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Dan Cuellar, Appium Automation for iOS and Android. What is Appium | SeleneSe. Appium is an open source mobile automation tool. Appium is basically an HTTP server written in node.js technology that creates and handles webdriver sessions. Now you must be thinking why they have usednodejs platform. Well we will see this in detail in appium architecture later. This post is to give you a glimpse of appium and how you can utilize your webdriver API knowledge/skills to automate your native, hybrid and even web application on both Android and iOS. There are tools like Monkey Talk, Calabash, Robotium, Selendriod etc. but of these tools requires some extra agent needs to be complied with your application source code so that they can interact to perform desired action on application.

This was a high level view of webdriver architecture. it seems not clear enogh right? Motivation of mentioning architecture of webdriver is to give you a visibility that at what level Appium actually works. Hope this article is helpful understanding overview of Appium tool. Share it now!