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Un annuaire de plus de 100 logiciels libres. Incredibly Resourceful Tools for Designers and Developers to Take Notice of. Innovation is the hallmark of designers and so is the expertise at the latest tools and techniques that keep making their way to the market with an amazing consistency.

Incredibly Resourceful Tools for Designers and Developers to Take Notice of

The creative juices need an instrument to leap into the sky and turn into a piece of work with bonafide immensity. Now, as a designer, or a developer you might as well been using an ensemble of tools already to give your designs a velvet touch. But technology keeps tossing at us new-fangled tools by the hour that need to be explored for their efficacy. So, here are some more diversified resources that you may or may not have worked with just as yet.

You may be interested in the following modern related articles as well. Liberio If you have been contemplating creating ebooks from quite a while but are scrambling for ways to do so, then Liberio is just the thing you need. CSS Vocabulary For novices in the field of design and development, the CSS rules are still a mystery – at least some of the rules are. CSS Shrink Enpass. Conseils à un libriste pour faire passer au libre. Ce billet est un retour d'expérience. Je vais vous donner les quelques bons ou respectables conseils qui devraient vous aider à développer l'utilisation du libre dans votre entourage. 1 - Ne pas forcer le passage Il ne sert à rien de se lever un jour en disant qu'untel va avoir le droit à son passage au libre. Il s'en fout, n'a pas connaissance des courants privateur et libre des logiciels.

L'utilisateur d'un ordinateur veut que ça marche et n'aime pas le changement. 2 - Attendez que l'ordinateur se dégrade avant d'agir. Sinon, l'adoption se fera dans la contrainte. 3 - Commencer simplement, par des logiciels courants Firefox, Thunderbird et VLC sont les meilleurs moyens au monde pour faire glisser quelqu'un vers les logiciels libres. 4 - Ne parlez pas de logiciel libre tout de suite Non ! The Role of Open Educational Resources (OER) in Making Education Available to All.

The following is a guest post by Juliana Meehan - Teacher of English at Tenafly Middle School and candidate for New Jersey principal’s certification through NJ EXCEL, currently interning with Principal Eric Sheninger at New Milford High School.

The Role of Open Educational Resources (OER) in Making Education Available to All

She is also co-creator of IOCS project . I recently had the honor of traveling to the MIT campus in Boston and participating in a panel discussion on Open Education Resources (OER) at The Sixth Conference of MIT's Learning International Networks Consortium (LINC) with three illustrious advocates of these open resources: Nicole Allen, Philipp Schmidt, and panel moderator Steve Carson. My take-away message to the audience: Visit the IOCS website . Use our model to bring OCW to your students; collaborate with us to refine it; adapt the materials to meet the needs of your students. PIRG Panelist Nicole Allen discussed her work as Public Interest Research Group (PIRG)’s Textbook Advocate.