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Yahshua, Yehoshua, Y'shua, Yeshua, Iesous, Iesus, or Jesus The Sacred Name or True Name. Click for Printer Friendly Version Yahshua, Yehoshua, Y'shua, Yeshua, Iesous, Iesus Or Jesus.

Yahshua, Yehoshua, Y'shua, Yeshua, Iesous, Iesus, or Jesus The Sacred Name or True Name

YHWH  The personal Name of the Creator. Yeshua, the real name of Jesus. NO "iesous or jesus" in OLDEST COMPLETE GREEK NEW TESTAMENT!!! His Name Is Yahweh (Part 1/10) (HQ) YHWHYahuahTransliteration study on the Name of the MessiahSabbathMessianicNatsarimIsraelYahushuaLewWhiteFossilizedCustomsTorahNazareneIsraelPaganChristianityKipa. The Transliteration of the Name What Is the Hebrew Name for JESUS?

YHWHYahuahTransliteration study on the Name of the MessiahSabbathMessianicNatsarimIsraelYahushuaLewWhiteFossilizedCustomsTorahNazareneIsraelPaganChristianityKipa

It is definitely not "JESUS". For those who want to get to the answer, we'll be skipping the Greek and Latin to find out. A Very Hairy Situation Going backward through languages, "JESUS" becomes "ESAU" in Hebrew! Try to follow the logic here; we're going to use the same logical flow, only in reverse: Whenever we see discussions on the difference between "Yahusha" and "Jesus", it's important to realize it is somewhat like comparing apples with oranges.

One is Hebrew, the other Greek. Many miss that the question is referring to "it", a singular identity for what people mistake to be 2 beings. Our Husband's Name is not Greek, it's Hebrew Also, the one incidence at NekemYah 8:17 is acceptable as an abbreviated form. In 216 of these, the spelling is: yod-hay-uau-shin-ayin: YAHUSHA #1954: HAY-UAU-SHIN-AYIN (HUSHA), rendered in the KJV as “HOSHEA” (Dt. 32:44), and “OSHEA” (Num 13:16). YOD-HAY-UAU-SHIN-UAU-AYIN, or “YAHUSHUA”. Is a name important? Sacred Name of God YHVH YHWH Tetragrammaton Yahveh Yahweh Yeshuah Yashuah Yahushuah. A "Bible Revelations" Presentation - Created 1998, updated November 9, 2013 Why were the Sacred Names removed from the Scriptures?

Sacred Name of God YHVH YHWH Tetragrammaton Yahveh Yahweh Yeshuah Yashuah Yahushuah

- 7000 times in the Old Testament and 1000 times in the New Testament? The Restoration thereof is flooding the world - You can share in it also! Copyright note Click here to read copyright note. Bible Translation Version - Click here for information of Version used here Introduction The use of the Sacred Name by Commentators, preachers and in special Sacred Name Bible publications, have been rapidly increasing over the last few decades. According to Jewish Orthodox tradition, the Sacred Name is not to be uttered and accordingly, the form "G-d " is used in writing or printing. With due respect to our Jewish readers and to the Almighty, we teach and print the Sacred Name for the following reasons, which we feel do override all other considerations: YAH or YAHU. God is Not God's Name. The Sacred Name & Character of the Father & the Son. © Copyright Double Portion Inheritance, March 2010 There is a common argument that I hear lately that says that we do not need to pronounce the actual and literal name of our Heavenly Father or the Messiah’s name.

The Sacred Name & Character of the Father & the Son

These same people say that we only need to know of his character and that is what we are declaring when we call upon our Creator in the form of erroneous translations such as Jehovah & Jesus Christ, or generic titles such as Lord & God. These same people say that when our Messiah declared in John 5:43 that he had “come in his Father’s name,” that he did not mean his Father’s actual and literal name but only his authority. However, there are several flaws with this line of thinking.

This line of reasoning is easily refuted when we look up the Hebrew word for “name” which is “shem.” The Blue Letter Bible defines the word “shem” as follows: “Reputation, fame, glory, name, the Name (as designation of God), memorial, monument.” What is a monument? PaRrDeS: Hey = ah sound Hey = ah sound. Sacred Name of God YHVH YHWH Tetragrammaton Yahveh Yahweh Yeshuah Yashuah Yahushuah. Tetragrammaton Found in Ancient Septuagint Manuscripts. Notice that the Tetragrammaton is written in the ancient Hebrew (Paleo-Hebrew) script.

Tetragrammaton Found in Ancient Septuagint Manuscripts

Here is another example of an ancient fragment of the Septuagint dating to the First Century CE (AD). This fragment contains parts Job 42: The Divine Name in Norway. Tetragrammaton - encyclopedia article about Tetragrammaton. See also: Tetragrammaton and God in Abrahamic religions Yahweh (/ˈjɑːweɪ/ or /ˈjɑːhweɪ/; Hebrew: יהוה‎), was the national god of the Iron Age kingdoms of Israel and Judah.

Tetragrammaton - encyclopedia article about Tetragrammaton.

The name probably originated as an epithet of the god El, head of the Bronze Age Canaanite pantheon ("El who is present, who makes himself manifest"), and appears to have been unique to Israel and Judah, although a god Yahweh may have been worshiped south of the Dead Sea at least three centuries before the emergence of Israel (the Kenite hypothesis). In the oldest biblical literature (12th–11th centuries BCE) Yahweh is a typical ancient Near Eastern "divine warrior" who leads the heavenly army against Israel's enemies; he and Israel are bound by a covenant (a feature unique in ancient Near Eastern religion) under which Yahweh will protect Israel, and Israel in turn will not worship other gods. By early post-biblical times the name of Yahweh had ceased to be pronounced. The NAME ~ Yahuwah is His Name and Yahushua is His Son!

YaHuWaH or Yehovah?

The NAME ~ Yahuwah is His Name and Yahushua is His Son!

Which one is correct? First learn what is below, then go there... By Robert G. After thorough study of Scripture, as well as review of teachings by other Messianic Believers, I believe His Spirit has led me to believe unequivocally that our Creator intended and desires for us, his children, to know and properly use his Holy Name, which is YHWH.