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Dbv.php: Database version control, made easy! Coding Standards in NetBeans IDE with PHP CodeSniffer < Behind the Scenes. By Gavin Davies A coding standard is a useful thing to have.

Coding Standards in NetBeans IDE with PHP CodeSniffer < Behind the Scenes

It’s tricky because individual developers often have strong feelings about style, but it’s important to settle on one approach. Otherwise, your codebase looks inconsistent, scrappy and unprofessional. An egregious example is a mixture of tabs and spaces for indentation, which can cause all kinds of nasty code layout. Code should read beautifully and poetically. For the Amaxus Web CMS, the product team decided on the PEAR standard. Most of us use NetBeans: it integrates with Hudson and SVN, runs unit tests, and despite some stability issues, it generally meets our needs.

Setting up CodeSniffer The first job is to make sure you have PHP Codesniffer installed, so from a command prompt: pear install PHP_CodeSniffer Test this from the command line: SQL Buddy - Screenshots. Zend Framework placeholders - SandRock.getBlog(); Cela fait maintenant 5 mois que je travaille avec Zend Framework.

Zend Framework placeholders - SandRock.getBlog();

J'ai des idées d'articles intéressants dont voici le premier : les placeholders utilisés avec Zend_Layout et Zend_View. Pour information : Zend_View est une class permettant d'afficher une view dans un contexte MVC, elle est directement liée à une Zend_Controller_Action et permet d'afficher des données à l'utilisateur final. Zend_Layout est le système de template natif de ZF, il permet de définir un layout (application/views/scripts/layout.phtml) dans lequel la view principale sera affichée. Exemple : <? Ceci est un layout comprennant les élements XHTML de base et présente 4 block : header, nav, content, footer qui serviront à la mise en page. Top five reasons why PHP is a better choice than java and .NET for building public web sites. With title as above, I am sure to draw flames from both .NET and java camps.

So I want to be clear at the outset by stating that this article is about developing a web site for public consumption which is typically hosted by a web hosting company. This is not about developing a web application or a web site that runs inside a corporate firewall. Most of my career I have spent programming in java/J2EE and .NET environments. Like many developers, I also learned PHP, groovy and ruby along the way. CodeIgniter, le framework au service des Zéros.

20 Ways to Save Kittens and Learn PHP. 1a.

20 Ways to Save Kittens and Learn PHP

Read the Comments! It's easy to overlook the comments, but do yourself a favor and have a look through them. If you're getting an unexpected result from a function, chances are someone has spotted it and explained it in the comments. You can also pick up a plethora of great tips and ideas from the developer community by reading through comments. 2. In addition to the PHP manual, there are wonderful developer communities all over the internet. Additionally, Twitter is a surprisingly excellent place to post PHP questions. A Note About Twitter: Of course, anything that's useful will inevitably be overrun with spammers and those sorry individuals who deeply misunderstood the purpose of social media. Just remember: as you get better, please try to pay it forward. Streeme - Une plateforme de musique client et serveur en HTML5 et PHP. Streeme est une plateforme de diffusion de musique open source composée d'une partie serveur en PHP/MySQL et d'une partie client en HTML5, idéal pour écouter sa musique de n'importe où.

Streeme - Une plateforme de musique client et serveur en HTML5 et PHP

Les accrocs à la musique et nomades seront ravis, Streeme vous permet de créer votre propre serveur de diffusion à partir de vos playlists personnelles et de diffuser de manière privée sur mobile ou sur n'importe quel navigateur supportant le HTML5. Que vous soyez dans le train, chez un collègue ou au boulot, votre playlist vous suit partout !

La partie serveur, développée en PHP & MySQL, est à hébergée sur un de vos serveur local ou distant avec vos musiques. 20 less known Open Source PHP CMS-es. Anyone who needs to develop a dynamic web site has the esigence to use a Content Management System.

20 less known Open Source PHP CMS-es

Not all web designer have the ability to develop an owner CMS and, most importantly, this choice might be too expensive. If you want to start your own website and you don’t want to spend too much to use a CMS, read on this article in which are collected 20 less known Open Source CMS-es. This is an interesting comparison table with some features of each application described in the post. We have included in the table the license, the PHP version required, if the CMS supports themes and plugins, if it allows you to customize the users or the permissions and other features. Click on image above to enlarge The following list includes the CMS-es listed above with a brief abstract. Dompdf, un outil puissant pour convertir de l’HTML vers PDF en PHP.

Dompdf est un convertisseur de HTML vers PDF écrit en PHP, qui essaie de respecter au mieux les styles CSS tout en assurant des fonctionnalités utiles pour l’impression (saut de page, numéro de page, couleurs CMJN, formats de page, résolution des images, etc).

dompdf, un outil puissant pour convertir de l’HTML vers PDF en PHP

Le principe de cette bibliothèque est de télécharger et lire les feuilles de style externes, les balises, et les attributs des éléments individuels HTML pour ensuite les insérer dans le document PDF résultant. S PHP blog: Single User Zend_Service_Twitter. When running a website for yourself or your company based on Zend Framework, you might want to show the Twitter messages to your audience.

s PHP blog: Single User Zend_Service_Twitter

Although the Zend Framework manual extensively describes how to set up a true Twitter application with the new OAuth implementation of Twitter using Zend_Service_Twitter and Zend_Oauth (since ZF-1.10.0), this is not what you're looking for. You need a simple approach, using the single user OAuth implementation of Twitter. Registration at Twitter.Register your "app" to twitter at where you'll be presented a registration form for your app. Since it's not really an app, you should register your website as the app. Once registered, you need to accept the general terms for usage of the Twitter API. Once accepted, your applications registered and you can start implementing it. Fetching tweetsNow it's time to fetch those tweets and post them on your website. [edited 10/3] These configuration settings are bogus and won't work on my personal account!

Comment créer un flux Atom en PHP, et pour quelles raisons ?