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Teaching Cinema in English

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A Cinema History: A brief history of sound film (1895-1930) Time-traveling Through TV – Uncovering History in Series. Film Terms Glossary - Dictionary. Film Terms Glossary: Oftentimes, film-making terms are not clearly defined for the average person. In order to be knowledgeable about the movie-making art form and the techniques of cinema, one must understand the fundamental vocabulary and language of film studies. Therefore, some of the most basic and common terms are defined in this compendium for reference.

Simple definitions are provided for often complex terms as a baseline for media literacy. Illustrations and examples from films are provided with many of the terms, to help describe them more fully. Tips for Critically Viewing Films is also provided by this site. This is not a complete collection of all film-making terms, because so many of them are too obscure or technical to be included. The multiple areas of film-making included within this fairly comprehensive glossary are: Tips on Film Viewing. Choose an Appropriate Film to View: Usually, watch a film that is worth your while. If you are in a film studies class, you will probably be studying some of the classics of cinema, rather than watching the latest popcorn film, action film or blockbuster. This exhaustive list of various steps is not intended for fluffy, entertaining films that are to be watched for pure enjoyment's sake. However, make sure to choose a film from any of the wide selection of genre films available so that you can experience the entire spectrum of different types of films.

Know The Basics: Note the following basic facts (see some of these factors further below): film's title (and alternate titles or production titles, if any) year of release main stars/performers director studio rating running time genre classification brief summary tagline(s) awards Identify Studio: Know the studio responsible for the film. Why was the film made? Note Film's Rating: Was there any controversy surrounding the film's rating? The words of the cinema / Les mots du cinéma - Christian Lassure. Christian Lassure abr. = abréviation (abbreviation) - anglic. = anglicisme (anglicism) - anton. = antonyme (antonym) - amér. = américain (American English) - brit. = britannique (British English) - ex. = exemple (for example) - fam. = familier (informal) - f = féminin (feminine) - intr. = intransitif (intransitive) - litt. = littéralement (literally) - loc. = locution (phrase) - masc. = masculin (masculine) - - n = nom (noun) - nv = nom verbal (verbal noun) - n pr. = nom propre (proper name) - péj. = péjoratif (pejorative) - pl. = pluriel (plural) - prép. adj. = préposition adjectivée (adjectival preposition) - syn. = synonyme (synonym) - qch = quelque chose (something) - qn = quelqu'un (someone) - tr. = transitif (transitive) - v = verbe (verb) - var. = variante (variant) .

BAFTA (n pr) (initiales de the British Academy of Film and Television Arts l'Académie britannique des arts cinématographiques et télévisuels . cinema (n) 1/ (le) cinéma (l'art) ; 2/ (brit.) . motion picture (amér.) . Cinema B1 - Kahoot! By La Digitale.