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Social TV: 就是要和朋友一起看電視! @ 思創生活團隊 的部落格. 快向你最愛的節目報到:Miso 什麼是Miso? 只要登入網頁、瀏覽內容和發表評論,就可以和朋友分享你正在收看的節目,無論在網路和手機上都可以使用。 電視版的miso也即將登場! Miso有哪些功能呢? Social television. Social television is the union of television and social media.

Social television

Millions of people now share their TV experience with other viewers on social media such as Twitter and Facebook using smartphones and tablets. The result is a massive and rapidly expanding real-time focus group and promotional force.[1] The social TV market covers the technologies that support communication and social interaction around TV as well as companies that study television-related social behaviour and measure social media activities tied to specific TV broadcasts[2] – many of which have attracted significant investment from established media and technology companies. Social TV:全新的电视观看方式-互联网电视-流媒体网. 作者:佚名 来源:互联网周刊 发布时间:2011/3/22 9:51:38 【流媒体网】 大约十年前,Web2.0的出现使互联网用户从被动的阅读者变为主动的内容创造者。

Social TV:全新的电视观看方式-互联网电视-流媒体网
