast) With an over 250 million Smartphones, more than 25 million tablets, the mobile opportunity is setting the stage to surpass that of all other gaming platforms with casual games as the “killer app”. However sending your games down this golden path to prosperity is more perilous than a Sunday drive down Route Irish in Iraq. With over 1 million other Smartphone and tablet Apps to compete with, continued store fragmentation and increasingly scarce featuring, launching a game into this ecosystem can bring new meaning to the phrase “And the silence was deafening”. Join Paul Thelen, Founder of Big Fish Games, as he illustrates how developers can make the mobile dream a reality with your casual content. Super Happy Modern HTML5 Browser Games. Rating: 5.0/5 (2 votes cast) HTML 5 is here. Big companies are making big bets on this collection of technologies to enable a next generation of rich game capabilities without the need for browser plugins.

Tim MEREL, Andrew CHAN, Matthew TUBERGEN. Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast) A year ago, almost every mobile developer was working on games that were sold like traditional mobile games—a single purchase for $0.99-$9.99. Over the last 12 months, the market has seen the rise of microtransaction-oriented social-mobile games. By May 2011, 7 of the top 10 grossing games on the iPhone were social mobile. In this lecture, you will learn about where social and mobile meet, including the market and investment dynamics that are getting investors, developers and customers excited about this high growth market.

Delivered Casual Connect Seattle, July 2011 Tim Merel is Managing Director of Digi-Capital (, the games investment bank focused on Europe, North America and Asia (China, Japan and South Korea). Surf & Turf: Navigating The Red Oceans and Greenfields of Social Gaming. Rating: 5.0/5 (3 votes cast) The opportunity for new entrants to succeed in social gaming is still open and flourishing despite claims suggesting otherwise. While the industry now includes highly competitive spaces, or red oceans, where early movers have proven success and claimed ownership, the overall landscape still has ample “greenfields” that are ready to be explored and conquered.

Shanti Bergel, Head of Global Business Development at Playfish, will discuss how developers can best navigate and leverage these “greenfields” and provide insight into what opportunities independent developers should consider when targeting social platforms. Shanti will also discuss how Playfish/EA pioneered the sports and board game categories. Delivered at Casual Connect Seattle, July 2011.

Prior to joining Playfish, Shanti headed business development for Three Rings, a pioneer in the free to play games-as-a-service sector. Finding the “Minimum Viable Game” and When to Kill Your Baby. Social Games for Smartphones; The Challenges and the Opportunities. Gamification For Everyone: What’s Your Strategy? Rating: 5.0/5 (2 votes cast) In this session, you’ll learn why gamification is the answer to moving the needle in four categories that are important to digital publishers: Frequency, Engagement, Virality and Revenue.

These four categories represent the BigDoor framework and our approach to gamification. The way we see it, these four categories operate like the wheels on a car—they all have to be working to make the car go. Smart Gamification: Seven Core Concepts for Creating Compelling Experiences. Gameology: Gamer Behaviors and Engagement with Game Virtual Goods and Currencies. Virtual Economics – Don’t Just Act…REACT! Challenging Social Success Conventions: Social Games Don’t Have to Suck. Alternative Distribution Channels – What’s Up With That? Challenging Social Success Conventions: Making Every Game a Success Story. Tendencias: Gamification, aplicando dinámicas de juego en Marketing. Screenfly by QuirkTools — Test Your Website at Different Screen Resolutions.

2012: Los deseos de un programador. Pair programming. Moscow – All the on-stage video. Cosas que me hubiera gustado saber antes de empezar con mi start-up en España - Como ahorrar dinero en comida. More Android Games that Play Nice. Cómo crear un blog desde cero y no rendirse después de la primera semana - Por qué vender es “sucio” y el marketing te hace perder el tiempo - Si quieres ser un profesional de marketing online, esto son los conceptos importantes en el 2012 que debes conocer - Ayuda - Ayuda a Emprender - Managing Startups: Best Posts of 2011. 2011 Kyiv Lectures. Fontys ILS Top, 01: Farmville’s Sheep Invasion. Foursquare: Today's best-executing startup. Que no falten las fuentes de financiación. Gamification Is More Than A Game For Businesses. Insync – convierte tu cuenta de Google Docs en una alternativa a DropBox.

Amy Neumann: Make 2012 A Giving Year: 10 Creative Online Social Good Resources. Mine the theme space. Dropbox Automator Is Like IFTTT For Dropbox. Startups: Give Us Your Best One-Sentence Pitch. Insync (“Dropbox For Google Users”) Gets Major Revamp, Goes Free. Usability Evaluation For Video Games: Gulfs Of Execution, Evaluation. Accelerators. Darse de alta como autónomo - Crear una empresa - Crear una empresa. 10 digital business books to download for Androids. Parallels Between Lean Startups and Lean Publishing. Secrets Of The Accidental Entrepreneur. The Top 30 Android Apps And Games Of 2011.