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It was created to give each business opportunity to level the playing field & dominate the competition by use of digital marketing tools

10 E-Commerce Website Design Best Practices to Increase Conversations. First impressions matter for any business and your Website Design is an important element to make a great first impression.

10 E-Commerce Website Design Best Practices to Increase Conversations

There have been numerous surveys that prove that website design can make or break the business. 94% of the first impressions are based on the website design. No matter how good the content is, if the user isn’t presented with a pleasing format to read and get impressed by the content, it will all go futile. That’s why good website design is essential for e-commerce businesses to convert the visitor as a lead and a lead to a customer. In this blog, let’s see about the critical best practices you need to about with regards to E-Commerce Website Design for high conversions.

We have put together some of the best practices for designing an e-commerce website based on practical experiences. 1. This is one of the most essential practices that you need to adopt. 2. There is a theory called ‘analysis paralysis’ that links with the Hick’s law. 3. 4. 5. The Basics of Digital Marketing. For any business who has an online presence (website, social media account, Google business page, etc.) it can be daunting to comprehend the myriad of available avenues to promote your business.

The Basics of Digital Marketing

But it needs to be done. Otherwise, your business will not be found and your ability to bring in new customers is diminished. Here we give you a quick overview of the most important aspects of digital marketing so that you can have a better understanding. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of your website showing up in Google searches, without paying for ads. When someone ‘googles’ a word or phrase, a list of websites appear that are most relevant to whatever was typed in. Paid Search Paid Search is the process of paying for ads that appear in search engines, like Google. Social Media Marketing. 5 Steps for a successful e-Commerce website redesign. Have you been thinking lately that your website needs a redesign?

5 Steps for a successful e-Commerce website redesign

That’s great largely because no matter how big or small your brand is, websites are becoming increasingly important to your company’s success every day. And as the cliché goes, first impressions are lasting impressions. Technology gets outdated quickly and needs to be redesigned in a timely order to keep it significant within the industry, and most importantly, with your customers. According to MarketingSherpa, 70% of marketers say they use website optimization lessons for determining offline campaigns and other marketing communications. Your website’s design plays an important role in this performance. A website redesign is a huge project; no matter what is the size of your organization, especially if you want to do it the right way.

Web Design Agency in Texas - Yellowfin Digital. Top Eight Reasons for A Website Redesign. Your website highlights the image of your business brand online.

Top Eight Reasons for A Website Redesign

At the time your website was originally designed, it was probably best suited for your current needs. But like all things digital, it is probably old and outed a few years later. Best iOS App Development Company in Texas. Digital Marketing Services Company In Texas. By now, everyone knows that having a strong digital marketing presence on the internet is essential to growing your small business.

Digital Marketing Services Company In Texas

That said, gaining that foothold isn’t the easiest of tasks. Building a website isn’t like the Field of Dreams – “If you build it, they will come”. Today, you must have an intimate understanding of how digital marketing works to help your business grow online. As a Houston, TX premier digital marketing company, YellowFin Digital can help your business be found by new potential customers and turn them into paying clients. For several years, YellowFin Digital helps small businesses transform their goals into carefully planned strategies that result in outperforming the competition thanks to the power of our digital marketing services.

Like most digital marketing firms, YellowFin Digital offers services such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Local SEO, Social Media Marketing, Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising, Reputation Management, and more. 1. 2. Best Web Design Agency in Texas - Yellowfin Digital. Web Design Company, Custom Web Design Services In Texas. Did you know that 82% of consumers in most cities research products and services online before they purchase?

Web Design Company, Custom Web Design Services In Texas

Are they able to find your local small business? In the increasing competitive digital realm, if your small business doesn’t have an expertly designed, high performing website, you are likely losing business to your competitors. The question you are probably asking is, “How do I find the right custom web design agency?” Before you sit down with an agency, you should think about your goals for your website: Are you looking for affordable web design services? If you answered yes to these questions, you should consider YellowFin Digital for your custom web design needs. In fact, when you partner with YellowFin Digital, you can focus on handling the many operational challenges of running your small business, because: We handle digital; you handle the rest. As an award-winning web design company, YellowFin Digital’s approach is a bit different than most companies.

Best Digital Marketing agency in Texas.