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Babylon.js: a complete JavaScript framework for building 3D games with HTML5 and WebGL. I am a real fan of 3D development.

Babylon.js: a complete JavaScript framework for building 3D games with HTML5 and WebGL

Since I was 16, I spent all my spare time creating 3d engines with various technologies (DirectX, OpenGL, Silverlight 5,pure software, etc.). My happiness was complete when I discovered that Internet Explorer 11 has native support for WebGL. So I decided to write once again a new 3D engine but this time using WebGL and my beloved JavaScript. If you are a 3D beginner, I suggest you to read this excellent series of blogs written by my friendDavid Rousset: Thus babylon.js was born and you can find some samples right here: All the scenes were created by one of the most talented 3D artist I know:Michel Rousseauwho by the magic of the life is also my colleague at Microsoft and has a really cool blog for designers: The engine is currently at early stage but I plan to add a lot of cool new features quickly.

The current version supports the following features (I always loved this kind of very long and very technical list): 01. <! 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. html, body { 14. 18.


Game Development. The Making of Mach Block. ← Mach Block Is Available in the App Store Table of Contents Introduction Getting a finished game into the App Store took at least four times as long as I originally anticipated.

The Making of Mach Block

When I first planned to write iPhone apps, I felt a twinge of regret that if only I had started right when the App Store launched (or even in the beta program that started a few months prior to launch) in 2008, I could have easily released an app and made a fortune on the early sales rush. As my first game, Mach Block, approached completion, any and all such regret evaporated, as I saw just how much work and polish must have gone into the early winners in the App Store—many of these created by experienced game developers.

Breakdown of lines of code by functionality: Roughly 30% of the "core gameplay and engine" code was rewritten or added after the first complete iteration, to resolve usability and playability issues discovered only during playtesting. Breakdown of major tasks by human time spent: Graphics on iOS. DeWiTTERS Game Loop – Koonsolo Games. The game loop is the heartbeat of every game, no game can run without it.

deWiTTERS Game Loop – Koonsolo Games

But unfortunately for every new game programmer, there aren’t any good articles on the internet who provide the proper information on this topic. But fear not, because you have just stumbled upon the one and only article that gives the game loop the attention it deserves. Thanks to my job as a game programmer, I come into contact with a lot of code for small mobile games. And it always amazes me how many game loop implementations are out there. You might wonder yourself how a simple thing like that can be written in different ways. (Thanks to Kao Cardoso Félix this article is also available in Brazilian Portuguese, and thanks to Damian/MORT in Polish) The Game Loop Every game consists of a sequence of getting user input, updating the game state, handling AI, playing music and sound effects, and displaying the game. Bool game_is_running = true; while( game_is_running ) { update_game(); display_game(); }