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Index of /~chahi/unity/201406/SGJ14C/Assets/Plugins/CriWare/CriAtom/NativeClasses. Comparing Protobuf, JSON, BSON, XML with .NET for File streams. 游戏自由之路. CodePlex - Open Source Project Hosting. State management and ways to handle Cache in a Web Farm/Web Garden scenario. Table of Contents Introduction In this article, I am going to talk about state management but focus mainly on Web Farm and Web Garden scenarios as there are already very good articles available on the topic in CodeProject.

State management and ways to handle Cache in a Web Farm/Web Garden scenario

Also, I have already written a few articles on state management. Just for the new readers, I am adding the first few sections from my earlier article to give a brief idea about state management. In this article, I'll be discussing about Web Farms/Web Gardens and later will discuss the various approaches to handle cache in a Web Farm/Web Garden scenario. Basics about state management As we all know, the web is stateless. Various options maintain the state In this article, I will be talking about server side state management techniques.

What is AppDomain An AppDomain can be defined as a light weight process used for security isolation and availability. Role of AppDomain in ASP.NET AppDomain plays a key role in ASP.NET. ASP.NET handling the first request. 源码超市——带你进入另一重编程境界. 编程小结之代码规范——变量 - 周江霄 廊坊师范学院信息技术提高班 第十期. W3Schools Online Web Tutorials. ASP.NET Web API and Protocol Buffers. Protocol Buffers are a super efficient and very flexible way of serializing structured data.

ASP.NET Web API and Protocol Buffers

Developed at Google, provide the developers lightspeed serialization and deserialization capabilities. There a handful of .NET implementations, the most popular one, called protobuf-net, created by Marc Gravell from StackExchange. On top of that library, WebApiContrib project has a Web API Protocol Buffers formatter ready for you to plug in. More after the jump. Why? Protocol Buffers can give you a performance boost up to serveral orders of magnitude better than other serializers, such as DataContractSerializer or JSON.NET.

Another advantage, in addition to speed, is that it’s incredibly dense (provides a minimal output), making it very suitable for sending over the wire. Software Engineering. Windows Service with Self Hosted Wep Api 2 This is a simple example of a windows backend service which hosts a Web Api 2 service.

Software Engineering

The application is deployed using WiX. The application can then be used as a backend for a simple game with different UIs, for example an android App, MVC 5 web application, or an WPF UI application. The application […] Self Hosted Web Api using Owin and Unity, Nuget Package Documentation This is the documentation for the nuget package Unity.SelfHostWebApiOwin. ASP.NET MVC5 网站开发实践(二) Member区域–我的咨询列表及添加咨询 - 洞庭夕照. 上次把咨询的架构搭好了,现在分两次来完成咨询:1、用户部分,2管理部分。

ASP.NET MVC5 网站开发实践(二) Member区域–我的咨询列表及添加咨询 - 洞庭夕照

这次实现用户部分,包含两个功能,查看我的咨询和进行咨询。 【译】 MVC并不仅仅只是Linq to SQL - CareySon. 很多Asp.net的教程中的示例代码使用的数据访问方法是Linq to Sql或是Entity Framework。

【译】 MVC并不仅仅只是Linq to SQL - CareySon

我在www.asp.net的论坛上看到很多关于讨论是否有其他替代的数据库访问方式,回答是:当然有。 这篇文章就讲述了使用Ado.Net作为数据访问层来实现一个典型的增删查改程序。 由于是以练习作为目的,那我就不妨借用Spaanjaar’s 的N层构架文章(Building Layered Web Applications with Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0.)的构架方式。 C#中抽象类和接口的区别 - 残叶. 大家都容易把这两者搞混,我也一样,在听李建忠老师的设计模式时,他也老把抽象类说成接口,弄的我就更糊涂了,所以找了些网上的资料.

C#中抽象类和接口的区别 - 残叶

一、抽象类: 抽象类是特殊的类,只是不能被实例化;除此以外,具有类的其他特性;重要的是抽象类可以包括抽象方法,这是普通类所不能的。 学用MVC4做网站六:后台管理(续) - 洞庭夕照. 关于后台的说明: 后台将会用easyui + ajax模式。

学用MVC4做网站六:后台管理(续) - 洞庭夕照

这里涉及两个问题,一个是使用easyui如何在前台验证模型的问题,另一个是ajax提交后返回数据。 一、Easyui验证 前台验证采用easyui控件的ValidateBox验证,通过自定义htmlhelper的方式建立与模型的联系。 MVCモデル. ASP.NET MVC - SQL ݿ. [ASP.NET MVC 小牛之路]01 - 理解MVC模式 - Liam Wang. PS:MVC出来很久了,工作上一直没机会用。

[ASP.NET MVC 小牛之路]01 - 理解MVC模式 - Liam Wang

出于兴趣,工作之余我将展开对MVC的深入学习,通过博文来记录所学所得,并希望能得到各位园友的斧正。 WebService 的创建,部署和使用 - yexuanbaby的专栏. WebService,即Web服务,能使得运行在不同机器上的不同应用无须借助,专门的第三方软件或硬件,就可相互交换数据或集成.

WebService 的创建,部署和使用 - yexuanbaby的专栏

Xfgj-unity/AssetBundleManager.cs at master · zhoulong/xfgj-unity. Anchan828 (kyusyukeigo) Benchmarking - thrift-protobuf-compare - Comparing varius aspects of Serialization libraries on the JVM platform. The wiki moved to For discussions please use Started with few blog posts and with the help of many contributes, this project is now benchmarking much more then just protobuf and thrift.

Benchmarking - thrift-protobuf-compare - Comparing varius aspects of Serialization libraries on the JVM platform

Thanks to all who looked at the code, contributed, suggested and pointed bugs. Three major contributions are from cowtowncoder who fixed the stax code, Chris Pettitt who added the json code and David Bernard for the xstream and java externalizable. The charts below are displaying the latest results. Benchmarks can be very misleading. PlayerSettings. Unity WebView まとめ - UPSNAP. 对protobuf的深入解释 - oldworm的专栏. Protobuffer和json深度对照-javascript-程序员之家. Protobuffer和json深度对比 JSON相信大家都知道是什么东西,如果不知道,那可就真的OUT了,GOOGLE一下去。 这里就不介绍啥的了。 Protobuffer大家估计就很少听说了,但如果说到是GOOGLE搞的,相信大家都会有兴趣去试一下,毕竟GOOGLE出口,多属精品。 Protobuffer是一个类似JSON的一个传输协议,其实也不能说是协议,只是一个数据传输的东西罢了。 5 Reasons to Use Protocol Buffers Instead of JSON For Your Next Service. Service-Oriented Architecture has a well-deserved reputation amongst Ruby and Rails developers as a solid approach to easing painful growth by extracting concerns from large applications.

These new, smaller services typically still use Rails or Sinatra, and use JSON to communicate over HTTP. Though JSON has many obvious advantages as a data interchange format - it is human readable, well understood, and typically performs well - it also has its issues. Where browsers and JavaScript are not consuming the data directly – particularly in the case of internal services – it’s my opinion that structured formats, such as Google’s Protocol Buffers, are a better choice than JSON for encoding data. ProtoBuf开发者指南 - wangpei421的专栏. Unity3D教程手册. 【Unity】技巧集合 - stalendp的专栏. 转发,请保持地址: 这篇文章将收集unity的相关技巧,会不断地更新内容。 1)保存运行中的状态 unity在运行状态时是不能够保存的。 Onepf/OpenIAB. 刺激的で魅力的!スマホで増える、演出へのムービー活用. Zhoulong/xfgj-unity. Scripting API: WWW.texture. The data must be an image in JPG or PNG format. If the data is not a valid image, the generated texture will be a small image of a question mark. It is recommended to use power-of-two size for each dimension of the image; arbitrary sizes will also work but can load slightly slower and take up a bit more memory.

Each invocation of texture property allocates a new Texture2D. If you continously download textures you must use LoadImageIntoTexture or Destroy the previously created texture. For PNG files, gamma correction is applied to the texture if PNG file contains gamma information. Unity_opti_drawcall - FreeStyleWiki. 描画の最適化の目安として「Draw Call」があります。 Practical Guide to Optimization for Mobiles. This guide is for developers new to mobile game development, who are probably feeling overwhelmed, and are either planning and prototyping a new mobile game or porting an existing project to run smoothly on a mobile device. It should also be useful as a reference for anyone making mobile games or browser games which target old PCs and netbooks.

Optimization is a broad topic, and how you do it depends a lot on your game, so this guide is best read as an introduction or reference rather than a step-by-step guide that guarantees a smooth product. All mobile devices are not created equal The information here assumes hardware around the level of the Apple A4 chipset, which is used on the original iPad, the iPhone 3GS, and the 3rd generation iPod Touch.

On the Android side, that would mean an Android phone such as the Nexus One, or most phones that run Android 2.3 Gingerbread. There are much slower, and much faster phones out there as well. Unite 2012. And that’s a wrap. Thank you to all of the Unity developers, enthusiasts and lovers, those of you that attended Unite 2012, and those of you that wanted to be there, but couldn’t. Hands on hearts, we would not be here today without you. [Unity3D学习]NGUI UIScrollView UIGrid性能优化.

Using UnityEngine; /// <summary> /// 自定义ScrollView 和 UIScrollView 基本相同 /// </summary> public class CustomScrollView : MonoBehaviour public enum Movement. 20120524 android akb_unity_lt. NGUI研究院之为什么打开界面太慢(十三) NGUI打开界面太慢了,起初一直以为是unity的问题,最近经过我的全面测试我发现这和unity没有关系。 一般一个比较复杂的界面大概需要150个GameObject 或者 UISprite 。 我用NGUI直接载入发现竟然需要250多毫秒,仅仅只是两张小图。 同样的GameObject 我用unity2d的Sprite载入只需要70多毫米,可见Unity2d的效率要比NGUI高多少。。

我可能说的不完全对,因为U3D是闭源的,我只能猜测。 在普及一下基础知识。 It's Raining Zombies Development Blog. Getting Started with NGUI for Unity « Unity Cookie. Welcome to the NGUI Mini-Series with Unity. NGUI is a fantastic GUI toolkit for Unity 3D, allowing fast and simple GUI creation and powerful functionality, with practically zero code required. NGUI was used on our recent Unity Game Eat Sheep, so it is ingrained into our production pipeline. NGUI Tutorial: Step 5 » Tasharen Entertainment. Much like in the previous tutorials, select the Panel game object and choose a Label template in the Widget Wizard.After clicking the “Add To” button your label should get added to the scene and get selected.

If the “Add To” button is greyed out, it means you haven’t selected a Font to use. Drag & drop the “SciFi Font – Normal” from the Project view onto the Font field.In the Inspector window, type something in the Text field of your newly added UILabel, for example: “Hello World!”. Unite 2013. Is Instantiate bad for performance? Unity says it's fast, forums say it's slow... PoolManager4 Docs. PoolManager by Path-o-logical Games. NGUIの使い方に関する記事まとめ - Over&Out その後.

NGUI 3.0.7 Tutorial. Unity Manual. Unity Manual. Unity - Unity Manual. Unite 2013 - Static Sky: High end shading and lighting. Unite 2013 - Nurturing Large Projects: How We Structured Hardware: Shipbreakers. Manual: Optimizing Graphics Performance. Unity Optimization Tips « UnityCoder – Unity3D. Unity開発に関する50のTips 〜ベストプラクティス〜(翻訳) 【速いぜ!】スマホ向けUnity高速化Tips|最高のゲームを、最高の仲間と作って、最高のお客様に遊んでほしいと思う人の相棒のブログ.

Yaminabe:うにばな 講座みたいなもの番外編(高速化(最適化)について2 自分用のメモ) - livedoor Blog(ブログ) ShadowGun: Optimizing for Mobile Sample Level. Reducing Memory Usage in Unity, C# and .NET/Mono. Practical Guide to Optimization for Mobiles - Rendering Optimizations. Post Position 【Unity】 FPSとメモリ使用量を表示するスクリプト. Reducing File Size. Garbage Collection, Allocations, and Third Party Assets in the Asset Store. Animation in 2D Unity Games: In-Depth Starter Guide - Vorpal Games.

John Warner's Blog - The top 5 things I've learned as a Unity developer. Amir H Fassihi's Blog - 0 60 fps in 14 days! What we learned trying to optimize our game using Unity3D.